Volume 30, Issue 1 (3-2023)                   RJMS 2023, 30(1): 305-314 | Back to browse issues page

Ethics code: IR.IAU.SARI.REC.1401.127
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Saremi S, Kamali N, Najafi A. Identification and Ranking of Platforms, Strategies and Consequences of Implementing Green Human Resources Management with the Attitude of Persistent Organizational Development of Employees of Iran University of Medical Sciences. RJMS 2023; 30 (1) :305-314
URL: http://rjms.iums.ac.ir/article-1-7757-en.html
Assistant Professor of Educational Management, Department of Educational Management, Zanjan Branch, Islamic Azad University, Zanjan, Iran , kamali_naghi@yahoo.com
Abstract:   (720 Views)
Background & Aims: The continuous erosion of the environment, which originates from human exploitation, has more or less faced all the countries of the world with this serious demand to put sustainable development methods compatible with the environment on the agenda. Organizations are one of the main threats to the development of environmental sustainability and are also considered key players in environmental protection. Therefore, the purpose of this study was to identify and rank the bases, strategies, and consequences of implementing green human resources management with the attitude of continuous organizational development of employees of Iran University of Medical Sciences.
Methods: The study method was mixed (qualitative-quantitative). The statistical population in the qualitative section included experts from the headquarters of Iran University of Medical Sciences, and the statistical sample of this section was 14 people, who were considered as interviewees using the principle of saturation. In this project, the researcher first qualitatively examines the research topic with limited participants, and then based on the qualitative findings, he takes action to build the desired tool. A mixed methods study requires the collection and analysis of quantitative and qualitative data in which the data are collected simultaneously or sequentially. The statistical community in the qualitative section includes experts from the headquarters of the Iran University of Medical Sciences who have the following characteristics: familiarity with the concept of human resource management and sustainable development, with a management experience of at least 7 years and a doctorate or master's degree in the relevant field. In this research, 14 people were considered as interviewees using the principle of saturation. The statistical population of the research in the quantitative part included the employees of the headquarters of the Iran University of Medical Sciences in the fields of green human resource management and sustainable development, and the number of the statistical sample according to the available sampling method is 341 people. In this research, the purposeful sampling method was used to determine the samples. In the qualitative part, theme analysis (open, central, and selective coding) was used. Theoretical coding is the process during which the data are analyzed, conceptualized, and placed next to each other in a new way, and it is the main process during which the theory is compiled based on the data. In this method, there are three main pillars "concepts", "categories" and theorems. In this method, theories are formed based on "raw data". After a semi-structured interview, a researcher-made questionnaire was obtained, which includes platforms, strategies and The platforms in this research include the components of political factors (2 items) and economic factors (4 items) as well as strategies including the components of educational strategies (2 items), cultural strategies (3 items) and legal strategies (3 items). ) and also the consequences included the components of environmental consequences (6 items), social consequences (7 items), physical consequences (5 items), and economic consequences (7 items) which were created by using a researcher's questionnaire and a 5-point Likert scale. It was measured from very high to very low. The reliability of the dimensions was confirmed because Cronbach's alpha and the combined reliability coefficient were higher than 0.7. It was considered from 0.05.
Results: In the quantitative part of this study, the opinions of 341 people were used to collect data, of which 219 respondents were men and 122 were women. According to the results, 55 respondents are in the age range of 30 to 40 years, 198 people are in the age range of 40 to 50 years, and 88 people are over 50 years old. According to the results, 59 of the respondents have a bachelor's education, 111 have a master's degree, and 171 have a doctorate and above. The statistical characteristics of the research model to identify and rank the platforms, strategies, and consequences of implementing green human resources management with the perspective of sustainable organizational development of employees of Iran University of Medical Sciences are given in Table 1. According to the results, political factors ranked first among the bed components (0.943). Among the components of the strategies, cultural strategies were ranked first (0.890) and among the consequences, social consequences were ranked first (0.919). The output related to the platforms is shown. The model fit index of the examined sample is 0.671, which is except for large sizes. According to these findings, it can be concluded that the tested model is a good fit for the examined sample. Also, considering that the factor loadings of all obvious variables of the model are more than 0.5 and the significance is more than 2.58, it can be said that the present structure has good validity.
Conclusion: The purpose of this study was to identify and rank the bases, obstacles, and strategies of implementing green human resources management with the approach of sustainable organizational development of the employees of Iran University of Medical Sciences. The platforms for implementing green human resources management have 2 components as follows: Political factors: supporting laws and regulations and the supervision of law-making organizations. This research showed that in order to initiate a change or its successful implementation, we need supportive laws and regulations. When government agencies and legislators consider supporting laws for the implementation of green human resource management elements, these laws are implemented as guidelines in the organization, which facilitates an important part of the implementation process. Economic factors: available organizational resources, the organization's budget for advertising, modification of spending patterns, and financial support from other institutions. In line with laws and regulations, the support of organizations and legislative institutions can bring important economic consequences for the organization. Green human resources management leads to the creation of educational mechanisms, and cultural and legal mechanisms. Also, these mechanisms on the creation of fashion consequences which include environmental consequences, social consequences, physical consequences, and economic consequences.
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Type of Study: Research | Subject: Educational Health

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