Volume 30, Issue 7 (10-2023)                   RJMS 2023, 30(7): 1-10 | Back to browse issues page

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saeidi S, mohammadi N, Emami F. The Relationship between the Dimensions of Psychological Characteristics and the Encouraging of Elite Behavior. RJMS 2023; 30 (7) :1-10
URL: http://rjms.iums.ac.ir/article-1-6881-en.html
Assistant Professor of Sport Management, Payame Noor University, Tehran, Iran , n_mohamadi@pnu.ac.ir
Abstract:   (801 Views)
Background & Aims: Organizations and stores at a time when they are under different headings such as the age of knowledge, the age of information technology and the age of globalization, must always gain a competitive advantage by identifying and studying the behavior of individuals (1). One of the most important areas of studying sports consumer behavior is shopping behavior. It is the process that the buyer goes through to decide which sports product or service to buy ((6). Since sports customers are people with different and diverse characteristics, understanding and evaluating their buying behavior is a mental and complex process and requires a comprehensive and continuous review (7). The activities that a person engages in the purchase and use of products and services include various psychological and social processes that exist before and after the activities related to purchase and consumption (8).
 One of the factors that are of special importance in persuading people to buy is their psychological characteristics (9-11). Four factors of hedonism, uniqueness, perfectionism and materialism have been identified as psychological characteristics of individuals (13)).
Vigneron and Johnson (2004) stated in their research that customers have special needs and customer needs such as uniqueness, desirability and attention should be met (16)). These needs may stimulate psychological characteristics and lead to consumer purchases or individuals. Lee and Hwang (2011) in their study on the relationship between demographic and psychological characteristics of consumers' attitudes toward luxury restaurants stated that customers who tend to be materialistic and hedonistic, desirable attitudes and people who tend to despise Being an individual have unfavorable attitudes toward attitudes (15)).  Zhang and Kim (2013) in their research showed that psychological characteristics including awareness of needs, the need to be unique and sensitivity to the normative effect on people's attitudes toward shopping (18). Dehravieh and Ashrafi (2018) also showed in their research that psychological characteristics such as having self-confidence, ability to manage stress, responsibility of people, having psychological abilities and emotional intelligence in finding innovative solutions can affect people's decisions (19).
Due to the fact that many sports products enter the sports products market with famous brands every year, there is close competition between large domestic manufacturing companies, which examines the factors affecting the motivation of consumers, especially sports elites, to buy and increase their loyalty. Various sports provide valuable information to these companies and their agencies in the current competitive environment. Therefore, the aim of this study was to investigate the relationship between the dimensions of psychological characteristics and the encouraging of elite behavior.
Methods: This research is of descriptive-correlation type. The statistical population included all sports elites that 206 people were selected as a statistical sample based on the principles of determining the sample size and available method. Lee and Huang (2011) and Edwards (1993) Purchasing Behavior Questionnaire were used to collect data. The validity of the questionnaire was confirmed by 10 professors and experts and the reliability of the questionnaire based on Cronbach's alpha coefficient for the psychological characteristic’s questionnaire was α = 0.89 and the shopping behavior persuasion questionnaire was α = 0.76. Pearson correlation test and multiple regression with SPSS software version 25 were used to analyze the data.
Results: The results of Pearson correlation test showed that there is a significant relationship between the psychological characteristics of elites and their purchasing behavior. Also, the results of regression analysis showed that only the components of uniqueness, perfectionism and hedonism have a significant effect on encouraging buying behavior that uniqueness (β = 0.858) had a greater effect than other components.
Conclusion: The results showed that there is a significant relationship between the psychological characteristics of elites and their purchasing behavior. Also, the results of regression analysis showed that only the components of uniqueness, perfectionism and hedonism have a significant effect on encouraging buying behavior that uniqueness had a greater effect than other components. The findings of this study were consistent with the results of Previous research (15,16). Individuals and elites who seek to be unique consider themselves unique rather than similar to others, and avoid products that have already been accepted and purchased by others. This self-perception can have a positive effect on the attitude towards buying products and motivate him to buy products. In addition, there is a positive and significant relationship between pleasure-seeking and attitudes towards luxury restaurants. This finding is similar to the study of Tissa (2005) In studying the effect of personal orientation on the values ​​of commercial luxury shopping, he found a positive relationship between self-centered pleasure resulting from pleasure-seeking experiences and luxury brand consumption. The findings show that consumers who enjoy emotional pleasure expect to satisfy their pleasure needs with a variety of luxury restaurant features (27). Lee and Huang (2011) also showed that customers who value emotional pleasure expect their pleasure needs to be met with a variety of location or product features. Previous studies have reported that perfectionist consumers prefer high-quality brands to unreliable, low-quality products (27,28). Therefore, due to the effect of psychological characteristics on the motivation of elites to buy products and goods, it is necessary for shop owners and business managers to pay more attention to their psychological characteristics and motivations, such as uniqueness, hedonism and perfectionism. To. However, it is necessary to pay attention to their materialistic motives. Materialists, for example, view goods and products as symbols of various aspects of social identity that include social class and social prestige. In accordance with the unique motivation of monopoly and scarcity of products, high price and priority for it increases. In fact, their desire to monopolize is when they realize that the consumption and use of certain products are given to them, in other words, certain people. These people want to adapt to new products in order to show themselves unique from others. Therefore, this encourages them to buy products. According to the characteristic of hedonism, people are looking for products that, in addition to the desired quality, create intangible benefits and positive emotional value for them. The pursuit of pleasure and happiness is a natural desire for all people. However, society and those moving towards individualism will have higher levels of hedonic motivation to consume and persuade to buy. Because by buying their products, they create a kind of pleasure in themselves. According to the results, it is necessary to pay more attention to the psychological characteristics of people, such as uniqueness, perfectionism and hedonism in order to encourage people's buying behavior.
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Type of Study: Research | Subject: Clinical Psychiatry

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