Volume 30, Issue 5 (8-2023)                   RJMS 2023, 30(5): 275-284 | Back to browse issues page

Research code: مقاله مستخرج از رساله دكتري است
Ethics code: IR.IAU.SARI.REC.1403.005
Clinical trials code: 1

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Asali Nabati M, Babakhani N, Dortaj F. Explaining Academic Motivation Based on Perception of Parenting Styles, and Socioeconomic Status Mediated by Achievements Goals in Female Students. RJMS 2023; 30 (5) :275-284
URL: http://rjms.iums.ac.ir/article-1-7322-en.html
Assistant Professor, Department of Psychology, Roudehen Branch, Islamic Azad University, Roudehen, Iran. , babakhani@riau.ac.ir
Abstract:   (481 Views)
Background & Aims: Academic enthusiasm is one of the most important components that is defined as the psychological capital of students and their direct effort to learn and acquire skills and the desire to improve the level of success. According to researchers, academic motivation includes three dimensions: behavioral, emotional and cognitive. According to researchers, parents, as the first and most important factor in the socialization of the child, is the most favorable place for the growth and intellectual and physical excellence of children. In the meantime, children's perception of parenting and their upbringing methods as a personal resource can be one of the factors that directly and significantly affect academic achievement. Also, the results of some studies indicated that the authoritative style and quality of communication with the father had a positive and significant effect on academic motivation and the relaxed style of mothers had a negative and significant effect on academic motivation. Another factor that explains the academic motivation of students that is related to the family is the socio-economic status of the family. The results indicate that there is a direct relationship between parents 'economic status and children's academic achievement and the socio-economic status predicts students' academic success. Other factors affecting academic motivation include the goals of achievement in students. According to the theory of achievement goals, students according to the goals they adopt widely in Educational activities are involved. Therefore, according to what has been said and considering the importance of students' academic success, which is always one of the most important issues in education, as well as the need to pay attention to academic motivation as a key factor in academic success, the purpose of this study is to answer The question is whether academic motivation can be explained by the perception of parenting styles, the socioeconomic status of the family mediated by development goals? Does the designed model fit well?
Methods: The present study is a quantitative research in terms of measurement, fundamental purpose in terms of research and causal research in terms of non-experimental method, ie structural equations. The statistical population of the present study consisted of female high school students in theoretical disciplines (literature and humanities, experimental sciences, mathematics and physics) studying in high schools in Tehran in the academic year 1398-1397. Since in this study, the community is unknown and very large; Therefore, the sample size was 385 people. Also in this study, due to the large statistical population of students, stepwise cluster sampling method was used. Thus, at first, among the geographical areas of Tehran, five areas (north, south, east, west, center) were randomly selected and then from among the selected areas, girls' secondary schools were randomly selected. Also among the classes; A class in the experimental, mathematical, and humanities disciplines was randomly selected. A researcher-made questionnaire based on the family socio-economic status was distributed and collected among the sample. Finally, descriptive statistics, Kalmogorov-Smirnov test and Pearson correlation coefficient tests and structural equation modeling were used for inferential analysis of data.
Results: The results showed that the perception of parents' educational styles has a significant effect on academic motivation. Socio-economic status also has a significant effect on academic motivation. On the other hand, it was found that achievement goals have a significant effect on academic motivation. Another finding showed that the observed effect is significant. Finally, it was found that the intensity of the effect of achievement goals on academic achievement is significant. The results presented in Table 2 also showed that the perception of parents' educational styles mediated by achievement goals has a significant effect on academic achievement. Also, socio-economic status has a significant effect on academic achievement by mediating achievement goals. Therefore, it can be concluded that the perception of parents' educational styles and socio-economic status of the family has an effect on academic achievement through the mediation of achievement goals.
Conclusion: The results showed that the perception of parents' educational styles has a significant effect on the overall score of academic motivation and its components (emotional, cognitive and behavioral). Explaining this finding, it can be said that when parents consider factors such as warmth, intimacy, autonomy and independence in raising their children, they encourage their children in verbal relationships and prevent them from being pragmatic and behavioral, These parents also give the necessary reasons when they forbid the child from something or expect from him. In contrast, parents who are careless in their upbringing and careless about their children cause their children to experience the highest levels of anxiety. Another finding showed that socio-economic status has a significant effect on the overall score of academic motivation and its components (emotional, cognitive and behavioral). Explaining this finding, it can be said that environmental deprivation and lack of stimuli for mental and social development are important factors in the educational decline of children and adolescents. This is because a significant percentage of students who seriously suffer from academic failure are often people who live in families with extremely low socioeconomic status and are strongly exposed to economic and cultural poverty, which is why It severely reduces their academic motivation. Another finding showed that achievement goals have a significant effect on the overall score of academic motivation and its components (emotional, cognitive and behavioral). Explaining this finding, it can be said that people who have an inner motivation for progress, when they are in challenging situations, use all their strength and knowledge to overcome this situation. Students with attentive goals see challenging situations as opportunities to learn; Therefore, it is logical that there is a significant relationship between attentional goals and academic motivation. The results of the study showed that the socio-economic status of mediating achievement goals has a significant effect on the total score of academic motivation and its components (cognitive, emotional and behavioral). Explaining this finding, it can be said that the low socio-economic status of some students is not the cause of lack of motivation and poor academic performance, but the factors that are usually associated with low socio-economic status, on their motivation and academic performance.
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Type of Study: Research | Subject: Clinical Psychiatry

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