Background & Aims: Organizational culture influences employees' attitudes and behaviors. Recognizing the necessity of knowledge management in modern organizations, particularly in sports organizations, is crucial and requires reassessment and explanation. Knowledge management is considered an integrated approach and a complex, cyclic process that facilitates the creation, acquisition, distribution, storage, and utilization of knowledge. It provides a competitive advantage for organizations, and many have implemented knowledge management strategies. Efficient and effective knowledge management is vital, as organizations must utilize all their resources effectively to succeed and perform well in competitive environments, necessitating a robust knowledge management system. A significant portion of an organization’s assets resides in its employees' minds. How an organization transforms tacit and hidden knowledge into explicit knowledge reflects its knowledge management capabilities. Moreover, one of the key strengths of an organization is its desirable organizational culture. Organizational culture reflects the characteristics, strengths, and weaknesses of an entity, demonstrating employees' adherence to values, principles, beliefs, attitudes, and related ideologies. It complements organizational performance, fosters solidarity among employees, and aligns them toward shared goals. An organization has a personality, much like an individual, with culture as its defining element. Organizational culture serves multiple functions: it establishes the intellectual and value boundaries of the organization, fosters a sense of identity among employees, cultivates collective commitment, ensures stability as a social system, and acts as a control mechanism, including financial and budgetary oversight. Organizational culture is a fundamental variable influencing employee behavior, and elements such as autonomy, structure, reward systems, managerial support, and organizational culture traits can significantly impact employees’ behavioral patterns. The purpose of this study is to examine the relationship between knowledge management and adaptability.
Methods: This research adopts a descriptive-correlational design and is applied in nature. Data collection was conducted through a field survey. The study population comprised 1,600 employees of the Tehran Municipality Sports Organization, from which a sample of 310 was randomly selected using Morgan's table. Data were collected via the standardized Knowledge Management Questionnaire (Lawson, 2003) and the Organizational Culture Questionnaire (Denison, 2000). Pearson’s correlation test was employed to assess relationships between variables using SPSS version 26.
Results: The results indicated a significant positive relationship between knowledge management and organizational culture in the Tehran Municipality Sports Organization. A meaningful positive correlation was found between all knowledge management components (knowledge creation, knowledge sharing, knowledge application, and knowledge storage) and all organizational culture components (involvement in work, consistency, adaptability, and mission). The highest correlation was observed between knowledge application and mission, while the lowest correlation was between knowledge sharing and adaptability.
Conclusion: The findings provide a comprehensive perspective on the relationship between knowledge management and organizational culture in the Tehran Municipality Sports Organization. They highlight the role of underlying beliefs, values, and assumptions in supporting the creation, sharing, and application of knowledge, which can ultimately enhance organizational performance. Organizational culture and knowledge management are crucial factors affecting an organization’s performance and sustainability, with a reciprocal influence on each other. Organizations striving to become knowledge-driven can only succeed if the necessary cultural attributes for implementing knowledge management are in place. Knowledge is effectively created and shared when supported by organizational culture. Therefore, organizations must foster an environment conducive to knowledge exchange and dissemination among members. Without an effective organizational culture, optimal performance in the modern era is unlikely. To manage knowledge successfully, organizations must recognize and analyze their culture, as it shapes employees’ values, beliefs, and behaviors in the workplace. A weak organizational culture leads to employees adhering to existing routines, lacking innovation, and resisting knowledge sharing and change, jeopardizing the organization’s survival. Knowledge management can only be successfully implemented when the cultural groundwork has been established. Managing knowledge within an organization is a people-centric endeavor, directly influenced by the organizational culture. An appropriate culture for knowledge management is one that values creativity and innovation, allows employees to experiment, learn, and take risks, and fosters an environment where everyone is eager to learn and share knowledge. Employees are evaluated and rewarded based on their contributions to knowledge development and organizational growth, ensuring fair knowledge distribution across the organization. Additional Findings and Implications. The results indicated that the impact of knowledge sharing and knowledge storage on organizational culture in the Tehran Municipality Sports Organization was not significant. Moreover, the effect of knowledge creation on organizational culture was found to be greater than that of knowledge application. A one-unit standard deviation change in knowledge creation and knowledge application leads to an increase in the standard deviation of organizational culture within the Tehran Municipality Sports Organization. Additionally, 45.5% of the total variance in organizational culture changes can be attributed to knowledge creation and knowledge storage. These findings emphasize the importance of knowledge creation in shaping organizational culture and highlight the need to revise planning strategies for advancing this component within the organization. Furthermore, the study confirmed a significant positive correlation between all dimensions of knowledge management (knowledge creation, knowledge sharing, knowledge application, and knowledge storage) and all dimensions of organizational culture (employee involvement, consistency, adaptability, and mission). The highest correlation was observed between knowledge application and mission, whereas the lowest correlation was found between knowledge sharing and adaptability. These findings suggest that to achieve effective knowledge management, enhancing organizational culture in the Tehran Municipality Sports Organization is essential. Providing necessary training and skill development can facilitate employee growth and improve overall organizational performance. Like other studies, this research faced certain limitations. One major limitation was its geographical scope, as it was conducted exclusively within a specific region of Iran, which may restrict the generalizability of the findings to other contexts. Based on the results, knowledge application can significantly contribute to enhancing organizational culture within the Tehran Municipality Sports Organization. Therefore, it is necessary to implement knowledge management processes in a way that strengthens organizational culture. By reinforcing both knowledge management and organizational culture, the organization can continuously improve and increase efforts toward success.