Zarei M, Ghasemiِِِ H, Nikbakhsh R. Comparative Study of Recreational Sports Activities for the Elderly in Germany and Iran Based on the Brady Model. RJMS 2022; 29 (8) :187-198
Associate Professor of Sports Management, Payame Noor University, Tehran, Iran ,
Abstract: (1032 Views)
Background & Aims: Creating suitable conditions for more mobility (recreational sports and leisure) which on the one hand entertains and fills the leisure time of the elderly and on the other hand eliminates their urgent need for mobility, is one of the most essential these are just some of the goal setting shareware that you can use. Therefore, due to the importance of this issue, the purpose of this study was a comparative study of recreational sports activities for the elderly in Germany and Iran based on the Brady model.There is virtually no planned evaluation of sports offers. Suggestions and criticisms are discussed irregularly in conversations between coaches and adult athletes. The results of the discussion are rarely recorded and are primarily related only to the quality of the coach. Theoretically, some possibilities have been shown for how service quality can be evaluated and improved. Unfortunately, these methods are not fully applicable in the elderly. On the one hand, this is because older people only want to give verbal feedback and sports providers do not have the resources to install a quality management system. However, there are ways to do the evaluation with relatively little effort. So the question is, how should sports and recreational activities be planned to attract older people? The necessity of conducting this study is determined by the demographic transition and the unpreparedness of the society to face the sudden increase of the elderly population, which is related to the specific characteristics of population transfer. Along with all the issues, it seems that the changes caused by the population transition in Iran have caused the new social structures to be unable to meet the needs and requirements of the elderly. The aging of the Iranian population and addressing the issue of the elderly, including sports and physical activity in their spare time, is an inevitable necessity. Therefore, it is hoped that the possible results of the research can help planners and policy makers to encourage participation in sports and physical activity of the elderly. Managers and policy makers can increase the level of participation in sports activities in the elderly community by considering the factors raised in the research and providing conditions for the implementation of programs according to the factors raised and removing barriers to participation in sports activities.
Methods: This was a qualitative-applied research with Brady four stages of a comparative approach. The statistical population of the research consists of existing domestic and foreign documents, sources and reference books in the field of Iranian and German elderly. Checklist related to the comparative comparison of sports and recreational activities of the elderly in Iran and Germany, which was in all five dimensions of planning, facilities, manpower, structure and demographic characteristics. The studied variables in each dimension were selected by a survey of supervisors and consultants as well as a study of the present theoretical foundations on the research topic.
Results: Based on the results of research on comparing all five dimensions of planning, manpower, facilities, structure and medical characteristics of Iran and Germany, it was found that there are many differences between Iran and Germany. The structure of the Iranian model was based more on the prominent role of planning and financial issues, and the main concern of the Iranian elderly was livelihood, while in the German model, more emphasis was on manpower. Planning in sports and recreational activities in Iran and Germany was reviewed and compared: Comparison of planning approaches in recreational sports activities for the elderly in Iran and Germany in 12 Variables Was categorized: Poverty of the elderly, Elderly care volunteers, Daily schedule of life in a nursing home, Planning, Guardian of Aging Sports, Type of sports activity, Type of recreational activity, life style, Alone in old age, Type of activities, Media, Hiring the elderly. Comparison of facilities in recreational sports activities for the elderly in Iran and Germany in 6 Variables Was categorized: Elderly recreational sports centers, Access to sports venues, Existence of sports facilities for the elderly, standard facilities, urban environment, Sports services for the elderly. Comparison of manpower in recreational sports activities for the elderly in Iran and Germany in 4 Variables Was categorized: Manpower training, Characteristics of manpower, Manpower services, Duties of manpower. Comparison of structure in recreational sports activities for the elderly in Iran and Germany in 4 Variables Was categorized: Pension system, pension fund, German sports structure, Family structure. Comparison of demographic characteristics in recreational sports activities for the elderly in Iran and Germany in 4 Variables Was categorized: Life expectancy, marital status, Job, Income, Insurance status.
Conclusion: The structure of sports and recreational activities in Iran and Germany was examined and compared, the results of which showed that there are differences between Iran and Germany in the dimensions of the pension system, pension fund, German sports structure and family structure. The structure of German sports is very similar to the federal structure that characterizes the Federal Republic of Germany. This feature makes German sports have an independent structure. Since the merger of the German National Olympic Committee Duster Sport Bando in May 2006 and the establishment of the German Olympic Confederation, it has become the only German umbrella organization. At the German macro level, both the federal government (through the Ministry of the Interior) and the 16 state governments (for example, through the Ministry of the Interior or the Ministry of Culture of the state government) are responsible for policy-making in the sport of the region under their control. As a result, there is no independent ministry called the Ministry of Sports in Germany. But in the Iranian state system, there is the Ministry of Sports and Youth. The industrial, economic and political structures of society in today's world are interrelated with sport; On the other hand, the industrial and economic development of Germany has affected the promotion of sports quality in society as a whole and even sports for the elderly, and in return, attention to sports at the educational, public, championship and professional levels Industrial, economic and social prosperity. At the same time, when young people and adults join sports and participate in sports programs, this participation can continue into old age and help the development of old sports. According to the results suggested that in the future planning of public sports in the country, special attention should be paid to sports for the elderly and rules and regulations should be developed to support sports for the elderly, as well as training specialized and trained sports coaches for public sports programs. According to the results of the research on the difference between planning approaches in recreational sports activities for the elderly in Iran and Germany, it is suggested to reduce sports costs by paying subsidies to institutions that deal with sports and community health. Since most seniors do not include any monthly expenses for exercise in the household budget, it is necessary to plan for short-term and long-term education of seniors and their families about the positive benefits of exercise for the elderly and the need to do it under any circumstances. The results also showed that the facilities of recreational sports activities for the elderly in Iran and Germany are different, so that sports managers and officials have made special planning and investment on this factor and by providing sports programs and facilities to the elderly, the level of motivation Increase them to participate in physical activity. Also, considering that most sports services are provided by private sports clubs, strengthening these clubs in various ways, as well as supporting them, can play an important role in the success of public sports programs. The results of the present study showed that the dimensions of manpower in recreational sports activities for the elderly in Iran and Germany are different. Also, by creating and developing volunteer centers and training them, provide the ground for the development of efficient human resources in this field, and at the end of the present study showed that the structure is different in recreational sports activities for the elderly in Iran and Germany, accordingly. It is suggested that in the future planning of public sports in the country, special attention be paid to sports for the elderly and rules and regulations be developed to support sports for the elderly, as well as the training of specialized and trained sports coaches for public sports programs.
Type of Study:
Research |
Exercise Physiology