Volume 27 -                   RJMS 2020, 27 - : 46-54 | Back to browse issues page

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Naghizadeh Miarkalaei H, Ahmadi M, Saffarian Hamedani S. The presentation of science and technology diplomacy model based on the economic complexity with national economic resistance approach and health. RJMS 2020; 27 :46-54
URL: http://rjms.iums.ac.ir/article-1-6420-en.html
Islamic Azad University of Sari, Sari, Iran , m.ahmadi4502@gmail.com
Abstract:   (1927 Views)
Background & Aims: The history of the evolution of human societies indicates the important and civilizing role of science and technology in the formation of economic, social, cultural, and political relations. Along with the increasing speed and development of science and technology, economic, social, cultural, and political concepts and approaches have also changed and played a more colorful role in the development of economic, social, cultural, and political relations between the governments of the world. The expansion of the process of globalization and the entanglement of global relations has led to the formation of programs, policies, and actions of governments in various fields of science, economics, and culture in the global space and, therefore, the field of politics. International became an important variable in shaping the development of domestic and foreign infrastructures of countries. At present, many countries have used all their power and capacity to advance their foreign policy goals in various forms of diplomacy, so that scientific relations are of special importance in foreign policy and this, by the way, the subject of science and technology has become a topic of discussion in scientific and political circles and has led to the formation of a new type of diplomacy called "science and technology diplomacy". One of the important functions of diplomacy is science and technology in the economic field. Economically, it is argued that science and technology diplomacy can flourish the national economies of countries and save them from the abyss of destruction; Because in the first step, it increases the speed of scientific development, and in the second step, it creates a multitude of economic experiences and connections, and in the third step, it creates trade, industry, science and gross national income as one of the economic resources. One of the key indicators of a resilient economy is the Index of Economic Complexity. It is clear that these economies will be better able to withstand external shocks and will have a more resilient structure. A look at the global statistics shows that according to the ranking of the countries complexity index in 2016, among 127 countries in the world, Japan, Switzerland, South Korea, Germany, Singapore are ranked first to fifth, respectively. And Iran was ranked 87th. This is while in 2011 Iran was ranked 114th. According to the latest global ranking conducted in 2018, Iran's ranking has changed to 101, which shows that it has not reached the desired position in terms of economic complexity index. It must be acknowledged that the resilience of the national economy requires a move towards economic complexity and the production and export of complex goods. This will not be achieved unless the production of knowledge-based products is on the agenda and priority of the country's products. The production of knowledge-based goods requires the interaction of different sciences together and the use of specialists in different sciences and the use of new and advanced technologies. Achieving advanced science and technology requires having successful diplomacy to establish effective interactions and exchanges with countries with new science and technology. Of course, it should not be overlooked that in realizing such a process, teamwork and strengthening the spirit of collectivism are also important. Given the current state of the country's troubled economy and the severe research vacuum regarding the use of an appropriate model to achieve "national economy resilience", the researcher seeks to present a model of science and technology diplomacy based on economic complexity to pay. Therefore, the main question of the present study is: What is the model of science and technology diplomacy, based on economic complexity, with the approach of the resilience of the national economy?
Methods: The present study is a qualitative research that was conducted by data theory. In this method, the researcher's goal is to produce a conceptual model or framework, especially when there is insufficient information about the phenomenon under study. This approach is a general methodology for theory development based on data collection and analysis and is developed and discussed during the research process. In this method, in order to reach the theory and extract it from the collected data, the concepts and categories must be extracted by converting the expressions into code. The present study was conducted with the participation of 6 experts from the Scientific Policy Research Center of the country and 2 university professors in this field who were selected by purposive sampling method. After the emergence of the first classes, the choice of the next participant depended on how much he could help to enlighten the emerging classes. This sampling process continued until data saturation. In this study, after 12 interviews, data saturation was obtained and primary classes were formed. The interviews were conducted individually in a secluded room and in a quiet environment with the coordination of the interviewee. The main method of data collection in this study was semi-structured interview with open-ended question. All interviews were conducted by the lead researcher. The initial questions of the interview were such that participants were encouraged to talk freely about their experiences.
Results: In the present study, the recorded interviews were carefully transcribed and their data were entered into Atlas TIA software. Then, by examining the text of the interviews line by line, coding, conceptualization and categorization the extracted codes were classified into 64 concepts and 17 categories. The process model of science and technology diplomacy based on economic complexity with the approach of resilience and health of the national economy indicates that "the need for economic development" and "the need for scientific development" are the main reasons for science and technology diplomacy based on economic complexity with the approach of resilience. And the health of the national economy is in the context of "production boom", "good and healthy governance" and "infrastructure". Strategies for achieving this phenomenon include: "conservation of specialized human resources", "territorial planning of development capacities", "knowledge management", "intelligent modeling of leading societies", and "benefiting from social capital". "International opportunities and threats" and "internal strengths and weaknesses" are intervening factors in the action/reaction between phenomena and strategies that can affect the speed of achieving strategies. Strengthen or weaken. The consequences of the phenomenon of science and technology diplomacy based on economic complexity with the approach of resilience and health of the national economy can be defined in two parts: national and transnational consequences.
Conclusion: The aim of this study was to present a model of science and technology diplomacy, based on economic complexity and the approach of resilience and health of the national economy. Findings showed that the causal conditions of the studied phenomenon consist of two categories: the need for economic development and the need for scientific development. Necessity of economic development with regard to conditions such as the need to exit the negative trade balance, the need to get rid of the monopoly economy and efforts to increase the resilience of the national economy and the need for scientific development due to the need to improve the scientific and technological position of the country, competitive Produced products and efforts to increase the complexity of manufactured products were identified and exploited. In general, the results of this study showed that the causal conditions of the studied phenomenon consist of two categories: the need for economic development and the need for scientific development. Necessity of economic development with regard to conditions such as the need to exit the negative trade balance, the need to get rid of the monopoly economy and efforts to increase the resilience of the national economy and the need for scientific development due to the need to improve the scientific and technological position of the country, competitive Produced products and efforts to increase the complexity of manufactured products were identified and exploited.
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Type of Study: Research | Subject: Clinical Psychiatry

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