Volume 27, Issue 2 (4-2020)                   RJMS 2020, 27(2): 114-119 | Back to browse issues page

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Sadeghi Bermaei R, Khorrami M, Mirian Akandi S A. Linking the Structure with the Content in Order to Promote the Islamic Lifestyle in Sur Azaem. RJMS 2020; 27 (2) :114-119
URL: http://rjms.iums.ac.ir/article-1-8180-en.html
Assistent Professor, Department of Theology and Islamic Studies, Ghaemshahr Branch, Islamic Azad University, Ghaemshahr, Iran , m.kh49@yahoo.com
Abstract:   (517 Views)
Background & Aims: Religion and lifestyle are among the concepts of ease and abstinence. Despite the many definitions and the efforts that have been made to converge them, there is still no consensus about its concept, but reaching a clear and clear concept is necessary to enter into the discussions related to it. But anyway, lifestyle. It is an interwoven set of individual and social behavior patterns arising from a distinct meaning system that creates a culture in human society, and regarding religion, it is also a fetus by reviewing various definitions regarding religion, according to the point of view of those who consider religion as a cultural phenomenon. They know that religion is something independent of a religious person and it is a set of teachings that a religious person learns and practices and benefits from its results. Since none of the human societies can be considered free of culture, it can be said that all human societies, since the beginning of history, have had their own lifestyles and have had behavioral patterns appropriate to their technical indicators. As a result, we can say that when we talk about the Islamic lifestyle, the origin of it is undoubtedly the related culture, that is, the Islamic culture, and it is clear to all that the main and fundamental source of Islamic culture is the Book of Allah and the Great Qur'an. Therefore, if we are on the path of explaining the Islamic lifestyle and its indicators, the main source and main source in this field is the Holy Quran. One of the aspects of the miracle of the Holy Quran is the literary and expressive miracle of this heavenly book. In order to show new manifestations of the miracle of the Quran, we will need new theories of literary criticism, which are more systematic than traditional rhetoric. One of the most important of these new theories is the unity of structure and content or the mutual relationship between the two in all types of text. According to linguists, the structure and content of the text are inseparable, and how it is said plays a significant role in meaning-making. The interlinking of structure and content is one of the primary principles both in modern Western stylistics and in traditional Islamic rhetoric, especially in the theory of order by Abdul Qahir Jurjani. According to this principle, the structure and content of the text are not two separate elements but two aspects of a single phenomenon, which is the "text". Since, from the linguistic point of view, no two structures have the same meaning and effect, the smallest change in the structure of the text will cause a change in its content. The present article, through stylistics with different phonetic and rhetorical levels and with a descriptive-analytical method, explains the degree of coherence and coordination of the structure of the verses and examines their relationship in order to promote the Islamic lifestyle in Sur al-Azaem.
Methods: In the initial observations and based on the main principles in the religion of Islam and religious teachings, the assumption of this research is that the Qur'an and its teachings have many uses in Islamic life and health, and this assumption is based on the method It was analyzed descriptively and analytically.
Results: Among the most important findings of the present article, we can mention the types of spaces, punctuation, punctuation at the phonetic level, preposition and delay, questioning and interjection, irony, brevity, and shortness at the rhetorical level.
Conclusion: In general, it can be concluded that the fit between the words and meanings in this surah indicates that the style that governs it is in harmony with the general spirit of the Qur'an, which is a call to deliberation and guidance, and is ultimately a sign of a miracle. The expression of this surah is aimed at promoting Sikh Islamic life of people. If we accept that both written and apparent verses and similar verses can be understood by applying the teachings of different sciences, based on this basis and this important principle that the Qur'an is the main and comprehensive source of human guidance in all fields of education and perfection, we can He used the findings of human knowledge to meet his guidance needs in every field. Now, considering this meaning, it becomes clear to us that the Qur'an is in all areas of human life, including in all that is mentioned as the Islamic lifestyle. He has provided the necessary teachings to man. The domain of insights (beliefs in a general sense), tendencies (desires and pulls, feelings and emotions), actions (behavior and action), of course, what is of particular importance is that if the process of deriving and understanding religious teachings from the Qur'an comprehensively and in A systematic system, which today is interpreted as jurisprudential  the Ijtihad, should be taken into consideration, we can by activating the factors of Ijtihad and inference; It is possible to consider the issues in the lifestyle from its most superficial layers such as (hair and clothes) to expressions and gestures of the face and body - compliments - ways of conversation, etc.) to its deepest layers such as (behavioral patterns - morals and beliefs and The foundations of thought were linked, because the structure of the  Ijtihad system, by involving and welcoming elements such as custom-expediency-sira, which means the continuous habit of the people, has opened the way for the extraction and exploration of the viewpoint of religion.

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Type of Study: Research | Subject: Clinical Psychiatry

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