Volume 14, Issue 54 (4-2007)                   RJMS 2007, 14(54): 53-62 | Back to browse issues page

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Taghaddosi M, Afazel M, Seyedi M. A Survey on the Relation of Dietary Habits to Ischemic Heart Diseases . RJMS 2007; 14 (54) :53-62
URL: http://rjms.iums.ac.ir/article-1-699-en.html
Abstract:   (9569 Views)

    Background & Aim: Today cardiovascular diseases are the most common causes of death. They constitute an important part of care costs every year. Considering the role of life style such as dietary habits in causing cardiovascular diseases, this survey was carried out to determine the relationship between eating habits and ischemic heart diseases in the patients of Shahid Beheshti Hospital in Kashan. Patients & Method: This case-control study was performed on two groups of 200 ischemic heart patients and 200 non-ischemic patients in Kashan. Data were collected by a questionnaire including variables such as age, sex, job, education, place of living, marital status, the kind of fat and meat they used, overeating, using sugary and starchy foods, and the intake of salt, fat, fruit, vegetables, tea, coffee, alcohol and dairy products. The collected data was analyzed by EP15 program and X2 test. Results: The study covered 400 cases including 200 ischemic and 200 non-ischemic patients. 70 cases (35%) were over the age of 66, 121 cases(60.7%) were male, 174 cases(87%) were married, 124 cases(62%) were illiterate, and 136 cases(68%) were living in Kashan city. The findings showed a meaningful relation between using salty food and ischemic heart involvement(P<0.0001). Also, the usage of fatty food and the above-mentioned disease were related meaningfully(P<0.0003). The relation between the intake of fruit, vegetables, dairy products, and starch and ischemic heart disease was meaningful too(P<0.001). In addition, we noticed a meaningful relation between meat and nuts intake and heart failure(P<0.00001). Ischemic patients used alcohol more than non-ischemic ones, a fact which indicates a meaningful relation between alcohol intake and heart involvement(P<0.02). Smoking and the prevalence of ischemic heart disease seemed to be meaningfully related(P<0.04). However, the findings did not reveal a meaningful relationship between the kind of fat and butter, overeating, tea, and coffee and ischemic heart disease. Conclusion: Considering the role of diet in causing ischemic heart diseases, it is advisable that people be encouraged to use more fruit, vegetables, low-fat dairy products, and white meat and avoid consuming extra salt, fat, red meat, and also alcohol.

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Type of Study: Research | Subject: Cardio Muscular Disease

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