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Zamannamian K, Yaghoobi A, Mohammadiarya A. Efficacy of Family-Oriented Respectful-Spiritual Psychological Intervention on the Mental Health and Spiritual Vitality of the Male Adolescents in the Puberty Period. RJMS 2022; 29 (9) :197-208
Professor, Department of Psychology, Faculty of Economics and Social Sciences, Bu-Ali Sina University, Hamedan, Iran ,
Abstract: (1651 Views)
Background & Aims: Although mental, emotional and social variables play an important role in the general health of teenagers, but without a doubt, the meaning that teenagers find for themselves in life, i.e. spiritual vitality, can also affect their lives. In fact, vitality and spiritual health is the newest dimension of health, which is placed next to other aspects of health such as physical health, mental health, and social health. In a comprehensive definition, it can be said that spiritual vitality is having a sense of acceptance, morality, a sense of positive mutual connection with a sovereign and superior holy power with others, which comes about through a dynamic and coordinated cognitive, emotional, action and personal consequence process (7).
Since the family is the center and core of care, the most effective services are those that emphasize the role of the family and strive to empower families, because the family-centered approach is effective for children, parents, families, and service providers. It improves medical services and increases families' satisfaction with the services provided. This is despite the fact that the performance of each person within the family system, especially the guardian, who is a mental-behavioral model for continuing, maintaining and changing the behavior of other family members, affects the psychological and social well-being of children (9). Therefore, family-oriented educational intervention means providing information to families about various issues or mental disorders and methods of prevention, coping and facing them. The main goal in family-oriented educational interventions is to improve the attitude and change the behavior of family members, especially spouses (10). According to the mentioned materials, the use of effective psychological interventions can provide the ground for the normal social and emotional development of teenagers. However, it should be noted that teenagers should assume professional and social roles upon entering adulthood. Therefore, weakness in effective emotional components such as mental health and weak spiritual vitality can make them face many problems. Therefore, considering the strong role of mental health and spiritual vitality in adolescence and its extensive effects on the personal, social and professional life of adolescents, it is necessary to take appropriate measures to improve this component. At the same time, it is necessary to address the research gap. As such, conducting family-oriented research in order to reduce the psychological and emotional problems of adolescents in the high-risk period of puberty has been largely neglected. Now, considering the research gap (lack of similar research) and considering the effectiveness of family-oriented interventions, the main problem of the present study is to evaluate the effectiveness of family-oriented spiritual-respectful psychological intervention on the mental health and spiritual vitality of adolescents during puberty.
Methods: In order to conduct the present semi-experimental research, which was conducted with a pre-test-post-test design with a control group and a two-month follow-up period, among adolescent boys (13 to 15 years old) present in the first secondary schools of the 5th district of Tehran in the academic year 2018-2019, whose score less than 65 in the mental health questionnaire and less than 70 in the spiritual vitality questionnaire, 25 teenagers were selected by purposeful sampling and randomly divided into two experimental groups (13 people) and control group (12 people). In the following, the samples of the mental health questionnaire of Goldberg and Hiller (1979) which has 28 questions, 14 of which measure psychological well-being and 14 of which measure psychological helplessness in a five-point Likert scale from 0 (completely disagree) to 4 (completely agree) The range of scores is between 0 and 112. Scores lower than 65 indicate the presence of damage in the mental health process of a person (4), and the spiritual vitality scale of Polotzin and Ellison (1982) which has 20 questions, 10 of which are religious health and 10 Another question measures existential health. The range of religious and existential health score is 10-60, each separately. For religious and existential health sub-groups, there is no leveling and judgment is based on the obtained score. The higher the obtained score, the higher the sign of spiritual and existential vitality. The score of spiritual vitality is the sum of these two subgroups, the range of which is 20-120. Answers to the questions were categorized on a six-point Likert scale from strongly disagree to strongly agree. In negative questions, scoring is done in reverse. Obtaining scores less than 70 indicates a person's lack of spiritual vitality. Finally, descriptive statistics of mean and standard deviation and Shapiro-Wilk tests were used to check the normality of the distribution of variables, Levine's test to check the equality of variances, Mochelli's test to check the assumption of sphericity of the data, and mixed analysis of variance and Bonferroni's post hoc test were used to test the research hypothesis. became.
Results: According to Table 3, the effect of the factor of group membership (respectful-spiritual family-oriented psychological intervention) on the scores of mental health and spiritual vitality of male adolescents during puberty is significant (p<0.001). The effect size shows that group membership (respective-spiritual family-centered psychological intervention) explains 44 and 42 percent of the difference in mental health and spiritual vitality scores, respectively. Also, the results indicate that the interaction effect of the type of treatment and the time factor on the mental health scores and spiritual vitality of male adolescents during puberty is significant (p<0.001). As the results of Table 4 show, there is a significant difference between the average scores of the pre-test, post-test and follow-up in the variables of mental health and spiritual vitality. This means that family-centered religious-spiritual psychological intervention has been able to significantly change the post-test scores and follow-up mental health and spiritual vitality of adolescent boys in the puberty period compared to the pre-test stage. Another finding of this table showed that there is no significant difference between the average scores of the post-test and follow-up stages. This finding can be explained by the fact that the scores of mental health and spiritual vitality of adolescent boys in the puberty period, which underwent a significant change in the post-test phase, were able to maintain this change during the follow-up period as well. In a summary, it can be stated that family-centered religious-spiritual psychological intervention has been able to lead to a significant change in the mean scores of mental health and spiritual vitality of adolescent boys in the post-test phase, and this effect has maintained its stability in the follow-up phase.
Conclusion: The results showed that family-centered religious-spiritual psychological intervention had a significant effect on the mental health and spiritual vitality of male adolescents during puberty and was able to improve the mental health and spiritual vitality of these adolescents. In the present explanation, it can be said that family-oriented psychological intervention improves the management of emotions and feelings (19). Based on this, family-oriented psychological intervention by improving the skills and management of emotions, cognitions and cognitive processing causes adolescents to show better mental health. In addition, during the family-centered religious-spiritual psychological intervention training sessions, parents were taught to familiarize themselves with the psychological, emotional and cognitive characteristics of adolescence and learn ways to establish healthy relationships with adolescents. Such a process made it possible for parents to establish normal psychological and emotional relationships with their children and in this way prevent the occurrence of challenges between them. Based on such a trend, the amount of mental and emotional disturbance of teenagers is reduced and they show better mental health.
The second finding showed that family-centered religious-spiritual psychological intervention had an effect on the spiritual vitality of adolescent boys during puberty. In the present explanation, the concepts taught during the sessions should be addressed. First of all, it should be mentioned that family-based education is able to strengthen the communication of family members with each other by promoting the culture of mutual thinking and negotiation, and in this way, it helps to improve the mental, emotional and cognitive health of the people present in the family (25). This process can also prepare the ground for improving the cognitive and emotional processing of children, and in this way, their mental and spiritual vitality increases.
Type of Study:
Research |
Clinical Psychiatry