Background & Aims: Adolescence is one of the critical stages of growth, which is characterized by physical, emotional and social changes. The growth period is not necessarily linear or coordinated in all contexts. A teenager almost always has a different rate of growth in different areas. Basically, adolescence is an uneven time, because progress in one area is not necessarily synchronized with other areas. In justifying the inconsistencies of adolescence, attention should be paid to various individual-environmental factors. Adolescent behaviors are the result of the child's learning in the family and society, the behaviors of adolescents are not only the result of environmental factors, but the behavior reflects the process of mutual determinism. Researches show that nowadays the relationship between parents and teenagers is given a lot of attention, for this reason, it is necessary to identify the harmful factors in the relationship between parents and teenagers so that solutions can be provided to improve the relationship between teenagers and parents. Considering the topic's importance, the present research examines the identification of harmful factors in parent-teenage relationships. Many factors play a role in creating traumatic relationships between parents and teenagers. Among these factors is access to information, development of individualism, change of reference group and the emergence of values, biological and psychological changes related to puberty, autonomy and independence of teenagers, cognitive development of teenagers, attachment style of teenagers and peer group and friendships of the era. Adolescence, parenting styles, marital conflict, the socio-economic base of the family, parent-teen conflict resolution style, parent-teen communication skills, and parent-teen personality traits, differences in perception, the complexity of identity issues, gender, life choices, and progress, change In communication and power, changes in attachment, values, parenting style of parents, marital conflicts and personality traits are mentioned. Thinking about the background of the research shows that although the results of quantitative research can be generalized, in them it is enough to examine a few questions and hypotheses about the existence of some factors and variables, and since the understanding and role of the actor and his lived experience It was not taken into account and the data was obtained only with the questionnaire, access to the deep layers of the investigated phenomenon is less provided. The few researches that have been conducted that have examined the lived experience of the participants are not comprehensive and have only addressed several factors. Therefore, it can be said that most of the research conducted in this field is scattered and the researchers have not yet provided a comprehensive model of the damaging factors of parent-teenage relationships, so it is necessary to conduct studies in a mixed method to identify the underlying factors of damaging relationships. The parent-teenager should be identified and investigated. Therefore, the main question of the research is, what are the underlying factors that cause damage to parent-adolescent relationships?
Methods: In this research, a combination method and an exploratory approach were used. Sampling in the qualitative section was done purposefully and with the expert network technique, and 23 people participated in the interview. The statistical population in the quantitative section was all male and female secondary school students, 379 of whom were selected by simple stratified sampling. The tool used in the qualitative part of the research was a semi-structured interview and in the quantitative part, a researcher-made questionnaire. The analysis of the data of the qualitative part was based on open, selective, and theoretical coding, and the data of the quantitative part was analyzed using descriptive and inferential statistics. In the quantitative part of the research, confirmatory factor analysis and structural equation model were performed using Smart PLS 3 software.
Results: The final results of the research based on the interviews showed that the harmful factors in parent-teenager relationships are: Lack of independence for teenagers; Comparison of children; lack of freedom of action; lack of proper communication with teenagers; lack of trust in teenagers; parents' lack of knowledge; Authoritarian parents; Lack of parental understanding. The results also showed in the quantitative section that the comparison of children; lack of proper communication with teenagers; lack of trust in teenagers; parents' lack of knowledge; Authoritarian parents; Parents' lack of understanding are one of the harmful factors in parent-teenage relationships.
Conclusion: Parents with their behavior, speech, and in general with the way they raise their child and the type of interaction have a great impact on the behavior patterns and personality structure of their growing child and can in this way give society a healthy or unhealthy person from the point of view of psychology. Some religions adopt a strict and autocratic method in which the child must obey their command without question, some adopt a permissive and completely free method in which the child is allowed to do as he wants. act and some others choose a logical, serious, and at the same time warm and sincere method in which the children are aware of the reason for each behavior and have the right to express their opinions. In fact, the family is the first unavoidable and inevitable environment that a child comes in contact with, an environment where children inevitably open their eyes and begin their growth. From the time of birth to several years, the child is in contact only with the family, and in these years, due to close and constant contact, the family plays a very significant role in the formation of his personality and behavior. Based on the results of this research, it can be said that identifying each of the traumatic factors of parent-adolescent relationships causes the roots of problems between parents and adolescents to be identified and thus improved.