Research code: IR.IAU.TABRIZ.REC.1399.075
Ethics code: IR.IAU.TABRIZ.REC.1399.075
Clinical trials code: IR.IAU.TABRIZ.REC.1399.075

XML Persian Abstract Print

PhD Student in General Psychology, Urmia Branch, Islamic Azad University, Urmia, Iran ,
Abstract:   (842 Views)
Background and Aims: Mothers with children with autism face many social and psychological problems that can affect their life satisfaction. The present study was conducted with the aim of investigating the effectiveness of treatment based on acceptance and commitment on the quality of life of mothers of children with autism in Tabriz city. Methods: This study was a semi-experimental study with a pre-test-post-test design with a control group. The statistical population of the research included all mothers with children with autism covered by the welfare of Tabriz city in 2022. From this community, 30 people were selected by purposeful sampling and replaced in two experimental and control groups (15 people in each group). The experimental group received acceptance and commitment-based therapy in 8 90-minute sessions. The measurement tool in this research included the quality-of-life questionnaire of the World Health Organization. In order to analyze the data, univariate covariance test was used. Findings: The results showed that the treatment based on acceptance and commitment was able to significantly increase the quality-of-life scores of the experimental group in the post-test compared to the pre-test (P<0.005). Conclusion: It seems that treatment based on acceptance and commitment is a suitable approach to improve the quality of life of mothers with children with autism. Therefore, therapists and psychologists in the field of children with autism are suggested to use the treatment based on acceptance and commitment to improve the mental health of these mothers.
Type of Study: Research | Subject: Clinical Psychiatry

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