Volume 30, Issue 2 (4-2023)                   RJMS 2023, 30(2): 280-287 | Back to browse issues page

Research code: 162326704
Ethics code: IR.IAU.ZAH.REC.1400.002
Clinical trials code: 1400002

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Mohammadi R, Fardin M, Jena Abadi H. The Effectiveness of Cognitive Behavioral Therapy on the Preference of Coping Actions of Patients Who Have Recovered from the Corona Pandemic at the Height of the Epidemic. RJMS 2023; 30 (2) :280-287
URL: http://rjms.iums.ac.ir/article-1-7518-en.html
Assistan professor, department of Psychology, Zahedan branch, Islamic, Azad University, Zahedan, Iran. , m.fardin@iauzah.ac.ir
Abstract:   (668 Views)
Background & Aims: : Coronavirus (Covid-19) is a large family of viruses that may cause respiratory infections from colds to more severe diseases such as MERS and Sars. Recently, this virus has been named Covid-19. contextual factors surrounding covid-19; including ease of transmission, lack of immunity among the global population, delayed testing, limited medical equipment, and uncertainty of the path of the pandemic; There is a level of public anxiety that shows the importance of investigating the issue. Research has reported a relationship between well-being and more effective coping strategies. Currently, psychological conceptualizations of unhealthy coping preferences often focus on individual coping strategies that are conceptualized as illness or part of the illness, for example, eating disorders, substance use disorders, self-harm, suicide, rather than biological causes. Psychological distress, antecedents of unhealthy coping strategies, and total coping strategies. Understanding the relationship between coping strategies and overwhelming distress is essential to inform diagnosis and the best targets for interventions. While healthy and unhealthy conceptualizations of coping strategies are empirically supported, to date there has been no assessment of the continuum of coping, implying that the use of coping preferences varies depending on the level of distress and relationship. According to healthy coping theory, people use unhealthy coping strategies when they feel better about a difficult situation, even if they risk other negative consequences to feel better, but this does not happen. between healthy and unhealthy coping strategies. The high individual morbidity and mortality and societal costs associated with the chronic use of unhealthy coping preferences highlight the need to understand better their relationship to overwhelming distress and healthy coping strategies. In the new theory of stress, coping skill is a major composite function that is often used due to individual differences in response to stress. Coping skills are also affected by homelessness and the special conditions of street children and adolescents for several reasons. Since the level of mental health among humans has been significantly reduced during the covid-19 epidemic and has been taken into consideration. High prevalence rates of depression, sleep disorders, and post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) have been reported at the peak of the disease outbreak in China; Symptoms of psychological distress are expected to be long-lasting and warrant the need for evidence-based psychological treatments aimed at immediate stress relief and prevention of psychological distress in this population. Research Background Cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT) is effective in the treatment and prevention of several stress-related disorders in the human population. Among the treatments that can be effective for post-traumatic stress disorder and psychological events after an unexpected event is a cognitive-behavioral therapy. Cognitive-behavioral group therapy is one of the most widely used methods and one of the most important choices in the field of psychological treatment of this disorder, which has wide applications. This treatment consists of four components: exposure, prevention of response, and connection between events and thoughts. It uses maladaptive thoughts to improve cognition, emotion, and behavior by changing cognition. According to the mentioned materials, this research has addressed the question of whether cognitive behavioral therapy affects the resilience and preference of coping actions of patients who have recovered from the corona pandemic (COVID-19) at the height of the epidemic.
Methods: This research was a semi-experimental type of research with a pre-test-post-test and control group. The statistical population of this research included all recovered patients of the Corona pandemic at the peak of the epidemic in Isfahan, 30 people were selected by purposeful sampling and randomly assigned to two experimental and control groups (15 people in each group). After the pre-test, the experimental group received the cognitive behavioral therapy program for 12 sessions, and then the post-test was performed. The data required for the research were collected using the scale of preference for confrontational actions by Carver, Shier, and Weintraub (1989). The resulting data were analyzed using descriptive statistics (mean and standard deviation) and inferential statistics (analysis of variance) with the help of SPSS-20 software.
Results: The findings showed that cognitive behavioral therapy led to an increase in problem-oriented confrontational preference and a decrease in emotion-oriented and avoidance confrontational preference in the members of the experimental group had a significant effect (P<0.01).
Conclusion: Based on the findings, it can be concluded that cognitive behavioral therapy can be considered an effective treatment in reducing the problems and psychological indicators of patients who have recovered from the corona pandemic. This research finding can be explained that in cognitive behavioral therapy, tasks such as functional analysis, skill training, and dealing with impulsive desire are presented to people, which creates a feeling of mastery and empowerment in people, and is effective in improving the person's coping preference. In cognitive-behavioral therapy, people learn that they should not ignore problems and should accept problems and act to solve them. They learn to follow clear policies and try to see the bright side of things and control their emotions. In this way, they learn to take advantage of the guidance of others, but not to interfere with their problems, instead of just seeking support from others. This method teaches people to have a plan for their life (and especially their recovery). This research, like other research, has limitations such as the impossibility of holding face-to-face meetings (due to the corona situation) and the limitations related to the participation of both sexes in the interventions (the training was conducted only among female patients who have recovered from the corona pandemic). It comes with It is also suggested that in future research, the influence of other factors involved in the psychological problems of patients who have recovered from the corona pandemic should be controlled during training. Also, according to the results of this study and the effectiveness of cognitive behavioral therapy, it is suggested to conduct long-term follow-up in a larger sample in future research to evaluate the stability of the results, and also to implement educational and therapeutic courses based on cognitive therapy for patients who have recovered from the corona pandemic.
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Type of Study: Research | Subject: Public Health

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