Volume 30, Issue 7 (10-2023)                   RJMS 2023, 30(7): 1-9 | Back to browse issues page

Research code: 1-7-m
Ethics code: IR.IAU.SARI.REC.1401.129
Clinical trials code: 1-7-m-1

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Ehsani R, Shojaei S, Samiee R, Zargar S M. The Role of Psychological Dimensions in Retention Employers. RJMS 2023; 30 (7) :1-9
URL: http://rjms.iums.ac.ir/article-1-6616-en.html
Department of Management, Aliabad Katoul Branch, Islamic Azad University, Aliabad Katoul, Iran , shojaie@aliabadiau.ac.ir
Abstract:   (901 Views)
Background & Aims: Today, maintaining human resources is the main problem of organizations. In addition, the role and importance of human resources in the development of the organization has led to intense competition to attract talented and competent people between organizations (6). For an organization, hiring people for the job is essential, but retaining employees is more important than hiring. Retaining qualified employees leads to better services and higher productivity, which in turn leads to customer satisfaction, facilitates management succession and improves organizational learning (8).
It seems that except for external factors; Employees' psychological characteristics also play a role in maintaining human capital. For example, research has shown that employee involvement in decision making is one of the variables affecting job satisfaction that will lead to employee retention in the organization. The effect that competent employees can have on the performance of other employees is also one of the points that have been considered in this study (9).
According to the above and the importance of psychological dimensions in organizations on the one hand and the role of these dimensions to motivate and thus optimally use all the potential of employees on the other hand, so unfortunately by reviewing research conducted inside and outside the research country. It was not found to study the role of psychological dimensions in keeping people in jobs. Also, there is no general consensus on the role and influence of different psychological factors and different researchers have stated different priorities. Therefore, the researcher seeks to answer the question, what are the psychological dimensions in maintaining manpower in jobs?
Methods: The present study is a correlational research (exploratory analysis) and applied in terms of purpose. The statistical population of the present study consisted of managers, heads and deputies of Alborz Insurance Company branches (210 people) who were selected as a sample based on Morgan table and available sampling method of 130 people. Then, a researcher-made questionnaire on the psychological dimensions of retention, which was compiled in 26 items and designed and compiled with a 5-value Likert continuum, and formal validity and content were confirmed, was distributed and collected among the sample. Finally, heuristic factor analysis in SPSS software was used to identify the dimensions of maintenance. Confirmatory factor analysis in LISREL software was used to confirm the exploratory model.
Results: Based on the exploratory factor analysis, the value of the camouflage statistic is equal to 0.80, which is higher than the criterion of at least 0.5; Therefore, the sample size is excellent for factor analysis. Also, Bartlett test showed that the correlation between the variables is significantly different from zero.
The results of exploratory analysis in Table 1 show that the factors are mental health, self-efficacy, motivation, social support, competence and autonomy, respectively, as psychological dimensions in keeping people in jobs. Finally, it was found that most of the indicators are acceptable and therefore, confirmatory factor analysis supported the optimal fit of the proposed model.
Conclusion: In the business world, human resource management is a very important factor in the success of any organization. In addition, the challenge for many organizations is to maintain their human resources, which can be a competitive advantage for the organization (14). The results of the present study showed that mental health, self-efficacy, motivation, social support, competence and autonomy are important psychological dimensions in maintaining individuals. Motivation is the heart of organizational behavior. Motivated employees are valuable drivers for the success of organizations or businesses. The results of this study are consistent with the results of Trimble et al. (2009) (15). Psychological health and well-being of employees are very important for a positive work environment (16). When a person's job creates pleasant feelings, positive attitudes and favorable mental states in him. This increases a person's sense of job passion. Therefore, it will have desirable personal, professional and organizational consequences, one of which is not wanting to leave the job.
People with high self-efficacy tend to have challenging goals and look for ways to engage in activities related to those goals. Cognitive-social theory is based on a three-dimensional causal pattern of behavior, environment, and individual. According to this view, psychological functions determine the performance, behavior and environment of individuals (20). In fact, it can be said that self-efficacy is the main basis of human motivation and personal success. It seems that one's beliefs about one's abilities can help keep them in the workplace, as self-efficacy changes with new learning and experiences (21).
Another important factor is social support. According to Blau's theory of social exchange (1964), they have a perception of 30 percent of the weight, of which they are at the same time.
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Type of Study: Research | Subject: Clinical Psychiatry

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