Volume 30, Issue 2 (4-2023)                   RJMS 2023, 30(2): 61-74 | Back to browse issues page

Research code: IR.IAU.KH.REC.1398.006
Ethics code: IR.IAU.B.REC.1401.003
Clinical trials code: IR.IAU.KH.REC.1398.006

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Ashkbous S, Daraei M, Pourhosseini E. Analysis of Organizational Culture Components in Medical Universities: Presenting A Conceptual Model Using the Delphi Technique. RJMS 2023; 30 (2) :61-74
URL: http://rjms.iums.ac.ir/article-1-6937-en.html
Assistant Professor Assistant Professor, Department of Educational Management, Khorramabad Branch, Islamic Azad University, Khorramabad, Iran , mehry_daraei@yahoo.com
Abstract:   (2282 Views)
Background & Aims: Every organization has an identity that is based on organizational culture. Organizations, like individuals, have personality, which is called the culture of that organization. Accordingly, the purpose of this study is to investigate the components of organizational culture in medical universities and present a conceptual model using the Delphi technique.
Methods :To conduct the research, semi-structured interviews with 15 experts, including university professors in the field of organizational culture at Lorestan University of Medical Sciences and the Delphi method were used. In this paper, three basic steps of qualitative methods included; Open coding, axial coding, and selective coding and then the validity of the extracted codes was checked by Delphi method.
Results: The findings showed that in the case of creating and forming friendly groups in universities of medical sciences in order to improve relations and proper cooperation in terms of presenting ideas, opinions and also solving problems, it creates a favorable organizational culture in universities. Medical science will be.in this section, the survey has been conducted in several stages to reach the consensus of the experts for the components. The components identified in the qualitative phase were presented to 15 experts in the form of a closed questionnaire. Then the average answers were calculated using Excel software. The purpose of the Delphi method is to reach the most reliable group agreement of experts on a specific issue, which is done by using questionnaires and asking experts' opinions, repeatedly, according to their feedback. This process continues until the average numbers become stable enough. In this research, the minimum average value of the answers is 3.5 and the difference of opinion for the Delphi averages is 1 (the lowest number in the response spectrum). If the average response is less than 3.5 or the amount of disagreement is greater than 1, the corresponding component will be removed. In the first stage of Delphi, the identified components were presented to the experts in the form of a 5-option Delphi questionnaire, and the average answers were calculated. At this stage, the average answers given for the components of risk acceptance, the importance of work to satisfy personal needs, personal influence, the effort to participate in the public-private sector, and creating an atmosphere without fear and intimidation were less than 3.5, and therefore this component were removed from the process. Kendall's coefficient of agreement in the first stage was equal to 0.569, which shows that the experts' agreement in this stage is average. In the second stage of Delphi, the Delphi questionnaire was again provided to the experts and the average answers and also the average difference with the previous stage were calculated. At this stage, the average difference in all identified components is less than 1, but the average components of voluntary coordination and voluntary presence of people to carry out assigned tasks, sensitivity to the needs, desires and personal problems of organization members, creating a communication network and alliance with Good people, the independence of employees and team members for how to do work and design a happy and stimulating work environment was less than 3.5. Therefore, these components were also removed from the process and the third round of Delphi was conducted. Kendall's coefficient was 0.590 in the second stage, which shows that the experts' agreement in this stage is average. In the third round, the average difference in all components is below 1, and also the average of all identified components is higher than 3.5. Also, Kendall's coefficient was obtained in the third stage equal to 0.690, which shows that the level of agreement of the experts in this stage is almost high. Therefore, all the indicators that entered the third round of Delphi were evaluated according to experts and therefore these indicators were approved. According to the results obtained from the Delphi method, finally 8 main components and 54 secondary components were identified. According to the number of experts, the content validity index of CVR is confirmed. Also, the Cronbach's alpha coefficient in all components is above 0.7, which shows the acceptable reliability of the components questionnaire.
Conclusion: The purpose of the current research was to analyze the components of organizational culture in universities of medical sciences using the Delphi technique. Based on the results, 8 main components and 64 sub-components were identified as organizational culture components in medical sciences universities. First, the questionnaire made by the researcher and the answer package was provided to the experts. Then it was done by Delphi method in three rounds until we reached the agreement of the experts for the components. In the first round, 5 sub-components and in the second round, 5 other sub-components were removed from the study process. Kendall's coefficient in the first and second rounds is 0.569 and 0.590, respectively, which shows that the experts' agreement in these two rounds is average. In the third round, the average difference in all components was below 1 and also the average of all identified components was higher than 3.5. Kendall's coefficient was also obtained at 0.690 in the third stage, which shows that the level of agreement of the experts in this stage was almost high. Therefore, all the indicators that entered the third round of Delphi were evaluated and approved by experts. Therefore, in the end, 8 main components and 54 sub-components were identified.
According to the results of this study, the components of organizational culture in Lorestan University of Medical Sciences include shared responsibility; team orientation; The main result; desirable communication pattern; adaptability; governance and leadership; The emphasis is on details and ideation and individual creativity. Based on the results obtained, it can be said that in universities of medical sciences, the factors that define the organizational culture of the university are joint responsibility and cooperation among the members of the organization, attention to teamwork, correct communication. , friendly and favorable among the members of the organization, accuracy in the results and considering it important, adapting the members of the organization to the conditions and problems created, the presence of a competent and capable manager in the university, emphasizing the details of the problems of the university and trying to provide a solution for it. It is a collective and team form, as well as expression of creativity and ideas by all members of the university. If groups are formed in a friendly manner in universities of medical sciences to create cooperation and proper relationships to solve problems and also to present ideas and opinions, a favorable organizational culture will be implemented in universities of medical sciences. Therefore, it is suggested that the universities of medical sciences of the country pay attention to teamwork and cooperation among the members of the organization so that they can use the opinions and ideas of all people. If all employees have a sense of responsibility in the university and adapt themselves to the conditions, it can be said that an organizational culture has been implemented in the university. The requirement for this is to pay attention to the details available in the university as well as the results obtained from the cooperation of the members of the organization.
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Type of Study: Research | Subject: medical education

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