Volume 30, Issue 7 (10-2023)                   RJMS 2023, 30(7): 1-14 | Back to browse issues page

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Ethics code: IR.IAU.SARI.REC.1403.016
Clinical trials code: 0

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Maleki Somaehlu M, Ansari M, Salam Zadeh A. Presenting the Market Orientation Model of Health-Based Knowledge-Based Companies with the Method of Structural Equation Modeling. RJMS 2023; 30 (7) :1-14
URL: http://rjms.iums.ac.ir/article-1-8111-en.html
Associate Professor, Faculty of Business Management, University of Tehran, & Aras International Campus, Tehran, Iran , MANSARI@UT.AC.IR
Abstract:   (506 Views)

Background & Aims: The world economy has grown rapidly in recent years. The ever-increasing growth of financial markets and the creation and development of new technologies in infrastructure and software technologies have caused many of today's businesses to take on a new and special form so that they can no longer be managed in the traditional ways of the past. These companies did. In recent years, knowledge-based companies have started extensive activities as important factors in the field of health. By using technology and innovation in the field of health, these companies have been able to meet some of the needs of society in an effective and significant way. In line with the development and growth of these companies, correct and efficient marketing planning and management are very important. Therefore, the main goal of this research is to develop a market orientation model for health-based knowledge-based companies using the structural equation modeling method.
Methods: In the context of the necessity of carrying out this research, it should also be stated that examining such issues in the field of knowledge-based companies can create the necessary grounds for creating a comprehensive model of market orientation among managers and ultimately the company. In fact, the final model implemented from this research can be used as a completely localized framework and is suitable for Iranian knowledge-based businesses. And in order to solve the problems caused by the lack of attention to the market by these companies, which were also stated in the above issues, this model should be used. Failure to pay attention to such research in knowledge-based companies can lead to the continuation of the current path and as a result focus on production instead of market orientation, which can result in a decrease in sales or even the inability to market products in these companies with weakness or The lack of market orientation was expected. From a theoretical point of view, the implementation of this research can be a basis for future research in the field of other aspects of marketing and market orientation in knowledge companies. It should also lead to the identification of components and indicators that are specific to the native environment of the country and this topic can be further explained in different scientific forums and in fact, create a suitable topic for other researchers. In fact, this research is an investigation of a subject that takes place in a new field with new indicators and possible components, and it is expected to obtain specific results in this respect (a new model in a new statistical society). Therefore, it is necessary to set a new look at the market for these companies so that they can provide quality knowledge products and provide the ground for targeted marketing in this field. To conduct this research, the statistical population included experts and managers of companies active in the field of technology and health startups. The sample of this research was selected using a random sampling method. In order to collect data, a questionnaire was used that included questions about internal and external market orientation indicators. These questions were designed to measure each of the indicators. Then, the data were analyzed using AMOS software, which is a structural equation modeling software. Based on the collected data and the defined final model, the fit of the final model was evaluated and checked.
Results: The results of data analysis showed that the final model had a good fit using structural equation modeling. These results show that the final model, which is derived from two groups of internal and external market orientation indicators, is acceptable and compatible with the collected data. The results show that both internal and external market orientation groups have a significant effect on the market orientation of health knowledge-based companies. This health-oriented market orientation model allows companies to improve their performance and competitiveness in domestic and international markets by focusing on these two index groups. According to the results of this research, knowledge-based health companies can design and implement appropriate marketing strategies based on these indicators.
Conclusion: By using this health-oriented market orientation model, health-based knowledge companies can have the right representation and recognition in the domestic market. Also, by providing quality products and the ability to adapt to customers' needs, they can increase customer satisfaction and thus improve their competitiveness. Also, by developing strategies based on foreign market orientation indicators, health knowledge-based companies can enter international markets and strengthen competition with competitors. By using advanced technology and international communication, they can improve the power of export and growth and development and have a strong presence in global markets. According to these results, it is necessary to pay attention to the promotion of internal and external market orientation in the strategies of knowledge-based health companies. Considering the importance of this research and the results obtained, it is possible to suggest the continuation of research in this field in order to develop better methods and strategies for the market orientation of health-based knowledge-based companies.
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Type of Study: Research | Subject: Clinical Psychiatry

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