Assistant Professor, Department of Educational Management, Sari Branch, Islamic Azad University, Sari, Iran ,
Abstract: (1382 Views)
Background & Aims: The overall objective of this study was to identify the role of quantum management in Mazandaran University of Medical Sciences in order to present a model. The 21st century coincides with Einstein's theory of relativity, followed by his student Heisenberg, who proposed quantum theory. The message of quantum is that all the components of the universe, the universe, including human beings, are dynamic, conscious, and interconnected beings. Quantum means a moving particle with possible tendencies, and simple one-cause relationships give way to multi-cause and intertwined relationships. The basis of the quantum paradigm is based on complexity, uncertainty and cliché. In fact, the assumptions of traditional management are questionable, because traditional management is assumed to be rational, while the quantum paradigm acknowledges that not only is nothing predictable in the world, but that there is not even enough information to understand the current situation (1). The scientific development of quantum physics and its ability to explain many intangible and complex phenomena led to the use of quantum theory concepts in the form of a new paradigm in management science. This paradigm, while being able to explain many complex organizational concepts, has opened a new perspective on the science of organization and management. The quantum paradigm in management tries to use the rules, concepts and principles of quantum theory in the form of metaphors and guidelines to solve management problems and to describe and explain organizational phenomena (2). Organizations are the cornerstone of today's societies, and management is the most important factor in the life, growth, or death of organizations. A good manager guides the process of moving from the status quo to the desired situation. And at every moment, he is striving for a better future. Therefore, management is the most important issue that should be considered for the cultural, economic, industrial and political growth and excellence of society. In the past, organizational thinking has been profoundly influenced by Newtonian classical thinking. That is, the same traditional management skills that Fayol provided (including planning, organizing, coordinating, controlling, and commanding). These skills were essential to the organizational development of the twentieth century. But in today's fast-paced, complex world, these traditional management skills are useful, but not enough (3).
Methods: This research was applied in terms of purpose and descriptive in terms of survey method. The statistical population consisted of all managers and faculty members of Mazandaran University of Medical Sciences in the number of 492 people. According to Cochran's formula, 217 people were selected as a statistical sample by stratified random sampling method based on scientific rank.
Researcher-made Quantum Management Questionnaire: This questionnaire has 36 questions and 7 dimensions or main components including quantum seeing, quantum thinking, quantum feeling, quantum cognition, quantum acting, quantum trusting and quantum being, which is in a 5-point Likert scale (very low, low, medium, high and very high Scored). The face and content validity of the instrument was confirmed by experts and specialists and its reliability was calculated using Cronbach's alpha coefficient of 0.81. SPSS25 and AMOS23 software and structural equation testing were used to analyze the data.
Results: The Kaiser-Meyer-Olkin index was 0.863 and the significance level of Bartlett sphericity test was 0.0009 indicating the adequacy of the number of data for exploratory factor analysis. Based on Varimax rotation, seven dimensions: quantum seeing, quantum thinking, quantum feeling, quantum cognition, quantum acting, quantum trust and quantum being were identified. The results of confirmatory factor analysis showed that the quantum feeling dimension with a standard coefficient of 0.80 had the highest impact on explaining quantum skills. Exploratory factor analysis and determining the factor load of variables and quantum management skills items were performed by Varimax rotation method. Except for items 9, 19 and 36 of the questionnaire, whose communalities coefficient is less than 0.50, the rest of the items have a communalities coefficient of more than 0.50. Using second-order factor analysis, we present an explanatory model of each of the key factors of quantum management skills. To determine the effect of each of the variables and their importance coefficients, second-order factor analysis and standard coefficients were used. To evaluate the adequacy of the model, model fit indicators such as: NFI, GFI, CFI and IFI have been used. All of which are in an acceptable and appropriate level and the SRMR index is 0.093.
Conclusion: According to the research results, quantum management plays an essential role in the development of the University of Medical Sciences. It creates a suitable background for the application of this model in the management of the country's educational system. Today, rapid and continuous environmental changes have complexly derailed educational organizations and, consequently, Universities of Medical Sciences. Under such circumstances, managers' ability to plan, organize, direct, and control has become increasingly challenged. Quantum management changes and reverses the view of universities administrators in looking at phenomena from the top down and from the outside in. This is possible by equipping with quantum skills, which include; quantum seeing, quantum thinking, quantum feeling, quantum cognition, quantum acting, quantum trust, and quantum being. In medical sciences universities, due to the complexities of technology and the unstable conditions of the organizational environment, widespread competition, widening gaps, declining quality, globalization of education goals, concerns about preservation of identity, limited resources, etc., maintaining stagnation and preventing change. Management theories are classic, they do not have the desired efficiency. In order to eliminate or reduce inefficiencies, the use of quantum management principles enables managers to look at issues in a consultative rather than traditional way, to think creatively and intuitively, to have active positive emotions, and to be accountable to the organization. And prioritize their community. Trust the working life of staff and faculty. Managers must build a strong communication network between themselves and other people in the organization based on mutual trust and, most importantly, be prepared for any organizational change and create participation and innovation to adapt to the new conditions of the organizational environment.
Type of Study:
Research |
Clinical Psychiatry