Volume 30, Issue 6 (9-2023)                   RJMS 2023, 30(6): 44-54 | Back to browse issues page

Research code: IR.IAU.SRB.REC.1401.164
Ethics code: IR.IAU.SRB.REC.1401.164
Clinical trials code: IR.IAU.SRB.REC.1401.164

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Peiravani A H, Molanourozi K, Kashi A, Mousavi Sadati S K. Identifying the Motor Skills in the Elite Players of Soccer National Team in the Iranian Men under 23-Year. RJMS 2023; 30 (6) :44-54
URL: http://rjms.iums.ac.ir/article-1-8073-en.html
Assistant Professor, Department of Motor Behavior and Sport Psychology, Science and Research Branch, Islamic Azad University, Tehran, Iran , keivannorozy@gmail.com
Abstract:   (875 Views)
Background & Aims: Researches show that in every sport, elite athletes have special physiological, neurocognitive and motor characteristics (4-6). Therefore, knowing these characteristics, especially in elite athletes, helps trainers and experts in sports science to identify the right people in line with scientific talent and to optimally design training programs necessary to achieve sports success. (7). soccer is a team sport where players face complex movements such as running with a quick change of direction, with or without the ball, and its people have different characteristics and according to the nature of this sport and the environment in which the game is played, both From the size of the field, playing environment, playing time, playing systems and skills and conflicts in this sport, many factors play a role (8). Therefore, it is natural that it also has special motor needs, knowing them will help researchers to prepare the necessary programs according to the special needs of this sport.
In this regard, the results of some studies support the opinion that the difference in the performance of elite soccer athletes is related to their motor characteristics more than any other factor (10, 11). Hoyt et al. (2014) in a study evaluated the motor profile of elite female soccer players in international competitions and the effect of team ranking on the physical demands of the game. A decrease in high-intensity running was reported in the 60- to 75-min and 90-75 min intensity periods compared to the 0- to 15-min period of 22.4% and 26.1%, although maximum game speed distances remained unchanged (12). In another research, it was found that the soccer pass test and soccer shot test are valid and reliable protocols for evaluating the differences in the performance of motor skills of soccer players (15).
Identifying and developing effective talent for elite players is a major challenge for National Olympic Committees, youth academies, coaches and budget allocations. However, no research has been done in the field of identifying the special motor characteristics of young elite football players in the country. Therefore, the current research aims to investigate the question of what are the special the motor skills in the elite players of soccer national team in the Iranian men under 23-year?
Methods: The statistical population of this descriptive research in the three levels of description, explanation and discovery was formed by 200 elite male soccer players under the age of 23 in Iran. The sampling method was counting and the number of samples was (control, passing in motion, shooting, dribbling and heading) and group motor skills (creating space, combination play, transition from attack to defense, transition from defense to attack and group press) in the elite soccer players was evaluated using standard tests.
Results: the results showed that the status of dimensions of control, passing in motion, shooting, dribbling, heading, creating space, combination play, transition from attack to defense, transition from defense to attack were evaluated as favorable and group press was evaluated as unfavorable. The combination play dimension was ranked first with an average of (5.642) and other dimensions with an average value, respectively, control (5.543), shooting (5/388), passing in motion (4.850), transition from attack to defense (4.746), transition from defense to attack (4/659), dribbling (4/571), passing (4/553), group press (4/494) and creating space (4/437).
Conclusion: The results of this research showed that the status of dimensions of control, passing in motion, shooting, dribbling, heading, creating space, combined play, transfer from attack to defense, transfer from defense to attack were evaluated as favorable and the situation of group press was evaluated as unfavorable. Technical-tactical skills have been repeatedly investigated and identified as key factors that determine the game performance of young players, these factors are considered the difference between elite and non-elite young players (25-27). The results of the present study provide the possibility of causal interpretations, these data show a possible explanation for the high level of individual motor skills in young elite soccer players. group motor skills have also been examined in some studies. In this regard, transition from defense to attack and transition from attack to defense is increasingly important due to numerous works (29-31). Some studies that have studied attacking mechanisms in soccer confirm that quick attacks or counter-attacks have a higher chance of success (goals scored, shots on goal or reaching the area) than other attacking styles (30,31). In the current study, the elite players obtained the highest scores in the shortest possible time according to previous studies and with the least number of passes in transfers, which shows that the elite players of Omid Iran have high group motor skills. Also, the number of players involved in the transfers was also investigated, and the favorable condition of this group skill was observed among the elite players of the Iranian men's national soccer team under the age of 23. The unfavorable pressing situation of the Omid team players shows that the players are less able to read and react accordingly to the situations of tackling for the ball, blocking and crossing the lines or ensuring the proper marking of the opponents. These strategies can provide the team with more opportunities to regain possession and get the ball back (39). The favorable combined play of Omid team players also shows the training and repetition of this tactic in training. These findings show that the Omid team players have the necessary technique and skill to receive and pass (quality and selection), speed when moving with the ball (dribble), forward pass and motor after sending the pass. The pressure and conditions of the competition are considered as the needs of the combined game. The results of our study show that the dimension of the combined game is in the first place, and the other dimensions are, in order, control, shooting, passing in motion, transfer from attack to defense, transfer from defense to attack, dribbling, passing, group press and creating space are located. One of the limitations of the present study is the small number of samples. Due to the limited sample size of the research, it is recommended to carry out more extensive studies with a larger sample size in order to identify mental skills in athletes of different fields. The results of the current research indicated the high motor performance of the elite players of the Iranian men's national soccer team under the age of 23, so it is recommended that soccer coaches take into consideration the motor skills of young Iranian elite soccer players in this research.
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Type of Study: Research | Subject: Exercise Physiology

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