Volume 28, Issue 3 (5-2021)                   RJMS 2021, 28(3): 117-126 | Back to browse issues page

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Sotuneh M, Tabari M, Gholipour-Kanani Y, Bagherzadeh M R. Designing a career path model based on knowledge management model in Mazandaran Social Security Organization. RJMS 2021; 28 (3) :117-126
URL: http://rjms.iums.ac.ir/article-1-6516-en.html
Associate Professor, Department of Public Administration, Ghaemshahr Branch, Islamic Azad University, Ghaemshahr, Iran , mo_tabari@yahoo.com
Abstract:   (2359 Views)
Background & Aims: Knowledge management is the cycle of discovery, production, storage, distribution, and practical application of knowledge in the organization. Occurs. Work experiences, social groups, and outcomes that determine the path to progress may be limited (in the form of a profession or organization) or broad (the path to progress in society in a wide range of different professions and organizations). The series of jobs that people take in the organization should not be accidental, but the career path of the person in the organization should be planned based on the right logic and according to a specific goal. The concept of career path has undergone a fundamental change in recent years. Since in the present era, one of the most important concerns of today's organizations is the maintenance of valuable human resources of the organization, the importance of planning and managing the career path of human resources has increased greatly. Therefore, one of the basic tasks of human resource management is to strive for the maintenance and promotion of employees; In such a way that each person working in the organization can, after gaining experience and gaining job skills, be able to achieve career advancement and during the development stages of the organization. Currently, one of the problems that Mazandaran Social Security Organization suffer from is the lack of a suitable career path for employees according to the knowledge management model. This deficiency has led to the lack of a coherent performance appraisal system. In fact, the lack of strategic methods has caused ambiguity in the performance of employees and the results of this ambiguity have caused ambiguity in quality, lack of scientific competition, and lack of scientific ranking based on performance indicators. On the other hand, the allocation of rewards and salaries to each individual should be based on objective performance appraisal, and if it is based on subjective appraisals, performance will face difficulties. These problems are due to not establishing a suitable career path for them. In this study, we try to answer the question: What is the career development model based on the knowledge management model in Mazandaran Social Security Organization?
Methods: According to the data collection method, this research is one of the descriptive researches in which the path analysis method has been used to test the relationship between the variables and the significance of the estimated models. The statistical population studied in this study consists of employees of all Social Security Organization of Mazandaran Province, whose number is 900 people according to the inquiry of the employment of the Social Security Organization of Mazandaran Province and in 2019 Are employed. Statistical sample size 269 people were selected through a random sampling method through the Krejcie Morgan table. In the survey stage, data collection was through a questionnaire. The research questionnaire includes the standard questionnaire of Shine career development path, Hemmati standard knowledge management questionnaire. The questions were designed into two categories: general questions and multiple-choice questions. In general, the questionnaire includes 4 general and demographic questions, 40 questions for the career path questionnaire, and 25 questions for the knowledge management questionnaire. The Career Path Questionnaire was developed by Shine in 2006. The answer to the questionnaire questions has 5 answer options as follows: each question is scored from 1 to 5 based on the Likert scale. Knowledge Management Questionnaire was designed by Hemmati in 2010. This questionnaire consists of 25 questions that have four dimensions of knowledge creation, knowledge sharing, knowledge application, and knowledge storage. The questionnaire questions are designed based on the Likert five-choice range. In this research, statistical methods have been used in two sections of descriptive and inferential statistics. SPSS software version 20 and pls3 were used for data processing and statistical analysis. Alpha level was considered p≥ 0.05.
Results: The results showed that the value of t in all paths between the research factors was equal to and greater than 2.58. As a result, there is a significant relationship between the main factors and their sub-factors in the conceptual-analytical model of the research and also the results showed that the fit of the general research model is appropriate and strong.
Conclusion: As the results showed, the value of t for the relationship between each of the main factors and sub-factors in the conceptual-analytical model of the research was higher than 1.98. Therefore, 95% of the relationships between each of the main factors and sub-factors in the model were confirmed. The correlation value of these paths is also direct (positive). That is, by increasing the steps of the career path, technical competence will lead to entrepreneurial innovation, and the steps of the career path are significantly related from the first step to the fourth step, respectively. Therefore, while applying the dimensions of this model in the organization and developing the dimensions of career advancement in the organization, it can be concluded that employees and managers of the organization by stabilizing this model and implementing the legal and ethical requirements of its items in the organization can lead to national development and Social Security Organization policies. According to the research results, it is suggested that due to the direct relationship between knowledge management and career advancement, the content of in-service courses, nurturing ideas, creativity, and related brainstorming sessions to improve the career advancement of employees and managers during career advancement steps in Social Security Organization. It is also suggested that Social Security Organization managers use the high potential of the conceptual-analytical model of staff career development in this study to increase the use of staff skills in staff career development and use the model to achieve goals related to their organization
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Type of Study: Research | Subject: Clinical Psychiatry

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