Volume 31, Issue 1 (3-2024)                   RJMS 2024, 31(1): 1-9 | Back to browse issues page

Research code: 01
Ethics code: IR.IAU.M.REC.1401.036
Clinical trials code: 01

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Fereidooni M, Sohrabi Shegefti N, Barzegar M, Khayyer M. Examining the Role of Goal Setting and Cognitive Distortions in Predicting Students' Future Prospects. RJMS 2024; 31 (1) :1-9
URL: http://rjms.iums.ac.ir/article-1-7846-en.html
Assistant Professor, Department of General Psychology, Marvdasht Branch, Islamic Azad University, Marvdasht, Iran , n.sohrabi.sh@gmail.com
Abstract:   (502 Views)
Background & Aims: Adolescence is a dangerous period for social, emotional, and psychological problems such as internal and external concerns and psychopathology. Mental health problems in adolescence predict not only the subsequent consequences of mental health but also educational progress, employment, and physical health in adulthood. Emotion regulation is known as motivational regulation in the field of emotions. Motivation adjustment is a process in which actions change current states to desired states. Based on this, emotion regulation is a process in which action is directed to change present emotions towards desired emotions (i.e. emotional goals). Regulation of emotions is generally a cognitive control behavior that plays a protective role against mental illnesses. One type of emotion regulation strategy that is associated with positive mental health outcomes is reappraisal. Goal setting refers to choosing desired goals, while goal setting refers to directing behavior toward goals. In emotion regulation, goal setting corresponds to the selection of emotional goals, while striving for goals is related to the selection and implementation of behaviors that are directed to achieve emotional goals. Activating a target automatically activates the associated devices. Mindfulness is another mechanism for enhancing coping processes by enhancing positive reappraisal, reducing catastrophizing, and building self-transcendence. Mindfulness meditation may enhance meaning-based coping processes through the process of defocusing cognitive sets. When a person shifts to a metacognitive perspective, they can stand outside of their thought content, then gain the power to make new evaluations of stressful events. As such, disengagement may facilitate positive reappraisal, a coping strategy that is critical for adaptive functioning in the face of chronic stress. In general, people tend to stick to fixed self-concepts. This clinging to an unchanging sense of self inevitably leads to stress as life events change aspects of the self that were previously considered to be one's identity; Mindfulness may reduce stress by arousing the transcendent self. In doing so, when one experientially realizes that ultimately, "life and death" and "profit and loss" are part of an integrated whole, a web of interdependence and an integrated, dynamic system that they are the basis of life, it may free a person from suffering. Because there are few studies on the role of goal setting and cognitive distortions in predicting the prospects of students in Iran, so the question of this study is whether goal setting and cognitive distortions in predicting What is the future perspective of students?
Methods: The method of the present research is a quantitative and descriptive correlation, which was approved by the code of ethics IR.IAU.M.REC.1401.036 in the code of ethics commission of Islamic Azad University, Marvdasht branch. The statistical population of the research was all female students in the second year of high school in Shiraz city (10,865 students) in the academic year of 2019-2019 and the sampling method was a multi-stage random cluster. In this way, first, one school was selected from each education district, and in the next step, three classes were selected from each school using a random multi-stage cluster method. After choosing the classes, all the students in those classes were included in the research as a statistical sample. The research tools include four standard questionnaires of the future perspective; cognitive distortions; Academic targeting; and the cognitive regulation was excitement. The data were analyzed with SPSS software.
Results: The results of this research showed that only two variables of uncertainty in goal orientation and cognitive distortions significantly affect prospects.
Conclusion: In general, it can be stated that investigating the relationship between important cognitive and psychological variables such as cognitive regulation of emotion; Cognitive distortions, and goal selection with a future perspective can help planners and policymakers in designing and implementing policies and strategies to improve human capital. According to the results reported in this research, considering the high contribution of cognitive distortions, time and a special program to guide students to identify their spontaneous thoughts and beliefs in the face of various incidents and conditions are suggested. , should be designed so that with practice and practice, a person can get rid of distorted thoughts and interpretations and master his feelings. At a higher level, students' families can be invited to participate in workshops to identify cognitive distortions and ways to overcome them and to isolate the training platform for generations. The influence of uncertainty in the direction of the goal on the future perspective shows that the behavior of students should be adjusted by passing consistent courses to determine and prioritize the goal and plan carefully to achieve these goals step by step, under the rule it was accurate. Since most of the families and students are not aware of the importance of this issue, it is necessary to include these courses in the form of a curriculum and be presented them as a separate lesson in a workshop. For this purpose, several schools in different regions and provinces can be tested in terms of different facilities and conditions, and its future results and consequences can be carefully examined, and by reflecting its results and experiences, in all schools to be implemented.
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Type of Study: Research | Subject: Clinical Psychiatry

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