Ethics code: IR.IAU.SARI.REC.1400.093
Clinical trials code: 01
Assistant Professor, Department of Educational Management, Sari Branch, Islamic Azad University, Sari, Iran ,
Abstract: (1035 Views)
Background & Aims: Citizenship competencies are one of the most important necessities in today's complex society. An effective and efficient education system is a system that is in line with the real goals and needs of society and has the ability to prepare the young generation and develop skills, including citizenship skills, to achieve the desired goals. Citizenship competencies are one of the most important necessities in today's complex society. Citizenship merit refers to knowing how to interact with each other in a democratic society. The Citizenship Competency Program seeks to develop cognitive, communicative, and emotional competencies along with the acquisition of knowledge about government and society. It has to do more with norms and mechanisms for living together. To this end, civic education should be based on activities, not just ideas. The development of citizenship competencies is considered as an educational goal and a good citizen is a person who has characteristics such as; (a) having the ability to evaluate and critique different perspectives, (b) thinking about issues such as justice and equality, (c) participating and (d) accept social responsibility. Universities, as educational and service-oriented organizations, are no exception to this rule of influencing students. In other words, achieving purely educational goals depends on the optimal use of human, financial, and equipment resources, but the dynamism of the university system depends on various factors, including having qualified employees, having a high professional commitment, and a committed heart. It is up to them to take steps in a dynamic and healthy environment by using all their power for the greater and better efficiency of this scientific and cultural organization. Therefore, the professional competence and commitment of all university staff and professors due to their important role in advancing the educational situation of the university is very important and will prepare the ground for performance improvement and productivity. Therefore, this study seeks to answer the question of what is the role of professors 'professional abilities on students' self-efficacy and competence?
Methods: In terms of purpose, this research is an applied research that was approved by the ethics committee of Islamic Azad University, Sari branch, with the ethics code IR.IAU.SARI.REC.1400.093. The combined research method and research design are also of the type of mixed exploratory research design (qualitative-quantitative). The statistical population of the research in the qualitative section includes (faculty and guest professors and managers of the department of Mazandaran University) to agree on the Delphi method. Also, the statistical population in a small part includes faculty members, visiting professors and teaching staff, and administrative staff of Mazandaran University in 1400 to 1487 people, who were selected by available sampling method. Sample size and sampling method in the qualitative section, according to the research method used in this study, the number of specific samples was not specified at first and sampling was available until 20 after the Theoretical saturation interview was obtained. The statistical sample size in the quantitative part was determined using Cochran's formula of 153 people. A semi-structured interview was used to collect information in the qualitative part and a researcher-made questionnaire was used in the quantitative part. In order to analyze the data in the qualitative part, the Delphi technique and in the quantitative part of the structural equation modeling method, SPSS, and LISREL software were used.
Results: Based on the results of the structural model, the variable of teachers' professional abilities on self-efficacy is significant. Considering the significance and positiveness of these coefficients, it can be said that the professional abilities of teachers have a positive and significant effect on self-efficacy. Also, the effect of teachers' professional competencies on citizenship competence has been shown by estimating the standard coefficients of paths (value t) along with the factor load of each variable, and as it is known, all factor loads are in good condition and the capability they measure dimensions.
Conclusion: The results of the present study showed that the professional abilities of teachers have a significant effect on self-efficacy and citizenship competence. The university is an effective channel for transmitting a set of specific social knowledge, skills, values , and beliefs. The university should provide opportunities for learners to test different values and beliefs from different perspectives, to enable citizens to be aware of and respect their role, and to take an active part in the national interest. To be. Citizenship is not something that happens after graduating from university, but is learned and practiced in daily behaviors and interactions, and is the best place to practice citizenship, university, and school. In other words, the main responsibility for fostering, strengthening, and developing the values and skills of citizenship falls on these two places, which must be practiced and in the course of students' relations with each other and with other individuals and groups. Make them active and responsible citizens. What can justify the main mission and philosophy of the formation and development of universities in the current era is citizenship education and the development of citizenship skills. In order for universities to be able to develop citizenship competencies as one of the basic goals of the educational institution in students, they must be effective, because the most important factor that can indicate the achievement of goals is the effectiveness of the university. Among the various pillars of educational institutions, professors as the main pillar of education in universities have a decisive role in the effectiveness of the university and the development of students' competencies. Therefore, professors 'views on the effectiveness of the university as well as the extent to which students have citizenship competencies can help explain the role of the university and their effectiveness in developing students' competencies, especially citizenship competencies and self-efficacy. Numerous factors, such as parents, friends, the media, society and education, and higher education institutions, play a role in learning and developing citizenship skills. The family can be mentioned as an important resource for learning citizenship skills. But the school and the university play a major role in learning students' citizenship competencies. The university influences students' citizenship competencies through the subjects of the curriculum for citizenship education, the methods used to teach the topics, and the methods, rules, and regulations used throughout the university. Because the effectiveness of professors is focused on the achievement of educational goals and objectives, the development of citizenship competencies as one of the goals of the educational institution is better achieved in effective universities. Teachers' effectiveness indicates performance and progress in achieving educational goals. In general, it can be acknowledged that students should have the necessary abilities and skills such as competence and self-efficacy in today's society, which in order to improve their abilities, the professional capabilities of professors play a role and universities and higher education institutions not only for training Expert human beings, but also for expanding the frontiers of knowledge and from the perspectives of personal, national and international development, and the professional capabilities of professors play an important role in the development of educational goals. One of the limitations of the present study was the difficulty of coordinating and communicating with the participants in the qualitative part, which was time-consuming. Considering the effect of professors' professional abilities on students' self-efficacy and competence, it is suggested that in-service training be held in the form of various workshops in order to train professors' professional abilities. Managers, assistants should be fully informed about the impact of the effect of teachers 'professional abilities on students' self-efficacy and competence, and most of them should be considered.
Type of Study:
Research |
Clinical Psychiatry