Volume 29, Issue 12 (3-2023)                   RJMS 2023, 29(12): 208-221 | Back to browse issues page

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Eskandari M, Nemati N, Bagherpoor T. Identifying the Components of the Sports Marketing Strategic Plan with an Emphasis on the Health of the Players in the Handball Federation (Meta-Synthesis of Studies). RJMS 2023; 29 (12) :208-221
URL: http://rjms.iums.ac.ir/article-1-7960-en.html
Associate Professor Department of Sports Management, Damghan Branch, Islamic Azad University, Damghan, Iran , nnemati258@gmail.com
Abstract:   (757 Views)
Background & Aims: The organizations in order to maintain and stabilize their superiority over other organizations, must renew their valuable resources and use effective approaches, strategies, principles and components in this field (2). The marketing is related to the daily life of people and the assessment of their needs and has different types, which one of them is sports marketing (4). The sport in developed countries is considered as an important and influential industry in the growth of the national economy and is considered one of the most profitable industries of the 21st century (5). The sports marketing is a new scientific field and territory that tries to achieve its goals and ideals by using marketing principles and techniques (6). A sports marketer should be able to change, adjust and skillfully adapt controllable factors in an environment that is full of uncontrollable factors in the best way and the sports marketing includes all activities designed to satisfy the needs and desires of sports spectators (8). In today's competitive world, only organizations that use strategic planning in their marketing are successful (9). The strategic plan is a process which through that the organizations analyze their internal and external environment and gain knowledge from it. Then, they determine their strategic path and create strategies to reach them and finally implement and evaluate them (10). The marketing strategic plan is a management process that is responsible for creating, maintaining and logical balance between the objectives, resources and changing and unstable market situations and organizations' products, and its purpose is to create or change the work and products of organizations to achieve satisfactory growth and profit (13). Nowadays, it is absolutely necessary to use marketing activities in sports; So that not using it means failure in competition with competitors, and accordingly, senior managers are looking for effective and appropriate implementation of strategies to ensure the future of sports organizations (16). As a result, the sports marketing are done based on principles and components. Therefore, the present research was conducted with the aim of identifying the components of the sports marketing strategic plan with an emphasis on the health of the players in the handball federation.
Methods: This study in terms of purpose was applied and in terms of implementation method was qualitative from type of hybrid. The research population was all sources related to the sports marketing strategic plan in the handball federation in the 2002-2022 years. In this research, among the 1452 searched sources (Articles, books and dissertations), numbers of 80 sources after reviewing the title were selected as the initial sample, but the final sample after reviewing the abstract and content was 55 sources. The process of conducting the research was as follows: first, all sources including articles, books and dissertations with using the keywords of marketing, competitive advantage, sport marketing, brand, capabilities, marketing strategy, marketing management, strategic management, mobile marketing and handball research in the sources English and the keywords of sports marketing strategic plan, championship and public sports, strategic management, handball federation talent search, cultural intelligence, marketing capabilities in Persian sources in databases of EBS Chost, Science direct, SID, ERIC, DOJA, Emerald, Springer, Taylor and Fransic. , Sage Wiley, Proquest, Scopus, Noormags, Irandoc and Magira and in search engines of Google and Google Scholar. The tool of the current research was taking notes from the sources using the following questions. What are the components and sub-components of the sports marketing strategic plan with an emphasis on the health of the players in the handball federation and what is their pattern. All 55 sources were read line by line and written its components and sub-components. The formal validity of the findings obtained from note-taking was confirmed by the triangulation method and its reliability was calculated by the agreement coefficient method between two coders 0.86. Finally, the data were analyzed by thematic analysis method.
Results: The findings showed that for the sports marketing strategic plan with an emphasis on the health of the players in the handball federation were identified 101 sub-components in the form of 5 components including positioning, goals and strategies, market opportunities, target market and marketing budget. Finally, the pattern of the sports marketing strategic plan with an emphasis on the health of the players in the handball federation was drawn.
Conclusion: According to the findings of the present research, i.e. identification of 5 components of positioning, goals and strategies, market opportunities, target market and marketing budget for the sports marketing strategic plan with an emphasis on the health of the players in the handball federation and considering the inequality of sports participation in the provinces of the country, it is suggested that in the future planning the priority of allocation of resources should be assigned to the border and surrounding provinces so that in addition to preventing the migration of athletes, sports development and success in global and international events can be established. Also, to the managers, officials and planners It is suggested that selection of managers and officials of the Handball Federation from among experienced and expert people in the field of economics and marketing, the use of trained and efficient security forces in holding sports competitions, the use of the principle of outsourcing in the Handball Federation for the optimal use of facilities and sports resources and achieving success, getting to know competitors along with using the internet for marketing activities, paying attention to mass media including sports press to broadcast non-football disciplines such as handball, establishing a talent search system along with paying attention to the business intelligence and cultural intelligence of player managers and leaders, create an ethical-oriented sports opportunity and equal and justice-oriented growth in the distribution of resources and increase the support of the maximum presence of financial sponsors with an emphasis on securing and making investment attractive. The results of this study can be used as a pattern of sports marketing strategic plan in the handball federation and will improve the quality, efficiency, effectiveness and effective marketing in the handball federation.

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Type of Study: Research | Subject: Biotechnology

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