Volume 29, Issue 8 (11-2022)                   RJMS 2022, 29(8): 61-68 | Back to browse issues page

Research code: 1-8
Ethics code: IR.IAU.SARI.REC.1401.126
Clinical trials code: 1-9-ر

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Yousefi H, Samiee R, Azma F, Saffarian Toosi M R. The Effect of Mindfulness on Creativity and General Health of Entrepreneurs. RJMS 2022; 29 (8) :61-68
URL: http://rjms.iums.ac.ir/article-1-6500-en.html
Department of Management, Aliabad Katoul Branch, Islamic Azad University, Aliabad Katoul, Iran , roohalla.samiee@gmail.com
Abstract:   (1209 Views)
Background & Aims: Public health as a key variable has caused most of the international activities and planning to focus on itself. Such a way that improving people's general health level has always been considered a concern. Researchers have found that improving public health can have positive effects in all individual and group areas and ultimately lead to improved people performance. The functions of public health have caused the improvement of its level to be taken seriously as an important issue. However, there are also problems in the way of improving public health, which has caused the development process of public health not to be taken seriously. One of the things that have always attracted the attention of researchers and doctors about health and are used as a method to overcome problems and diseases and raise the level of health is improving the way of thinking and using the mind (mindfulness). Mindfulness is highlighting the importance of mental and intellectual work. The importance of mental training is so much that cognitive scientists consider the achievement of people in special abilities through mind training based on a theory and changes in brain function, mental health, and future professional behavior. On the other hand, the mind includes a wide range of stories, hopes, fears, expectations, desires, imaginations, etc., and three of these states are the main ones in how to interpret and predict people's behavior. These three are desire (which specifies one's goals), belief (based on which we predict what a person believes to be the true state of the world), and pretense (because people do not always act as they are). But to what extent mindfulness affects public health and entrepreneurs who are constantly facing stress and work pressures is a question that needs more research. Another thing that seems to be related to the mindset and problems of entrepreneurs is creativity. Creativity is one of the important and basic key concepts in psychology. In today's world, the ability to adapt and manage changes is the main element of success and survival of every individual, and acquiring these abilities requires people to pay attention to creativity and variety. Successful people are people whose creativity and creativity form the arrowhead of their movement. Improving creativity as one of the key factors in people's success has caused it to seriously affect people's performance. The effort to improve creativity as a necessity in educational systems has always been considered and the process of developing creativity as an important issue has started from a young age. Creativity is one of the characteristics of a human being who can create many things with divine talent. If we remove creativity and innovation from the scene of human life, we have shot a blank arrow at the movement, dynamism, survival, and vitality of human life because stagnation and humiliating repetition of life is equal to death and destruction. Efforts to improve creativity cause innovative activities to be created, and as a result, while enjoying the benefits of innovation; lead to improving the mental state of individuals and groups. Although the effort to improve creativity and public health has been considered an important issue, there is a need for variables that influence the process of improving creativity and public health; Examined. Mindfulness, as one of the key variables, plays an important role in the process of improving people's mental performance, and this mental performance can provide the basis for improving creativity and general health. Cultivating the mind is one of the important issues that cause the proper mental preparation to be formed in people, which leads to improving the functional status of people. Although mindfulness plays an important role in improving the mental state of people, the lack of comprehensive research on its functions in some areas, including creativity and public health, has led to insufficient scientific evidence regarding the role of mindfulness in creativity and the general health of entrepreneurs. Not be On the other hand, this research gap has caused executive activities to improve creativity and public health as an important issue not to be taken seriously. This issue has led to the formation of a research gap in this field. According to the above material, the researcher is trying to answer the question, does mindfulness affect the creativity and general health of entrepreneurs?
Methods: The statistical population of the current user research and survey was formed by the entrepreneurs of Golestan province, whose exact number was not available. According to the selection available according to Cochran's sample size formula, 384 people were identified as the research sample in the conditions of uncertainty of the population. To collect data, a 28-question general health questionnaire (4 components of physical symptoms, anxiety, insomnia, insufficient social activity, and depression), a 30-question creativity questionnaire by Rendsip (1979) (4 components of mental persuasion, ideal influence, inspirational motivation, and individual consideration) and the 15-question questionnaire of Anasori et al.'s (2020) whose reliability was obtained as 0.81, 0.83 and 0.86, respectively, were distributed among the sample, and finally, 351 questionnaires were collected.
Results: The results showed that mindfulness has a 0.597 effect on general health and a 0.761 effect on creativity.
Conclusion: Improving mindfulness by improving the level of creativity and general health can have positive effects. According to the results of the present research, it is suggested that holding training courses to improve the skills of entrepreneurs regarding mental cultivation, while increasing the level of their mental cultivation, will lead to the improvement of public health and creativity of these people. According to the results of the present research, it is suggested to hold brainstorming sessions, while increasing the level of creativity of entrepreneurs, to promote the general health and creativity of these people. Finally, because the exact statistics of the number of entrepreneurs were not available, it is not possible to generalize the obtained results to society. Also, the mental condition of the subjects could not be controlled when completing the questionnaires, which is one of the limitations of the present research. In general, the results of this research showed that mindfulness has a significant effect on the general health and creativity of entrepreneurs. Considering the role of the two components of health and creativity in the work progress of entrepreneurs on the one hand and the effect of mindfulness on these components, on the other hand, it is recommended that the officials and those involved in raising the level of general health and creativity of entrepreneurs to mind. To have visa attention.

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Type of Study: Research | Subject: Clinical Psychiatry

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