Bakcground & Aims: Young managers can be an important factor in the transformation and improvement of the management structure of universities due to their special characteristics. One of these characteristics is an innovative attitude. Young managers usually enter the management field with a view to the future and a desire for positive changes. This innovative attitude can help introduce and implement new ideas and approaches in academic management because they are often more willing to accept changes and update old processes. In addition, the high motivation of young managers also plays a very important role. A strong motivation to prove their capabilities and create positive changes leads them to find new solutions to improve efficiency and raise the level of education and research. This motivation can transfer new energy to teams and employees and prevent organizational stagnation. Another reason young managers can succeed is their readiness to accept new technologies. As newer generations, they communicate more easily with advanced technologies and use digital tools and technological innovations to optimize management processes. This issue becomes doubly important, especially in universities where being up-to-date and using advanced technologies plays an important role in the development of research and education. Enrolling young managers into management levels can also help strengthen intra-organizational communication. Because of their more collaborative and less hierarchical approaches, young administrators tend to work in ways that encourage more open and democratic communication among campus members, faculty, and students. Therefore, the purpose of this research was to present a model for the use of young managers in the psychological development of the management hierarchy structure in the universities of Mazandaran province.
Methods: The research method was a mixed exploratory (qualitative-quantitative) research design. The statistical population of the research in the qualitative part included (academic experts, faculty members, and university managers) to reach a consensus in the Delphi method, the sample size in the qualitative part was determined to be 17 people considering the saturation law, and in the quantitative part the statistical population included managers and the employees of the universities of Mazandaran province. In the quantitative section, the sample size was determined to be 305 using Cochran's formula. The sampling method in the quantitative part was cluster sampling. The method of collecting information is the library method, and the measurement tool in the qualitative part is a semi-structured interview in the quantitative part, it includes a researcher-made questionnaire, the questions of which were taken from the data obtained from the interview. To analyze the data, the Delphi technique was used in the qualitative part and the structural equation modeling method was used in the quantitative part using SPSS22 and lisrel software.
Results: The results showed that 73% of the pattern of using young managers in the psychological development of the structure of the management hierarchy in the universities of Mazandaran province with its dimensions and components including (1. formalism, 2. organizational structure, 3. concentration), 4. Complexity, 5. Classification, 6. Procedural statement), is dependent. The results of Table 2 show that based on the results of the structural model of the relationship between the components and sub-dimensions of the use of young managers in the psychological development of the structure of the management hierarchy of Mazandaran universities, there are significant path coefficients. Which has t values (according to the one percent error rule in rejecting the null hypothesis for values above 1.96 in each model parameter), calculated above 1.96. Considering the significance and positivity of these coefficients, it can be stated that there is a positive and significant effect between the components and sub-components of the dimensions of the use of young managers in the psychological development of the management hierarchy structure of Mazandaran universities.
Conclusion: According to the results obtained, it is suggested that the universities of Mazandaran province should act step by step and gradually according to a road map and a long-term strategic plan in order to implement it. An action plan is needed. Having a paradigmatic approach with a local and regional perspective also helps to realize it. Young managers, who are generally inclined towards participatory and democratic methods, can make effective changes in environments where the organizational structure is flexible and decentralized. This flexibility allows them to implement innovative ideas without severe hierarchical barriers. On the contrary, in highly centralized organizations, decision-making power is often in the hands of a limited core, which can restrain the creativity and innovation of young managers. Concentration refers to the degree of concentration of decision-making power in high management levels. In universities where concentration is high, young managers may not be able to show their full potential because the decision-making processes will be too long and complicated. But if the decision-making power is divided at lower levels, young managers can have a more active role in improving and structural changes and give more dynamism to the management structure of universities. Complexity refers to the number of hierarchical levels and different specializations in the organization. Universities with high organizational complexity may face more challenges in coordination between departments. Young managers can provide more fields for inter-organizational interactions and reduce communication barriers by gradually changing these classifications. This can help facilitate decision-making processes and the implementation of innovations. Procedural specification refers to the existence of defined instructions and procedures for doing things in the organization. Due to the desire to reduce bureaucracy and simplify processes, young managers may try to change complex and time-consuming procedures.