Research code: 01
Ethics code: IR.IAU.SARI.REC.1401.177
Clinical trials code: 01
Sheykhi Alizade M, Hosseinpour M, Bahmaee L. Identifying the Factors Affecting the Development of Continuing Medical Education in the University of Medical Sciences. RJMS 2022; 29 (8) :119-127
Associate Professor, Department of Educational Management, Ahvaz Branch, Islamic Azad University, Ahvaz, Iran ,
Abstract: (1876 Views)
Background & Aims: Due to the rapid and rapid transformation of human knowledge and information, everything is changing rapidly. Organizations interact with the environment as an open system and need to respond to environmental changes in order to survive. Since human resources are the most important factor and axis of organizations, preparing these resources to face changes and update their knowledge is of particular importance. Medical education with the aim of maintaining and promoting human health is very important in order to train human resources specialized in this field. However, medical education is an endless process because medical sciences are advancing at a high speed and on the other hand, due to the escape of knowledge from human memory, its recall is considered necessary for various medical professionals. Continuing education of the medical team is a key element in increasing the knowledge, skills, quality and effectiveness of the health care system and promoting professional competence. The main purpose of continuing medical education is to maintain the skills and professional development of the medical community so that they can meet the needs of patients and the health system and improve the health system. Continuing medical education is a continuous learning process aimed at updating professional competence. This concept is a comprehensive approach to the continuous development of the profession. On the other hand, according to statistical estimates, the number of detainees has tripled since the beginning of the law. Also, the total number of types of continuing education programs (seminar, conference, congress, short-term vocational, codified, conference, workshop and self-study) has increased from 6 programs in 1369 to 9039 programs in 1391, which clearly indicates increasing growth and progress. It will rise in the coming years. In addition, the wide distribution of learners in the country, which according to Article 1 of the Law on Continuing Education includes all medical graduates, as well as the variety of educational topics, necessitates comprehensive and accurate planning, the management of which requires regular information. It is correct and up to date. On the importance of continuing medical education and learning in medical universities, it can be stated that one of the approaches emphasized by international organizations such as UNESCO in the 21st century is the inseparability of continuous learning from human life, which is a collective rethinking. In sensitive professions such as medicine. Education and development: Education, unlike development, can be measured objectively. Rapid changes in all pillars of organizations have severely limited the function of the training tool. For this reason, the scope of the concept of education has been considered. With the expansion and development of the concept of education, the objectivity and measurability of education faces many problems. Today, with the development of the concept of education, in addition to familiarity with skills and techniques, the way of thinking correctly and the system of thinking and analysis of the individual is also targeted and the word development is used instead of the word education. Roger Cartwright (2004) argues that "development is a process in which learning occurs through experience, where learning outcomes affect not only one's work skills but also one's attitudes". The aim of this study was to provide a model of continuing education at Ahwaz Jundishapur University based on a review of studies conducted in this field.
Methods: The statistical population of this study was 90 employees of Ahvaz University of Medical Sciences that 74 people were selected as a sample using Cochran sampling method. Data collection tools were a standard 100-item questionnaire with 7 components including management of education and technical support, technology and design, pedagogical, institutional, ethical, evaluation and feedback, and combined learning templates. The reliability of the questionnaire was confirmed by Cronbach's alpha of 0.8 and its validity was confirmed by face validity with the opinion of experts. SPSS software was used to analyze the data.
Results: The results showed that the factors of education management and technical support, technology and design, pedagogical, institutional, ethical, evaluation and feedback and combined learning forms have a significant effect on the development of continuing medical education.
Conclusion: In general, it can be acknowledged that each educational content should have quality characteristics that meet the goals and strategies of education and in order to continuously develop medical education, education management and technical support factors, technology and design, pedagogical, institutional, Ethics, evaluation and feedback, and forms of blended learning are considered. There are two main approaches to educational design: a systems perspective, and a constructivist perspective. The systematic view of educational design considers education as a process consisting of input, process, and output. In this approach, which is based on the epistemological views of positivism and the psychological views of behaviorism and epistemology, one of its most important underlying assumptions is the acceptance of the existence of knowledge separately and independently outside the all-encompassing mind. As a result of the most important work done in educational design, a very complete and accurate analysis of the subject of education into its components and the classification of these components based on one of the classifications of educational objectives and then determine How to provide training for each of the objectives. Outputs or learning outcomes are first stated very clearly, followed by methods for teaching-learning activities so that students can achieve the desired goals (outcomes) by doing so. . In the constructivist view, which results from postmodern epistemology, knowledge is the product of the process of constructing meaning in the all-encompassing mind. Constructivism is a discourse in the field of learning and psychology that believes that knowledge by means of The person is made. In other words, it is the individual who, according to his previous experiences and knowledge, interprets the new situation and, as a result, forms an interaction with his new knowledge environment. In the first process, new information is added to the cognitive structure, and in the second case, the cognitive structure is changed in order to absorb the new information. In the continuing education programs, it was tried to observe all the above points in a desirable way. For this purpose, a study guide was developed for each program so that the audience or study it is familiar with the program objectives, matching the subject of the program with their needs and interests, duration of scientific validity of the program, evaluation method, cost, continuing education score and program authors.
Type of Study:
Research |
Clinical Psychiatry