Volume 27, Issue 12 (3-2021)                   RJMS 2021, 27(12): 109-119 | Back to browse issues page

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Zareian Baghgah F, Mehrara A, Matani M, Gholipour-Kanani Y. Designing an Outsourcing Model for the Executive Organs of Mazandaran Province (Case Study of Health Networks of Mazandaran Province). RJMS 2021; 27 (12) :109-119
URL: http://rjms.iums.ac.ir/article-1-6408-en.html
Islamic Azad University, Ghaemshahr, Iran , mehrara_a@yahoo.com
Abstract:   (2110 Views)
Background & Aims: Today, with the growth of government services and the increase in the workload of organizations due to population growth and increasing the number of citizens receiving services and the lack of government resources in providing manpower as well as the purchase of facilities and machinery The need has led executives to outsource services. Outsourcing is usually used as a way to outsource some of the activities to units outside the organization on a contract basis. Outsourcing strategy In addition to its benefits, like many other methods and strategies, it can also have risks and losses for the organization. Outsourcing as one of the tools for organizational development and product promotion in the form of downsizing has been considered by managers and officials of organizations in recent years and is implemented in various ways. But so far the term outsourcing has not been introduced in general and no special attention has been paid to the factors affecting outsourcing. Although organizations and management experts have paid special attention to deciding on the need for outsourcing as well as identifying the risks and challenges ahead, it seems to be the missing link. The process is continuous, systematic, and comprehensive. To the extent that sometimes the process of contractors' activities differs significantly from the ideals and ideologies of the client, as well as the objective and operational goals and plans of the employer. This does not necessarily indicate a lack of concern or carelessness on the part of those involved, but it can indicate a lack of tools and the right model for outsourcing. Undoubtedly, organizations have always tried to influence outsourcing projects and ensure their efficiency. But the lack of a codified model and framework for doing so has led to scattered, cross-sectional, and uncoordinated efforts, and sometimes tasteless and unscientific, and has simply wasted resources. Therefore, the present study intends to provide a systematic model for outsourcing based on empirical and scientific evidence. Due to the lack of a proper and logical scientific model, the relevant authorities in the field of outsourcing have often paid attention to some criteria, such as cost and the number of manpower. This study tries to provide a correct and comprehensive model for outsourcing and filling the mentioned gap so that managers and senior officials of executive agencies, especially health networks in Mazandaran province, have a specific model on controlling outsourcing processes. However, the question that this study seeks to answer is which appropriate model can be designed and presented for outsourcing in the executive apparatus, especially the health networks of Mazandaran province, and the degree and how and to what extent is the model fit?
Methods: The statistical population of the qualitative sector includes experts including heads, managers, and supervisors of outsourcing projects of health networks in Mazandaran province, as well as professors who have some experience in outsourcing projects. The statistical population of a small part of this research also includes senior managers, middle managers and, managers and employees of health networks in Mazandaran province who are mostly involved in outsourcing, whose number is 560 people. The number of samples in the qualitative section based on the snowball sampling method was 11 and the number of samples in the quantitative section was 228 based on the Cochran's formula and selected by simple random sampling. In order to analyze the data, content analysis technique, Delphi, technique, and structural equation modeling were used in Lisrel software.
Results: According to the results, the outsourcing model with four main dimensions is 17 criteria and 51 indicators, which were organizational, managerial, technical and structural dimensions, which are the most important in outsourcing health networks in Mazandaran province, respectively.
Conclusion: According to the results of data analysis, a model including 4 main organizational, technical, managerial, and organizational dimensions were identified. The organizational dimension of outsourcing model including criteria of outsourcing method, outsourcing goals, outsourcing motives, outsourcing location, management dimension including planning criteria, strategic analysis, cost analysis, negotiations and requirements, technical dimension Includes criteria for maintaining technical knowledge, information security, flexibility, and organizational capacity and dimension, including organizational culture, organizational security, internal processes, resources, and infrastructure, and strategic alignment. In explaining the results, it can be said that maintaining the information and trade secrets of companies has always been one of the concerns of managers. Industrial and commercial espionage is widespread and highly professional at the international level. Outsourcing specialized services require providing the most accurate information of a company to an individual or institution outside the organization. Given that organizations are inherently prone to obesity, without using the outsourcing method for any cross-cutting needs, the organization has begun to recruit staff who will often become permanent in the organization after performing the desired service. Outsourcing helps an organization increase its productivity. On the other hand, in some work packages that take place within the organization, there is no reference for control and usually, the approving unit is the same as the acting unit. In general, it can be concluded that outsourcing government duties can lead to the creation of new ideas for efficient and effective work and the use of limited knowledge and resources in the public sector. When governments do not have the capital to innovate, they outsource research and development. According to the obtained results, it is suggested that to properly and efficient outsourcing in the health networks of Mazandaran province, the necessary resources in the field of outsourcing in the organization should be prepared and the required infrastructure should be provided. It is suggested to create the necessary culture in the field of outsourcing and motivate managers and employees to accompany outsourcing projects in the organization. It is suggested that meetings be held to raise staff awareness of outsourcing so that employees do not consider outsourcing activities to be in conflict with their job security and to accompany it. It is suggested that the necessary negotiations be held with organizations and organizations related to outsourcing to create the least interference and parallel work in the field of outsourcing.
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Type of Study: Research | Subject: Clinical Psychiatry

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