Volume 28, Issue 11 (1-2022)                   RJMS 2022, 28(11): 24-34 | Back to browse issues page

Research code: 1574827214819401399178180
Ethics code: IR.IAU.SARI.REC.1400.129
Clinical trials code: 1

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Alikhani M, shoaa kazemi M, Khalatbari J. Predicting the Effect of Family Assessment on Behavioral Disorders with Mediated by Self-concept in Adolescents. RJMS 2022; 28 (11) :24-34
URL: http://rjms.iums.ac.ir/article-1-6878-en.html
Associate Professor, Department of woman and Family studies, Faculty of social sciences and Economics, Alzahra University, Tehran , M.shkazemi@alzahra.ac.ir
Abstract:   (1587 Views)
Background & Aims: Self-concept is one of the most important factors for success in people's lives. If a person knows his abilities and talents and has a positive perception of his abilities and believes that he can achieve something with it, he has talent. This increases efficiency and effectiveness and achieves goals. The value of a person is the most definite factor in the process of mental development. If a person feels positive about himself, he is healthier and perceives life more positively as natural. Self-concept includes the real and ideal self. Research has shown that his weakness. Conception can play an important role in the development of emotional and psychological disorders. Emotional and behavioral disorders of children are closely related to psychological problems of parents, especially mothers. No matter how severe their mental problems are, the incidence of this type of disorders in their children increases or low mental health of mothers and their stress, anxiety and depression is a family factor. It affects the incidence of emotional and behavioral disorders in children. In fact, certain characteristics of family relationships, especially parental deviations and inconsistencies, strict and unpredictable disciplinary methods, and lack of emotional support from parents can increase the risk of children with these disorders. In a study conducted by some authors in 230 people in Tehran as a sample, it was found that there is a significant negative correlation between conduct disorder and self-concept. Self-concept as a human personality trait is a unique quality. According to Aristotle and Plato, thinkers and philosophers of other ages have commented on the idea of self. Self-concept is instructive, and it is of great importance to both the individual and those who are involved in his upbringing in childhood, and no one is not born with a self-concept, but a self-concept is gradually emerging and at the same time has a dynamic, structured process. the other author examines the relationship between overall self-concept, life events and happiness among 92 high school students. The results of this study showed that life events significantly affect positive and negative emotions, life satisfaction. Also, the impact of daily events was more than the main events of life. Happiness increases with age, education, artistic activity, sports, religion, physical and mental health, and social, family, optimism about the future, and attitudes toward happiness. A study conducted on self-concept and family communication model showed that these two have a significant relationship with each other and self-concept is based on family communication model, dialogue and harmony in high school students. The child's self-concept has a great impact. In such families, approval, love, caressing, encouragement, trust, and a sense of security are seen, and children receive less social problems due to receiving love, security from their parents, and more empowerment, and this process creates a positive self-concept in the child. Findings showed that there is a relationship between parents' relationship with children and emotional-behavioral problems and there is a relationship between self-concept and family communication pattern. The present study also seeks to answer these questions: Does family performance have a significant relationship with behavioral disorders? Do behavioral disorders have a significant relationship with self-concept in adolescents? The aim of this study was to predict and evaluate family through self-concept on behavioral disorders of adolescent girls and boys aged 12 to 15 years in Tehran.
Methods: The research was a descriptive survey. The sampling method was cluster sampling and available. The statistical population of the study included all adolescent girls and boys aged 12 to 15 years in Tehran who were studying in the first year of high school. The questionnaire was completed by 629 people (309 boys and 320 girls) online. The research tools are: family assessment questionnaires, behavioral disorders, self-concept. In order to analyze the data, Pearson correlation coefficient was used. Structural equation modeling of relationships between variables was analyzed using spss.26 and Amos.24 software.
Results: The indirect effect of family assessment by self-concept, empathy and happiness on behavioral disorders was 0.08 and the total effect was 0.15. Among the dimensions of family functioning, there was no significant relationship between roles with attention problems, social aggression and anxiety-isolation (P <0.05) .There was no significant relationship between emotional association with attention problems and social aggression (P <0.05). However, positive and significant relationships were seen between other variables (P <0.05) and the indirect effect of family functioning on behavioral disorders with mediating the role of self-concept is also significant (P <0.05, IE = 0.03). Family performance can reduce behavioral disorders by increasing self-concept.
Conclusion: Based on the results of the study, family performance has a direct and significant effect on adolescent behavioral disorders. Because higher scores on family functioning mean a more unfavorable situation, behavioral disorders in adolescents appear to decrease as family performance improves, and vice versa. The indirect effect of family functioning on behavioral disorders is significant and family functioning can reduce behavioral disorders by increasing self-concept.

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Type of Study: Research | Subject: Clinical Psychiatry

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