Volume 29, Issue 12 (3-2023)                   RJMS 2023, 29(12): 586-594 | Back to browse issues page

Research code: SSRI.REC-2107-1190
Ethics code: SSRI.REC-2107-1190
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Eslami M H, Khoshnam E, Afrozeh M S, Dastbarhagh H, Zareiyan H. Studying the Effect of Physical Activity on the Job Outcome of Fars Payam Noor Employees in the Context of the Coronavirus. RJMS 2023; 29 (12) :586-594
URL: http://rjms.iums.ac.ir/article-1-7837-en.html
Assistant Professor, Department of Sports Management, Jahrom Branch, Islamic Azad University, Jahrom, Iran , khoshnam9698@gmail.com
Abstract:   (383 Views)
Background & Aims: Organizations are created to achieve specific goals, and achieving these goals and optimal use of resources depends on employee performance. Therefore, job performance is defined as the organizational value of employees' job behaviors in times and job situations. Since employees are the most important asset of the organization, the issues that affect their job performance are of particular importance. One of the variables that seems to affect the nature of employee performance in job and organizational situations is resilience. Resilience is one of the most important human abilities that enables effective adaptation to risk factors; these two components can directly affect the performance and quality of employees' work lives. Resilience and job adaptation are two components that are in line with each other and continuously in intra-organizational job issues so resilience is called the ability of individuals to effectively adapt to the environment. Job adaptation is defined as a harmonious and two-way relationship between the individual and the work environment, the desired form of which is the suitability of the individual for the environment, and the suitability of the environment for the individual, in which the individual responds to the needs of the environment and the environment responds to the needs of the individual. Therefore, resilience and job adaptation are two job constructs that are in line with each other; they define resilience as tolerance to emerging stresses, flexibility, and adaptation to problems. In other words, it can be said that resilience is the ability to successfully adapt to threatening conditions. In this regard, Connor and Davidson introduce resilience not only as increasing the individual's tolerance and adaptation in dealing with problems but also as maintaining and improving mental and psychological health, which shows its importance and relationship with the quality of work life. It seems that resilience gives people the ability to cope with life and work problems and stresses without suffering serious harm. This can play a key role in creating the right conditions to improve the quality of work life. This study aimed to investigate the effects of physical activity on job adjustment, resilience, and quality of work life of employees of Payam Noor University, Fars Province, during the coronavirus outbreak.
Methods: The present study was applied and descriptive-correlational, using a survey method. The statistical sample of the research included 132 faculty members and 231 employees of Payam Noor University in Fars Province, who were selected based on the Morgan table by simple random sampling. Each person was given a code in the administrative file, and for the randomly selected codes, a link to the questionnaire was sent via WhatsApp. Data were collected using the Connor and Davidson Resilience Questionnaire (2003), Walton's Standard Quality of Work Life Questionnaire (1973), Davis and Lovequist's Job Adaptation Questionnaire (1991), and the International Physical Activity Questionnaire (1998) and analyzed using descriptive statistics and Spearman's correlation coefficient test.
Results: The findings showed that there is a positive and significant relationship between physical activity and job adaptation, resilience, and quality of work life. The results showed that physical activity had a positive effect on the psychological, social, functional, and physiological status of employees during the coronavirus pandemic and could be used as a strategy to deal with the complications of the coronavirus outbreak and increase organizational performance and productivity. Descriptive findings indicated that the average age of employees at Payam Noor universities in Fars province was 42.73 years, gender included 26.2% male, 73.8% female, marital status was 9.6% single, and 90.4% married, and education level included 27.5% PhD, 32.5% Master's, and 40% Bachelor's. Based on standard classifications for the resilience questionnaire, 87.9% of members had very high resilience, 8.3% high resilience, and 3.9% low resilience. Subheading the job compatibility questionnaire and based on existing standards, 35.5 percent of these participants have very high job compatibility, 42.7 percent have high, 17.4 percent have medium, and 4.4 percent have low job compatibility.
Conclusion: According to the results of this study, participation in recreational sports activities causes many psychological benefits for individuals in addition to physical benefits. Also, recreational sports activities, by improving mental and psychological indicators in individuals, make them more resistant to dealing with existing problems. The results of this study provide valuable information to the National Coronavirus Management Headquarters and managers of organizations to improve the quality of life of their employees by improving resilience and job adaptations by encouraging employees to engage in physical activity and creating sports programs at home and in the organizational environment, and to escape the crisis caused by the spread of the coronavirus. The results of this study can also be used in setting up strategies to improve the mental resistance and behavioral flexibility of employees of organizations, which is an important and key issue in the formation and emergence of resilience. In other words, the nature of participating in recreational sports activities causes the conditions to be provided for promoting and improving resilience among employees of organizations. One of the limitations of this study was that a questionnaire was used to collect data, so some people may have refused to provide real answers and given unrealistic answers. Also, this study was conducted cross-sectionally during the coronavirus outbreak. For this reason, it is difficult to conclude causality.
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Type of Study: Research | Subject: Exercise Physiology

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