Volume 30, Issue 7 (10-2023)                   RJMS 2023, 30(7): 1-12 | Back to browse issues page

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Ethics code: IR.IAU.SARI.REC.1400.093
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Fallah M, Khatir Pasha K, Yousefi Saeed Abadi R. The Effect of Professors' Professional Abilities on Students' Self-Efficacy and Competence with the Mediating Role of Citizenship Education in Mazandaran University. RJMS 2023; 30 (7) :1-12
URL: http://rjms.iums.ac.ir/article-1-8182-en.html
Assistant Professor, Department of Educational Management, Sari Branch, Islamic Azad University, Sari, Iran , Kiu.pasha@gmail.com
Abstract:   (370 Views)
Background & Aims: Life in today's world is full of change and this continuous social and technological transformation affects various aspects of human life; in such a way, challenging situations put a lot of pressure on people's abilities to control the situation. Every higher education institution needs capable faculty members with high professional ability to advance their goals. Efforts can be made to help faculty members achieve professional performance through their development programs and plans. Necessarily professional. Professional ability means a person's ability to perform specific tasks in a certain situation. In other words, professional ability means that a person has sufficient knowledge and information, a positive attitude, a strong personality, intellectual and practical skills, and does not lack social skills. The members of the scientific board can put the conditions and situation of other factors under the influence of their professional and technical-specialist ability; Professional skills and knowledge help the members of the scientific faculty to be able to convey the message that originates from their technical-specialized knowledge and skills to the audience. At present, one of the biggest challenges of universities in the world is the development and quality growth of academic faculty members. Acquiring professional competencies and updating them requires continuous professional development in three fields technical knowledge, specialized skills, and individual characteristics such as participation in group work, problem-solving, and development of general management skills. Professional development is a fruitful time when necessary opportunities are provided to improve and upgrade the skills and knowledge related to work for human resources. Identifying the abilities of the members of the scientific faculty in order to help their professional growth, determines the level of their abilities and provides the possibility of planning for their promotion. Before taking any action to help the professional growth of academic staff members, it is important to know and be aware of the background on which university leaders should prepare plans to help the professional growth of their members. An effective and efficient educational system is a system that fits the real goals and needs of society and has the ability to prepare the young generation and develop skills, including citizenship skills, to achieve the desired goals. Citizenship skills are one of the most important requirements in today's complex society. Citizenship competence refers to knowing how to interact in a democratic society. The citizenship competency program seeks to develop cognitive, communicative, and emotional competencies along with acquiring knowledge about the government and society. It should be more related to norms and mechanisms for living together. For this purpose, civic education should be provided based on activities and not only based on the expression of ideas. Among the issues affecting the professional growth of faculty members, due to the reasons for the selection and career behaviors of faculty members, the extent of their involvement, and desire for each of the three job duties of this profession (teaching, research, and providing scientific advisory services). And the challenges affecting the profession of academic staff can be mentioned. Some experts place the main task of professional growth on the universities and higher education institutions, in which case, the university is obliged to help the faculty members become professionals by developing and implementing development programs. And in this way indirectly increase the quality of their educational, research, and management services. Therefore, the main goal of this research is the effect of professors' professional ability on students' self-efficacy and citizenship competence with the mediating role of citizenship education in Mazandaran University in order to present a model. The results of this research can be used by all academic centers, scientific institutes, knowledge-based organizations, employees of educational centers, researchers, and students.
Methods: This research is applied in terms of its purpose. The combined research method and research design is also a type of exploratory mixed research design (qualitative-quantitative). The statistical population of the research in the qualitative part includes (academic and visiting professors and department managers of Mazandaran University) for consensus in the Delphi method. The statistical population in the quantitative part includes academic staff members, visiting professors and teaching staff, and administrative staff of Mazandaran University in 2022 in the number of 1487 people, who were selected by the available sampling method. Sample Size and Sampling Method in the Qualitative Section According to the research method used in this research in the qualitative phase, the number of specific samples was not determined at the beginning and the sampling continued until then. Theoretical saturation was obtained from 20 interviews. In the quantitative part of the sample size, 153 negatives were determined using Cochran's formula. The measurement tool in the qualitative part was a semi-structured interview and in the quantitative part it included a researcher-made questionnaire. In order to analyze the data, the structural equation modeling method was used.
Results: The findings showed that the elements and components and sub-components of professors' professional capabilities with the mediating role of citizenship education showed a t value of 29.13; Professional abilities of professors have a positive and significant effect on self-efficacy with the mediating role of citizenship education. Also, the value of t, 11.12, stated that the professional abilities of professors have a positive and significant effect on citizenship competence with the mediating role of citizenship education, and the goodness of fit index of the model was confirmed.
Conclusion: In general, it can be acknowledged that the professional abilities of professors play a significant role in the self-efficacy and competence of students with the mediating role of citizenship education at Mazandaran University. Citizenship education as education of knowledge, skills, and attitudes of citizenship for successful participation in social life is one of the common goals and functions between family and university. The foundation of this type of education is formed from childhood and in the family environment, and it can get more depth and richness when a person enters school and finally university. In fact, citizenship education is an interactive process and in addition to teaching citizenship knowledge, it also requires learning the skills and attitudes of citizenship, therefore, educational environments, especially universities, can provide contexts and opportunities for interactions. real and providing the necessary feedback to stabilize, modify, change, eliminate, and even create appropriate behaviors and as a result provide students with skills and attitudes of citizenship. Considering that if the programs designed by the university in this regard are coordinated and aligned with the education from the family environment, it will form a deeper and more fruitful learning in the students, so it is necessary in this regard between the family and universities, mutual communication should be formed.
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Type of Study: Research | Subject: Clinical Psychiatry

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