Volume 30, Issue 7 (10-2023)                   RJMS 2023, 30(7): 1-10 | Back to browse issues page

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Ethics code: IR.IAU.SHK.REC.1400.040
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Mandolakani Gadook Kenedi G, khoshkonesh A, SHarifi T. The Relationship between Academic Self-Efficacy and Cognitive Learning Style (Innovative or Evasive) of Adolescents during Quarantine. RJMS 2023; 30 (7) :1-10
URL: http://rjms.iums.ac.ir/article-1-7774-en.html
Assistant Professor, Department of Psychology, Faculty of Psychology, Shahid Beheshti University, Tehran, Iran , akhoshkonesh@gmail.com
Abstract:   (1114 Views)
Background & Aims: In the last year, the world has been faced with a big viral shock (coronavirus) which changed all the elements of life in such a way that the lifestyle and work of people in every field underwent huge changes and under these conditions, most remote work services and It has been predicted and estimated based on electronic portals in this era. In this regard, even educational and learning institutions were not excluded and turned to online learning, and along with the rapid global changes, it made a quick move towards applying and benefiting from innovative approaches in the field of education and learning. The use of innovative online approaches and strategies in the field of education and learning is one of the most important factors that have changed the education system all over the world in terms of form and content. The tendency to use online educational strategies has increased and this has caused many changes in both students' and teachers' teaching strategies. The differences in the educational environment related to the quarantine period and the traditional one affect the progress of the learners by affecting multiple teaching-learning structures. Learning styles are acquired skills that increase a person's ability to achieve academic success and better learning; Learning styles are individual characteristics and a fixed approach to organizing and processing information in learning, in such a way that researchers and experts in this field have linked the learning and motivational styles of students and have conducted many studies on the relationship between learning styles and other educational variables, why that learning styles express the individual differences of learners in facing learning tasks. The concept of self-efficacy from the social-cognitive theory refers to a person's beliefs or judgments about his abilities in performing duties and responsibilities. The cognitive-social theory is based on the three-way causal model of behavior, environment, and individual. This model refers to the mutual relationship between behavior, environmental effects, and personal factors (cognitive, emotional, and biological factors) which emphasizes the perception of the individual to describe psychological functions. According to this theory, people influence their motivation and behavior in a tripartite causal system. One of the important areas of self-efficacy is academic self-efficacy. With the clarification of the role of cognitive learning styles and academic self-efficacy and the importance of the role of each of them in the learning process, today most societies are implementing educational reforms so that they can manage policy strategies and micro and macro planning and take responsibility for their learning and effort. accept, because the need for self-study and self-motivation of learners is necessary in the current changing world that has become a knowledge-based world, therefore, it is time for the educational system to be strongly reviewed, revised, and redesigned. Therefore, similar to the traditional education system, it is necessary to examine the educational variables in special and special global conditions. In this regard, the current research aims to answer the question of whether the model of cognitive learning styles (novice or accepting novice or researcher) is suitable based on the academic self-efficacy of adolescents during quarantine.
Methods: The current research method is quantitative. In terms of strategy, the current research is descriptive-analytical, in terms of implementation, survey, in terms of time, cross-sectional, in terms of data collection, and field, and in terms of purpose, practicality, and terms of results, it is prospective. The statistical population of the research includes all teenagers (girls) in the second half of secondary school, ninth grade in Tehran in the academic year of 2019-2021. In the current research, the statistical sample was considered using the random cluster sampling method, and several 300 teenagers (girls) in the second half of secondary school, ninth grade in Tehran were selected, and from this number of people, 284 questionnaires were analyzed and Analysis and free of any disturbances have reached the stage of statistical analysis. Academic self-efficacy questionnaires by McIlroy and Bunting (2001) and cognitive styles questionnaire by Creton (1999) were used to collect data. To analyze the data, Pearson's correlation coefficient test and structural equations were used using SPSS and AMOS software.
Results: The results showed that academic self-efficacy on the innovative cognitive learning style of adolescents during quarantine with the value (Sig=0.0001, t=11.155) and the coefficient of influence (β=0.872), academic self-efficacy on learning style The cognitive novelty of adolescents during quarantine has a significant positive relationship with the value (Sig=0.0001, t=10.672) and the coefficient of influence (β=0.837). Also, the communication model of the research has a necessary fit.
Conclusion: According to the results of this study, it is suggested that according to the characteristics of innovative students (they think in diversity and variety in doing things or try to find a new problem, rather than just solving the problem itself, etc.) and innovative students (to do any What is better, they have a lot of worries or try to solve the problem instead of raising the problem, etc.), suitable measures should be considered for the education and training of their talents, also considering that the educational system has a significant effect on the self-efficacy perception of the students, the educational system It should be planned in such a way that based on it; Learning at the level of people's mastery, equal opportunity to learn and less to compare with each other. The educational system should be planned in such a way that students attribute their failures to lack of effort instead of attributing them to lack of ability and to strengthen their self-efficacy with the help of training created by the educational system, according to what he said The educational system has a significant effect on people's self-efficacy perception if the educational system is planned in such a way that it is based on learning at the level of mastery and all learners have the opportunity to reach the level of mastery and be less compared with others, and as a result, witness the absence of negative effects on Students' self-efficacy.
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Type of Study: Research | Subject: Clinical Psychiatry

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