Volume 30, Issue 7 (10-2023)                   RJMS 2023, 30(7): 1-10 | Back to browse issues page

Research code: 1104826196945821400162513324
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Sohrabi F, Akbari M, Karimi Q. Determining the Structural Relationship Model of Health-Promoting Lifestyle with Self-Efficacy and Emotion Regulation in Gifted Teenagers with the Mediating Role of Parent-Child Conflict. RJMS 2023; 30 (7) :1-10
URL: http://rjms.iums.ac.ir/article-1-8078-en.html
PhD Student of Psychology, Department of Psychology, Sanandaj Branch, Islamic Azad University, Sanandaj, Iran
Abstract:   (633 Views)
Background & Aims: Adolescence is a transitional period from childhood to adulthood during which a great qualitative change occurs in the biological, psychological, and social dimensions of the individual.  Iran has a young population structure. Teenagers and young people make up a large amount of people in the society and a large amount of problems, difficulties and challenges of the society are their problems. Adolescence is a dynamic period in the life of every human being, and the fact is that the major part of a person's personality is formed in this period. Undoubtedly, a person may face problems during adolescence. These problems may be in different emotional, social, educational and health fields. One of the most important factors in the formation of personality and behavioral characteristics, as well as changes in adolescence, is the family. The importance of the Teen group is not hidden from anyone.  Most teenagers have challenges with family, society and relatives, and the pressure of these problems may lead teenagers to risky behaviors in the decision-making stage. What is certain is that teenagers are more prone to risky behaviors than other age groups. That the performance of these behaviors increases from the beginning of adolescence to the middle of it and decreases sharply in late adolescence. The conflict between parents and teenagers, like the conflict in other areas of life, is basically a difference or conflict in goals or mutual opposition between two parties, which is characterized by incompatibility and antagonism, negative emotions and hostile and aggressive behaviors, and these conflicts are almost It is unavoidable . Due to their special characteristics, gifted teenagers have special emotional, social and educational needs, and paying attention to them provides the basis for the growth and prosperity of these students. Is. For the progress of any country, there is a need to identify and cultivate more creative and creative minds, and for this reason, in the current situation, the issue of intelligence is one of the most important issues in the field of psychology and education of exceptional children. Getting to know the general characteristics of gifted students is very important for parents and teachers. It is obvious that any threat, punishment or humiliation and blame for these teenagers can make them hot-tempered, restless and even aggressive and shy. That one of the causes of emotional maladaptation in adolescents is a conflict between them and parents. But more extensive research shows that this relationship (parent-child conflict and emotional dysfunction) is more complex than being summed up in a simple cause-and-effect relationship. The meta-analyses showed that emotion regulation is an important factor in improving the mental health and well-being of adolescents, and difficulty in regulation is considered an important factor in psychopathology. Health promoting lifestyle as a key and multidimensional issue is positively related to self-efficacy, quality of life, emotion regulation and inversely related to anxiety, stress and depressive symptoms in adolescents. Health promoting lifestyle as a key and multidimensional issue is positively related to self-efficacy, quality of life, and emotion regulation and inversely related to anxiety, stress and depressive symptoms in adolescents. Considering the above-mentioned cases and the existence of crises and injuries during adolescence, strictness and high standards of parents in the education of gifted teenagers (due to cultural issues) and considering that healthy behaviors are influenced by social norms, culture, and media. Collectives, national health policies, advertising practices, physical and social environments. Therefore, the different ecosystems and the diversity of the cultural-social situation in the country, on the one hand, and the different health indicators of different regions, on the other hand, require that the needs of the health sector be evaluated locally and regionally and in different groups. and based on that, health planning, resource allocation, budget and regional research priorities are determined. Therefore, the current research is in this direction and to investigate whether a regular pattern can be drawn for the relationship between health-enhancing lifestyle and self-efficacy and emotion regulation in gifted teenagers with the mediating role of parent-child conflict.
Methods: The descriptive research method was correlation type. The statistical population included male and female high school students of brilliant talents in Sanandaj city in the academic year of 1400-1401(equal to 600 people). Based on the table of Kermes and Morgan, 234 people (81 girls and 153 boys) were selected by multi-stage cluster sampling method. The research tools included Walker's health-enhancing lifestyle questionnaires, Strauss's parent-child conflict, Gratz's and Romer's emotional regulation, and Scherer's, Mercandant's, Jacobs' and Rogers' general self-efficacy.
Results: The findings showed that the fitted model had a good fit. Based on this, the two variables of self-efficacy and cognitive regulation of emotion have a direct effect on the health-promoting lifestyle. On the other hand, the two variables of self-efficacy and cognitive regulation of emotion have a direct effect on the parent-child health conflict. And thus, the two variables of self-efficacy and cognitive regulation of emotion, in addition to the direct effect through parent-child conflict resolution styles, also have an effect on health-promoting lifestyle.
Conclusion: The main goal of this research was to determine the structural relationship model of health-promoting lifestyle with self-efficacy and emotion regulation in gifted teenagers with the role of mediator of parent-child conflict in Sanandaj city. The results of the model analysis showed that there is a positive relationship between emotional regulation and the health-promoting lifestyle of students, and this variable has the ability to predict parent-child conflict resolution methods. Based on this, the mediating role of parent-child conflict in the relationship between emotion regulation and health-promoting lifestyle was determined. In explaining these findings, it can be said that conflict in parent-child relationships is clearly seen in various aspects. One of the important areas in which they openly show their conflict is confronting the health-enhancing lifestyle and behavioral patterns of parents and children. A common element in the conflicts between parents and teenagers is the lack of sufficient emotion regulation skills between family members. In fact, emotional regulation provides a field for children and teenagers to establish a constructive relationship with their own inner experiences and act receptive and open to these experiences, while the more difficult emotional regulation is, the more difficult teenagers are in dealing with problems. And unpleasant experiences act in an irrational and catastrophic way, which causes them to multiply their behavioral problems and in anxiety-provoking and unpleasant situations, they show strong reactions, including aggression and inappropriate projections. Without these skills, It makes any attempt to talk about the solution ineffective. Teaching teenagers to regulate emotions plays an important role in reducing parent-child conflicts
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Type of Study: Research | Subject: Clinical Psychiatry

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