Volume 30, Issue 1 (3-2023)                   RJMS 2023, 30(1): 234-243 | Back to browse issues page

Research code: 01
Ethics code: IR.IAU.TNB.REC.1401.066
Clinical trials code: 01

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Safaripour M A, Farhangi A, Jarareh J. Comparing the Effectiveness of Acceptance and Commitment-Based Therapy and Reality Therapy on the Fear of Negative Evaluation of Female Students in the Second Year of High School. RJMS 2023; 30 (1) :234-243
URL: http://rjms.iums.ac.ir/article-1-8015-en.html
Assistant Professor ,Tehran North Unit, Islamic Azad University, Tehran, Iran , a.farhangi@iau-tnb.ac.ir
Abstract:   (1135 Views)
Background & Aims: Adolescence is one of the most sensitive periods of a person's life, one of the most important tasks of psychologists and counselors is to pay attention to the problems and problems of teenagers. Part of teenagers' tensions and problems are caused by the transformation of normal growth; such as growth and hormonal change, and another part is caused by the changes that occur in connection with the change of role in the society, that if the teenager does not have the necessary skills to deal with individual and interpersonal issues, adverse consequences will occur. In fact, most teenagers are faced with low self-esteem and negative self-concept, confusion, increasing negative emotions such as anxiety and depression, and as a result, reducing adaptive and positive functions. One of the problems that teenagers face during their lifetime is the fear of negative evaluation. Some people make a negative and unique evaluation of the event, which causes a constant fear and dysfunction in them, which can be internal (like I am incapable) or external (like, no It is not a safe place. Such evaluations create powerful emotions such as anxiety, anger, regret or guilt and symptoms of arousal, and these symptoms motivate the person to control the symptoms by adopting some methods. In turn, it causes the intensification of malfunctions. One of the sources of severe and continuous fear of a person is the evaluations he makes of the event or its results, negative evaluation of the event including negative evaluation of the emotions that occurred during the event and inappropriate event and negative evaluation of the feeling. The actions and activities that occurred during the incident and the inappropriate event and the negative perception of the responses of others and the perception of sustainable change in life after the event. One of the sources of persistent and intense fear may be a type of cognitive processing style during the event, which is called psychological failure. In order to deal with the fear of negative evaluation, psychotherapists investigated and pursued different treatment methods. Among the psychotherapy methods, we can mention therapy based on acceptance and commitment, as well as reality therapy. Reality therapy is a type of therapy that can be used for all people who have problems. Not denying the reality, taking responsibility and, accordingly, planning to achieve the goals, is one of the most important human needs in the life process, which is given importance in this therapeutic approach. Reality therapy is based on the choice theory. Reality-therapy considers behavior to include four components of performance, thinking, feeling and physiology, which we have direct control over two components of performance and thinking and indirectly over feeling and physiology. This treatment method emphasizes facing reality, accepting responsibility, recognizing basic needs, making moral judgments about the rightness or wrongness of behavior, focusing on the here and now, internal control and, as a result, achieving identity. Considering that the researchers are of the opinion that for fertility and progress, the society should nurture people with high mental health and considering that so far there has been no research to investigate and compare the effectiveness of therapy based on acceptance and commitment and reality therapy on fear of evaluation. The negativity of the students has not been addressed, and considering the importance of treating the students' malfunctions, as well as with the aim of preventing damage and improving the level of mental health, the necessity of conducting this research is revealed. Therefore, the current research aims to answer this basic question: Is there a difference between the effectiveness of acceptance and commitment-based therapy and reality therapy on the fear of negative evaluation of female secondary school students?
Methods: The research method was a semi-experimental pre-test-post-test design with a control group. The research community consisted of all female students of the second year of high school in Fasa city in the academic year of 2021-2022. From this, 45 people were selected among the eligible people and randomly assigned to two experimental groups and one control group (15 people in each group). For the first group, an intervention based on acceptance and commitment was applied, and for the second group, reality therapy was applied, and the control group did not receive any type of therapy. Research data with the help of the short version of Lori's fear of negative evaluation scale (1983), collection; and it was analyzed using analysis of covariance and Tukey's follow-up test.
Results: The findings of the covariance analysis showed that the therapy based on acceptance and commitment and reality therapy significantly improved the fear of negative evaluation in the post-test stages (p<0.01); However, no significant difference was observed in the post-test between the two experimental groups.
Conclusion: According to the findings, it can be concluded that these treatments play a significant role in improving students' fear of negative evaluation, therefore, by identifying and introducing students to treatment centers and receiving psychotherapy protocols. Their mental health can be improved. Also, in explaining the effect of reality therapy on the fear of negative evaluation by the evaluator, it can be said that people with high scores in fear of negative evaluation are easily disturbed by their emotions in stressful situations and have high levels of chronic anxiety in different periods of family life. And conversely, people with a low fear of negative evaluation, because they have a clear definition of themselves and their opinions, can choose their own direction in life and in extreme emotional situations that lead to involuntary behavior and decision making in many people. Fails don't lose control and make decisions based on reason and logic. For this reason, these people will be less in critical situations with appropriate decision-making, because they will solve problems at the right time and in a more appropriate way, and they will face fewer unsolved problems. Behaviors, qualitative world and lack of external control can help to increase management and reduce the fear of negative evaluation in relationships, especially academic relationships. As a result, it can be said that reality therapy based on the theory of choice helps to choose responsibility and self-control and freedom. It also teaches people that they have acquired a successful identity and can make better choices based on reason and logic and away from emotion in their decisions and without believing in controlling behavior. And felt by others, and in this case, they become more positive people, and with choices without mixing with others, they experience a quality life, more successful communication, and more compatibility, and have less fear of negative evaluation.
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Type of Study: Research | Subject: Clinical Psychiatry

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