Volume 30, Issue 1 (3-2023)                   RJMS 2023, 30(1): 324-334 | Back to browse issues page

Research code: 01
Ethics code: IR.IAU.A.REC.1401.012
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Afrazizadeh S F, Baghooli H, Javid H, Sohrabi Shegefti N. Presenting a Prediction Model of Interpersonal Anger Based on Traits and Personality Disorders in Teenagers. RJMS 2023; 30 (1) :324-334
URL: http://rjms.iums.ac.ir/article-1-7638-en.html
Assistant Professor, Department of Consulting, Marvdasht Branch, Islamic Azad University, Marvdasht, Iran , bhossein@gmail.com
Abstract:   (463 Views)
Background & Aims: Adolescence is considered a transition period from childhood to adulthood. According to the results of research related to adolescence, contrary to humanistic approaches that consider this period without tension and conflict, they consider this period as a stormy period full of chaos, tension, and stress. One of the major problems identified during adolescence is the occurrence of intense emotions. Excitement is a psychological structure that affects all aspects of human life and is affected by it. Emotions are psycho-biological, purposeful, and social phenomena, instinctive phenomena that appear in different people under appropriate conditions, are not affected by social conditions and learning, and call for appropriate physiological responses. Anger is one of the psychological-biological emotions that play an important and effective role in the lives of all human beings. Anger is an emotion that usually appears as a result of a person's reaction to the unacceptable behavior of others. In other words, anger is one of the most important and comprehensive emotions in a person's existence, and it plays a key role in providing self-esteem, physical and mental health, and protecting him during threats. Anger directs a person's energy and strength to overcome unjustified obstacles, and correct and manage them. Although anger is one of the physiological and sometimes useful emotions and is also necessary for the protection of the individual, it has a significant relationship with aggression, mental disorders, and complex physical diseases, Incorrect expression causes problems in Family, interpersonal and occupational spheres and it also leads to a negative evaluation of the individual by others, negative self-concept, and low self-confidence. Personality is the aspect of human life that allows us to predict how a person will behave in certain situations. Each person behaves specially and has unique expectations, capabilities, needs, and behavioral skills based on his personality model. Personality includes five factors neuroticism, extroversion, experience-seeking, agreement-seeking, and conscientiousness, and each of these factors consists of a set of traits and characteristics. Personality disorders are also underlying factors of anger and aggression in teenagers. Inefficient behaviors are very different from the individual's cultural expectations and can cause major concern for the individual and others and disrupt the individual's social and professional functions. Personality disorders are disorders related to inconsistent and stable characteristics and ways of perceiving, communicating, and thinking about oneself and the world. Considering the importance of adolescence and individual, family, social, cultural, law enforcement, and psychological efforts for the protection of adolescents, as well as the importance of proper management of interpersonal anger emotions and the destructive effects of personality disorders in pushing adolescents to break norms, delinquency, law Breaking, criminality, suicide, and suicide, so the researchers investigated the relationship between the experience of interpersonal anger based on personality traits and disorders in teenagers.
Methods: The method of the current research is a correlational description. The statistical population included all teenagers aged 16 to 29 in Yasooj city, and in this research, 380 teenagers were selected and examined by cluster sampling. In this way, we divided the city of Yasooj into 5 regions, North, South, East, West, and Center, and randomly selected places from these regions and investigated the teenagers of that region and McCree (1992), Siegel's Multidimensional Anger Questionnaire (1986) and Millon's Multiaxial Clinical Questionnaire were examined.
Results: The Pearson correlation results between the experience of anger and personality traits showed that anger has a positive relationship with neuroticism traits and a significant negative relationship with the personality traits of extroversion, experience-seeking, agreement-seeking, and conscientiousness. Also, the findings showed that avoidant personality disorders, depressed, antisocial, dramatic, dependent, narcissistic, other annoying, obsessive, borderline, anxious, depressive, alcohol dependent, and negative personality disorders are positively and significantly related to anger projection. The results of the regression analysis showed that the personality traits of neuroticism directly and the personality traits of experience-seeking, agreement-seeking, and conscientiousness can inversely predict adolescent interpersonal anger, as well as antisocial, narcissistic, anxious, and negative personality disorders. They directly predict adolescent interpersonal anger.
Conclusion: In general, it can be concluded that there is a significant relationship between interpersonal anger and personality traits and disorders in adolescents, and paying attention to personality and traits is known to be an important issue in adolescent psychology. Among the limitations that the researchers faced in this research, it is possible to point out that this research is limited to teenagers aged 16 to 29 in Yasooj city, and the possibility of generalizing the results to teenagers of other cities and other cultures should be cautious. Another limitation of this research was the cross-sectional nature of data collection, which was collected in a limited period of time. It is suggested that in future research, longitudinal studies should be conducted in which the role of personality traits and disorders in the projection of interpersonal anger is more tangible. Also, the present study was only a field study with a questionnaire method, and despite the advantages of this method, it is possible that deviation from this method may have occurred. Therefore, it is suggested to be investigated using other evaluation methods in future research. It is also suggested that future researchers examine this research more closely with regard to the role of control variables such as education level, work experience or employment, and economic, social, and family status.
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Type of Study: Research | Subject: Clinical Psychiatry

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