Volume 30, Issue 6 (9-2023)                   RJMS 2023, 30(6): 294-302 | Back to browse issues page

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Ethics code: IR.IAU.SARI.REC.1401.048
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Rouhani Fard H, Taghvaei Yazdi M, Niaz Azari K. The Effect of Competence on the Scientific Authority of Medical Assistants in Medical Universities. RJMS 2023; 30 (6) :294-302
URL: http://rjms.iums.ac.ir/article-1-7563-en.html
Associate Professor, Department of Educational Management, Sari Branch, Islamic Azad University, Sari, Iran , m_taghvaeeyazdi@yahoo.com
Abstract:   (345 Views)
Background & Aims: The university as a knowledge-based organization is considered as the main place for developing talent and applying a competency-based approach in work environments. According to common sense, people feel satisfied working under the management of worthy people. In addition, the tenure of quality people in the management position eliminates the sense of competition, jealousy and conflict of subordinates and creates a sense of job satisfaction. The fundamental role of universities in training the specialized workforce has caused different countries, especially developed countries, to undergo fundamental changes and transformations in universities. Therefore, recognizing the special competencies required by university administrators is of particular importance, taking into account the social, political and cultural conditions and requirements of society, as well as the mission and vision outlined in the Ministry of Science and universities. One of the things that can be considered in this field is to put people in appropriate positions with their abilities, experiences and capabilities, and this process has been proposed in the form of a meritocracy system. In order to institutionalize this important issue for selecting competent and reliable managers in the body of the organization who will undoubtedly play an important role in achieving and implementing programs in the set goals requires having a systemic approach in designing and implementing competency-based management processes and sub-processes due to multiplicity. Heterogeneity and multiple decision criteria and their implications are essential, and the systematic approach of all competency processes and their sub-processes must be organized with a cohesive approach to achieve specific goals. Given the new plans and mission of the medical education system in today's complex situation, universities and training centers will not be able to meet their growing responsibilities without effective leadership and management. Therefore, improving and transforming the management system of universities is vital. The phenomenon of paying attention to merits with the centrality of the revolutionary university in the realization of the goals and ideals in different stages include "the victory of the revolution and the establishment of the Islamic system", "formation of the Islamic state", "creation of the Islamic society and country" and "realization of the nation" and the New Islamic Civilization ”, and at each stage has characteristics extracted from the statements and guidelines of the great leaders of the Islamic Revolution. The results of the University at the level of the Islamic Revolution include the two main components of the ability to efficiently carry out the work of the Islamic community and the scientific, intellectual and technological authority. The output of the University at the level of the Islamic Revolution also includes the two main components of "graduates and elites" and "thought, science and technology". From this perspective, and considering that scientific authority is the most important pillar and axis of development, in order to create such a situation, i.e. the rule of scientific attitude over the cultural beliefs of society, investing in human capital through educational, research and educational systems, additional supplements are required. The necessity of the competence of university administrators and academic authority in university education is due to the fact that this phenomenon has positive effects on the position of a university in the short and long term. Today, addressing the issue of management and competence in the medical education system, which is of great importance in the prevention, treatment of diseases, maintenance and promotion of public health is quite obvious. The future of universities and institutes and higher education in the country and their growth and development depends on having competent and effective managers.
Methods: The present applied research was conducted in 2022 with a qualitative and quantitative approach. The statistical population in the qualitative section were professors of macro-medical universities in region one among whom 15 people were selected using purposive sampling, and in the quantitative section, managers and deputies of departments, department heads and faculty members of Shahid Beheshti University of Medical Sciences summing up to 320 people were selected through Stratified random sampling as the statistical sample. In order to collect data, a researcher-made competency questionnaire with the approach of the Islamic Revolution University and a scientific authority questionnaire were used. Structural equations were used to analyze the data.
Results: The results showed that the dimension of "creativity" with an average rank of 6.53 had the highest rank. The results of confirmatory factor analysis showed that the highest value of path coefficient was related to the teamwork component of the organizational dimension with a value of 0.936 and the R2 value was equal to 0.875. Based on the path coefficients, a factor load of 0.577 was established between the two variables of competence and scientific authority.
Conclusion: In general, it can be concluded that competence with the approach of the University of the Islamic Revolution had a significant effect on scientific authority in Shahid Beheshti University of Medical Sciences. Today, the task of the university is not only to produce knowledge, but also to commercialize the knowledge produced, which should start with students and faculty members. In order to commercialize and refer the research done by researchers inside the university, a series of steps need to be taken in order to commercialize the results of these researches. These measures need to have a series of characteristics (competencies) which should be present in faculty members or strive to develop or develop these competencies. Universities should also base their performance evaluation on recruitment, training, promotion, and faculty performance because the integration of human resource subsystems will increase the productivity of the university, the development of faculty members and qualified graduates and become a scientific reference. Among the limitations of the present study, the statistical population which was limited to the professors of Shahid Beheshti University of Medical Sciences, the geographical scope of the research and the lack of access to the full text of the articles it can be stated. It should be noted that universities should pay attention to their competence and ability in attracting managers; because in order to maintain and create scientific authority, the optimal use of the country's resources is needed for a regular movement from the current situation to the scientific position, in the form of a comprehensive scientific map of the country, so the university should have competent and professional managers. The university should hold training courses for the realization of scientific authority in the field of science and technology in order to improve the specialized abilities and skills of university administrators because scientific authority is an individual, group and long-term effort that is made in accordance with the needs of the individual and society to produce science. Therefore, one of the most important factors driving such a program is the existence of organizational rules and regulations, so it is suggested that universities develop a charter and guidelines for the implementation of such an approach.
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Type of Study: Research | Subject: Clinical Psychiatry

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