Volume 28, Issue 6 (9-2021)                   RJMS 2021, 28(6): 100-107 | Back to browse issues page

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Karimi S, Ghahremani J, Qasimzadeh A. A model of factors affecting the promotion of mental health in technical and vocational university centers. RJMS 2021; 28 (6) :100-107
URL: http://rjms.iums.ac.ir/article-1-6650-en.html
Islamic Azad University, Marand, Iran , afarmn21@yahoo.com
Abstract:   (2074 Views)
Background & Aims: Mental health has been seriously considered by researchers as a public concern (1). Improving mental health indicators has been considered as one of the key indicators in the evaluations of countries (3). Improving the level of mental health causes societies to have proper development in the areas of behavior and attitude (6).
In order to improve mental health, it is necessary to examine the factors affecting it. Although various studies have examined mental health and the factors affecting it, but this issue has not been studied in all organizations and environments. In other words, in order to improve mental health, this issue should be studied scientifically in all environments. The Technical and Vocational University, as an important and key university in developing skills and improving the practical capacities of the country, has a serious task in society. Improving mental health in a technical and vocational university can provide suitable conditions for the university to achieve its goals. Lack of knowledge of the factors affecting mental health in the technical and vocational university has caused that today, practical and executive processes regarding its improvement are not formed in this university. On the other hand, the lack of comprehensive research on the factors affecting the promotion of mental health in technical and vocational university centers has caused that today the necessary concerns for promoting mental health in technical and vocational university centers are not available. Therefore, the researcher seeks to answer the question, what are the factors affecting the promotion of mental health in technical and vocational university centers?
Methods: The present study was a mixed research and survey that was conducted in the field. To conduct this research, among scientific and executive experts in the field of educational management, higher education and higher education management by non-probabilistic sampling method, by purposeful selection and with maximum diversity or heterogeneity, 15 people were selected as sample. The interview was semi-structured and based on the results of the interview, a researcher-made questionnaire with 26 questions and 4 factors including managerial factors, job factors, social factors and individual factors were distributed and collected among them. Finally, descriptive statistics and structural equations were used to analyze the data.
Results: The results showed that managerial, occupational, social and personal factors are the most important factors affecting the promotion of mental health in technical and vocational university centers. Also, the results of elongation and skewness showed that the data have an abnormal distribution. On the other hand, according to the level of t-relationships, it was found that all factors had a significant presence in the research model, among which individual factors are more effective than other factors in promoting mental health in technical and vocational university centers (Table 1).
Another finding showed that considering that the optimal value of GOF index is higher than 0.36, it can be said that the value of this index is in a favorable condition in the existing factors (Table 2).
Finally, it was found that the overall research model has a good fit (Table 3).
Conclusion: The results of the present study showed that in order to promote mental health in technical and vocational university centers, attention should be paid to managerial, occupational, personal and social factors. It seems that the functions of different fields in the formation of mental health and the impact of individual and non-individual aspects have caused in the present study to promote mental health in technical and vocational university centers, various factors including managerial, occupational, individual factors And be socially effective. This shows that focusing on individual aspects alone does not improve mental health. With this in mind, in order to improve mental health, serious attention should be paid to all managerial, occupational, personal and social aspects.
The results showed that among the identified factors, individual factors had the most impact. It seems that individual issues such as proper nutrition, proper sleep, quality of work life, active lifestyle of individuals and the economic status of employees by influencing the mental states of employees can form the basis for mental health in them. In other words, individual factors provide the basis for the formation of positive mental states in people, which can play an important role in promoting mental health in technical and vocational university centers.
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Type of Study: Research | Subject: Clinical Psychiatry

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