Volume 31, Issue 1 (3-2024)                   RJMS 2024, 31(1): 1-11 | Back to browse issues page

Research code: 1
Ethics code: IR.IAU.SARI.REC.1402.212
Clinical trials code: 2

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Ostovar S, Nik Aeen Z, Zarei A, Ashraf Ganjouei F. Designing and Validating the Scale of Factors Affecting the Presence of Children and Adolescents in Sports and Recreational Places in Parks. RJMS 2024; 31 (1) :1-11
URL: http://rjms.iums.ac.ir/article-1-7980-en.html
Department of Sports Management, Central Tehran Branch, Islamic Azad University, Tehran, Iran , dr.zinatnikaeen@gmail.com
Abstract:   (430 Views)
Background & Aims: due to the expansion of urbanization and human distance from nature, people gradually got involved with problems that challenge their health. Depression, weight gain, being away from society, especially among teenagers and children, are among the disadvantages of being away from nature. The development of cities is considered a manifestation of the life of current societies, and behind this face of growth and development, many problems have affected the health and well-being of citizens. In fact, one of the problems of today's cities is related to safety and social health issues. Undoubtedly, green spaces and city parks should be considered among the most essential factors of the sustainability of natural and human life in today's urbanization. The aim of this research was to build and validate a tool for evaluating and measuring the design and validation of the scale of factors affecting the presence of children and teenagers in sports-entertainment places of parks. The statistical population of this research consisted of all children and adolescents in Tehran. In order to estimate the sample size, the software for determining the sample size was used, based on this, the sample size was estimated to be 450 people.
Methods: The current descriptive-correlational research is a survey research type and one of the applied researches that was conducted in the field. According to a list of the most important variables mentioned in university articles and books, which are valid in terms of scientific documentation and in terms of number, they were the most repeated in relation to the factors affecting the presence of children and teenagers in sports-entertainment places of parks. was studied; Supplementary data was collected based on the documents and used to set the theoretical foundations of the research. Based on these findings, the research measurement tool was identified with 31 items. After extracting these items and receiving the expert opinion of experts (9 sports management professors) about the formal and content validity of the questionnaire and making corrections, the final questionnaire with 3 dimensions, 31 questions and 8 components with a five-point Likert scale (completely disagree to completely agree). All data analysis was done using Spss, Spss Sample Power and Amos software.
Results: The results of the descriptive findings showed that out of 450 people in the statistical sample, 0.50% were boys and 0.50% were girls. Also, most of the research samples were in the age range between 14 and 15 years with a frequency (35.1%) and the lowest in the age group between 13 and 14 years with a frequency (15.1%). Most of the research samples had a family income (46.7) between 11 and 15 million, and a smaller percentage had a family income (3.8) less than 5 million. (37.8 percent) of the research statistical sample 1-2 times a week, (28.7 percent) 2-4 times a week, (8.2 percent) 4-6 times a week, (10.7 percent) every day and (14.7 percent) visited the park on the weekend, (46.9 percent) from the statistical sample of the study walking, (17.1 percent) cycling, (25.3 percent) private car and (10.7 percent) ) had chosen a city vehicle for the distance to the park. In the end (5.6 percent) of the statistical sample of the research, watching scenery, (26.7 percent) walking, (15.1 percent) running, (7.3 percent) walking with pets, (19.3 percent) Exercising and physical activity (physical fitness) and playing ball games (0.26%) were among their favorite activities when they were in the park. The results showed that the result of Bartlett's sphericity test was at a significant level (Sig=0.001) and this means that the variables have a high enough correlation to provide a logical basis for exploratory factor analysis. Also, the results of the fit indices of the measurement model showed that the questionnaire of the factors affecting the presence of children and teenagers in sports-entertainment places of parks has favorable conditions.
Conclusion: The questionnaire of the factors affecting the presence of children and teenagers in sports-recreational places of parks was confirmed with 3 dimensions, 31 questions and 8 components with a five-point Likert scale (completely disagree to completely agree). One of the important features of any test is the reliability and validity of the test, the findings showed that the mentioned questionnaire is a reliable tool in the field of sports management and sports management researchers can use it in their research. Other findings indicated that the fit indices of the questionnaire measuring the factors affecting the presence of children and teenagers in sports-entertainment places of parks have favorable conditions. In general, the results of the research indicate that by using the questionnaire of the factors affecting the presence of children and teenagers in the sports-recreational places of the parks, these characteristics can be reliably measured. The use of this questionnaire can be the opening of many researches in which the measurement of factors affecting the presence of children and teenagers in sports-entertainment places of parks will be of special importance. In the last several decades, health has been recognized as a human right and a social goal in the world. That is, health is necessary to satisfy basic human needs and should be accessible to all humans. And according to the opinion of Mahsandeh (2009), who believed that quality of life is a broader concept than health. Therefore, it seems that today's car life has caused people, especially students, to be less active and spend more of their time playing computer games and watching TV. Even according to the results of the descriptive statistics of the research, which showed that more than 25% of people use personal vehicles to go to the park, and this indicates that the society has become sedentary. According to the obtained results, it is suggested that cultural outreach should be provided for the presence of more students in sports-recreational places of parks in schools to increase their general awareness. It is suggested that the officials provide more sports-recreational facilities in the parks so that students who are less financially well off can make the most of these facilities. It is suggested to build new parks in such a way that they can be accessed more easily and with higher security, so that families are encouraged to allow their children to participate in sports-recreational activities in the parks without worry. Do. Considering that one of the favorite activities of the students in the research samples was playing ball games when they were in the park, it is suggested that there should be an environment in the parks so that the students can play ball games. They should make a ball and if there is any, their quality should be improved.
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Type of Study: Research | Subject: Psychiatric Occupational therapy

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