Volume 29, Issue 9 (12-2022)                   RJMS 2022, 29(9): 282-289 | Back to browse issues page

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Farhang Esfahani A. Investigating the Relationship between Electronic Learning and Mental Health of Secondary School Students in Isfahan during the Covid-19 Epidemic. RJMS 2022; 29 (9) :282-289
URL: http://rjms.iums.ac.ir/article-1-7988-en.html
Assistant Professor, Department of Educational Sciences, Bandar Abbas Unit, Islamic Azad university, Bandar Abbas, Iran , Farhang.1397.D@gmail.com
Abstract:   (1103 Views)
Background & Aims: The global epidemic of the disease caused by the coronavirus, a severe acute respiratory syndrome that emerged in December 2019, was not only considered a threat to the health and lives of millions of people around the world. In many countries, including our country, various solutions were presented so that the education of students is not interrupted during the period of social distancing and that the curriculum continues according to the pre-determined schedule. In fact, with the beginning of the closure of schools to help eliminate this virus, the concern of developing and implementing educational programs to continue education at home and in the conditions of home quarantine is one of the biggest challenges of educational systems, including education. In such a way that international institutions and organizations, such as the United Nations Children's Fund (UNICEF) and the World Health Organization, were forced to work hard to develop curricula, instructions, and educational guides for these conditions. Although Covid-19 could have negative effects on educational activities, social distancing has stimulated the growth of online educational activities so that there is no disruption in education. The electronic learning system has created educational environments that are not dependent on any specific location or time and allows teachers to teach a course simultaneously or asynchronously or use a combination of these two modes. In this way, electronic education or education through virtual space was chosen as one of the important and serious programs in education. Electronic education and learning are one of the achievements that have transformed our world. E-learning is a new method in education that deals with providing and managing learning opportunities to improve knowledge and skills through the Internet and computer technology. Meanwhile, online electronic learning is described as a learning experience using various electronic devices (tablets, laptops, smartphones, etc.) with access to the Internet in simultaneous or asynchronous environmental conditions. Online e-learning can be a platform that makes the education process inclusive, creative, and flexible. Electronic learning as an educational medium in the classroom is a new experience for the teacher and students, which can be an effective step towards stabilizing and accelerating students' learning. On the other hand, the most important characteristics of secondary school learners that teachers should pay attention to can be classified into three types: cognitive, emotional, and social. The elementary course is one of the most important and sensitive academic courses, and it is very important for teachers and trainers to pay attention to the different characteristics of students' growth, and to know that electronic learning requires a series of hardware tools and its extensive use may affect the level of health. Mental Health Mental health is an issue beyond the absence or absence of mental illness. The positive dimension of mental health, which the World Health Organization relies on, is included in the definition of health: "Health is a state of physical, mental and social well-being, not just the absence of disease or disability". Therefore, mental health is a state of well-being in which a person recognizes his abilities and can adapt to the normal stresses of life and be useful and productive in terms of work. Since there are no social interactions (compared to the common and usual form in the real environment) in the context of electronic learning, learners must be able to maintain their mental health level. As a result, students who have more mental health and the necessary abilities to deal with common academic challenges can be more self-regulated and self-efficient than other students, and as a result, they are more successful. They achieve more success in subjects in which they are more interested and motivated, and more success provides more motivation for learning, academic progress, academic performance, and continuing education. According to research findings, there is little information on the relationship between electronic learning and students' mental health. Therefore, the current research was conducted to investigate the relationship between electronic learning and the mental health of secondary school students, and it will seek to answer the question of whether there is a significant relationship between electronic learning and the mental health of secondary school students.
Methods: The present study is descriptive and correlational, and the statistical population of this study included all male students in the second year of high school in Isfahan, who were studying in the academic year 2001-2001. The statistical population according to the inquiry from the statistics unit of the Isfahan city education department was equal to 850 people. According to the table of Karjesi and Morgan, 265 people were selected through a simple random sampling method. Research tools included two electronic learning questionnaires by Watkin et al. (2004) and Goldberg's mental health questionnaire (1972). Pearson's statistical method was used for data analysis.
Results: The research results showed that there is a relationship between e-learning and students' mental health.
Conclusion: In general, all these topics indicate that there is a significant relationship between e-learning and mental health during the epidemic, or that the increase in e-learning increases the level of mental health. The results showed that there is a significant relationship between e-learning and mental health. The Department of Education is one of the most basic and important organizations in the world today, and students have a direct relationship with this organization, and this shows the key and vital role of this department in their complex lives. Knowledge of electronic learning and its better use can facilitate and predict the quality and continuity of mental health and lead to the implementation of programs scientifically and avoiding unwise actions. Mental health refers to the possession of understanding and decision-making and positive psychological characteristics that facilitate the growth and development of a person and enable the achievement of goals. While students are thinking about their survival, they should take a step beyond this view and pay attention to the consequences and effects on society. E-learning is considered an important issue for education and the factor of its survival, in this, paying attention to the mental health of students and using an effective solution for it is discussed. An office like the education department should pay attention to all educational levels (in-person and out-of-person) properly. One of the most important concerns of the producers and presenters of online learning courses is the integration of traditional and non-attendance educational strategies in these courses to retain learners and improve their learning, which can affect the mental states of learners. Be effective for this reason, school officials and workers have made a lot of efforts to develop and promote this learning style in their students, and they are trying to make this type of learning along with reducing its disadvantages. Students who are deprived of being in the space must have a level of self-efficacy to be able to use this technology, and if they are not taught, they will get confused and reduce the quality of education.
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Type of Study: Research | Subject: Clinical Psychiatry

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