Volume 30, Issue 7 (10-2023)                   RJMS 2023, 30(7): 1-9 | Back to browse issues page

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Ethics code: IR.IAU.SARI.REC.1402.107
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Tirgari K, Haghighatian M, Chitsaz M. Sociological and Psychological Analysis of the Effectiveness of Social Networks on the Lifestyle of Young People with Regard to the Mediating Role of Values. RJMS 2023; 30 (7) :1-9
URL: http://rjms.iums.ac.ir/article-1-8170-en.html
Associate Professor, Department of Sociology, Dehaghan branch, Islamic Azad University, Dehaghan, Iran , mansour_haghighatian@yahoo.com
Abstract:   (524 Views)
Background & Aims: The results of the studies show that although lifestyle is a set of institutionalized behaviors and speeches in individual and social spheres, it is not separated from ideological substructures. Therefore, the Iranian lifestyle is largely derived from the most important ideology of the people, which is the religion of Islam. In other words, the lifestyle is Iranian because it is influenced by the living environment and culture of Iran, and it is Islamic because it is influenced by religion and religious values and beliefs. Therefore, the most important type of lifestyle in Iran is the Iranian Islamic lifestyle. Islam is a source of teachings related to different aspects of lifestyle, and there are many verses and traditions in this field because Islam is a school of life and a way of life that is in accordance with the natural desire of human beings and for all the details of individual and social life based on the foundation Man's nature and existence has instructions. According to Kuhi, the Islamic lifestyle refers to all the principles and issues that shape the context and essence of the life of the Muslim community and human beings, which is inspired by the values of the Islamic religion and the customs of the Islamic society. According to what was mentioned in the previous lines, the Iranian Islamic lifestyle is the most important distinguishing feature of Iranians from others, and this is while the Western lifestyle is especially under the influence of the growing trend of globalization and the spread of global media day by day in our country. It has expanded and changed the lifestyle of Iranians. The change in the lifestyle of Iranians can be identified through the change in its components in the life of Iranians, such as the consumption of cultural goods, the change in the way of spending leisure time and body management, and the pattern of food consumption. For example, the studies conducted show the increasing trend of fast food, the increase in the way people dress and make up, especially the youth in Iran, and it seems that there is a kind of conflict between the Western lifestyle and culture and the Islamic way of life, and every One of them follows a certain path. This is despite the fact that every society has special social, cultural, political, and historical conditions. It is necessary to have its own lifestyle, and therefore prescribing a single version of lifestyle for different countries - i.e. what the Western countries want - is not correct, but it is necessary that the people of each society, based on their assets, have their own life. Since Iranian society has been benefiting from the Islamic lifestyle for many centuries and at the same time has dissolved its original components such as the Iranian culture, therefore it is necessary for the Iranian Islamic lifestyle to Be title a style that is born of Iranian society and has been rooted in it for many years is to be introduced as a model of people's lifestyle. As was mentioned in the previous lines, our society has problems in the field of lifestyle, however, this issue is more noticeable in the field of young people's lives. Young people are the most affected by the media, and due to the excitement of youth and being influenced by friendly groups, they are more influenced by the current of western lifestyle than other groups, and this issue in the lives of those who should be the bearers of the Islamic Iranian lifestyle in the future. This aspect of dealing with the issue of the Islamic Iranian lifestyle among young people in Behshahr and especially the sociological analysis of the factors affecting it has been the focus of the researcher of this research. Preliminary studies indicated that one of the effective factors in the Islamic Iranian lifestyle of people is the values governing their lives. The effect of values on lifestyle is to such an extent that some believe that lifestyle is the product and result of people's beliefs and values so that the way a person looks at the world and the values accepted by him have an effect on how people choose their lifestyle. Therefore, the aim of this research was to analyze the sociological and psychological effectiveness of social networks on the lifestyle of young people with regard to the mediating role of values.
Methods: This research has been conducted in the form of quantitative proof and productivity paradigm. The current research method is based on documentary and survey methods. In this study, the lifestyle indicators were based on the principles of native Iranian Islamic culture, and the values were classified into four dimensions: religious, social, political, and economic values, finally, based on the selected indicators, items were designed and put in the form of a questionnaire. The statistical population of the research included all the young citizens (or young people) of Behshahr city in Mazandaran province, according to the latest census conducted in the country by the Iranian Statistical Organization, the number of young people aged 18 to 30 in Behshahr city was about 48 thousand and the sample size using Spss Sample Power was obtained equal to 250 people. The sampling method in this research was quota proportional to the volume. In this study, SPSS 21 and AMOS 18 software were used for data analysis.
Results: The results of the findings show that the average of political, social, economic, and religious values was higher than the average and the above statistics were as follows from the highest to the lowest average: 1. Religious values 2. Political values 3. Social values 4. Economic values. Also, the average indicators of Iranian Islamic lifestyle components, in order from the highest to the lowest, were as follows: 1. Spending leisure time 2. Consumption 3. Body management 4. Family 5. Relationships. The influence of youth values on the Iranian Islamic lifestyle of people has had a significant impact of 45%, political values of 35%, and economic values of 24%.
Conclusion: In general, it can be acknowledged that social networks are effective in the lifestyle of young people due to the mediating role of values. The Islamic Iranian lifestyle is the most important distinguishing feature of Iranians from others, and this is the fact that the Western lifestyle, especially under the influence of the growing process of globalization and the spread of global media, has expanded day by day in our country, and the lifestyle of Iranians, especially the youth. It has changed. What most of all caused the formation of this issue was the mental concern of the researcher in the field of one of the serious issues of the youth, especially in the field of lifestyle. The change in lifestyle components such as the consumption of cultural goods change in the way of spending leisure time, body management, and food consumption patterns, for example, the increasing trend of fast food and the change in the way people dress and make up in Iran, especially the youth, indicate the change in the lifestyle of Iranians in general and Especially the youth, and the lifestyle of the youth is becoming more and more similar to the western lifestyle day by day. On the other hand, it seems that there is a kind of opposition and conflict between the Western lifestyle and culture and the Islamic way of life, and each of them follows a specific path. This is despite the fact that every society has special social, cultural, political, and historical conditions. It is necessary to have its own lifestyle, and therefore prescribing a single version of lifestyle for different countries - i.e. what Western countries want - is not correct, but it is necessary for the people of each society based on their cultural and religious values. Since Iranian society has been benefiting from the culture of Islam for many centuries and at the same time has dissolved its original components such as Iranian culture, therefore it is necessary to change the Iranian Islamic lifestyle to The title of a style that is born of the Iranian society and has been rooted in it for many years can be accepted as a model of the people's lifestyle, and any other lifestyle, including the western lifestyle, and its acceptance by the people, especially the youth, due to its inconsistency with Iranian Islamic culture, can be cause tensions and cultural conflicts in Iranian society.
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Type of Study: Research | Subject: Clinical Psychiatry

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