Volume 28, Issue 5 (8-2021)                   RJMS 2021, 28(5): 38-48 | Back to browse issues page

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Shahraki T, Samiee R, Gorji M B, Shojaei S. Modeling organizational citizenship behavior based on moral intelligence: The mediating role of genuine leadership, mental health and organizational trust. RJMS 2021; 28 (5) :38-48
URL: http://rjms.iums.ac.ir/article-1-6366-en.html
Aliabad Katoul Branch, Islamic Azad University, Aliabad Katoul, Iran , roohalla.samiee@gmail.com
Abstract:   (2566 Views)
Background & Aims: Organizational behavior has long been considered, but the debate over the last two decades about organizational behavior of employees is called "organizational citizenship behavior" (2). Organizational citizenship behavior provides the attitude and capacity of employees to empower and increase their flexibility in line with the goals of the organization and in different environmental conditions; And provides the necessary conditions for organizational success and effectiveness (5). Because today, achieving the goals of organizations depends to a large extent on the proper performance of employees (6). This is more important in educational organizations, especially education (7). But one of the factors that affect the occurrence of organizational citizenship behavior is moral intelligence (11). Moral intelligence not only provides a strong and defensible framework for human activity, but also has many applications in the real world. People with high moral intelligence always link their work with ethical principles, which in turn increases the commitment and responsibility of individuals and improves individual and group performance (13). Many people's behaviors and actions are influenced by moral values and are rooted in morality. Therefore, lack of attention to ethics in organizations and weakness in observing ethical principles can create many problems and question the legitimacy and actions of organizations (14). However, considering the role of education in the future of the country, identifying variables related to moral intelligence and organizational citizenship behavior is of particular importance for better planning and improving the quality of teaching staff. In this regard, one of the variables that seems to be related to organizational citizenship behavior and moral intelligence is genuine leadership. Genuine leaders are deeply committed to the well-being of others and, as one of the characteristics of genuine leadership, pay special attention to the issue of caring ethics (19).
Mental health is another component that may be related to moral intelligence and organizational citizenship behavior. Mental health is one of the most important components of a healthy life in which numerous factors are involved in its proper or unhealthy formation. Accordingly, in parallel with examining the relationship between ethics and physical and mental health, researchers sought to define new concepts related to ethics and explain their components (22). Finally, in organizations, the most important and sensitive roles are played by managers. In order for managers to be able to perform their duties and activities well, employees must feel that their managers are trustworthy. Trust between management and employees will have a great impact on the quality of management. Therefore, the decline of trust in organizations is one of the issues that cause unmotivated and indifferent employees and slow implementation of programs (26). Considering the the importance of organizational citizenship behavior and moral intelligence on the work efficiency of education staff on the one hand, being adjacent to the three provinces of Golestan, Mazandaran and Gilan and behavioral and cultural similarities and structural and environmental characteristics on the other hand And considering that research conducted inside and outside the country did not find research to examine the relationship between organizational citizenship behavior with moral intelligence and the mediating role of genuine leadership, mental health and organizational trust in the Department of Education as In the present study, the researcher intends to model organizational citizenship behavior based on moral intelligence through genuine leadership, mental health and organizational trust.
Methods: The present study is based on the model of structural equations in terms of applied-developmental goal and in terms of correlation method. The statistical population of the present study included 3301 managers, deputies and employees of education departments in the three provinces of Golestan, Mazandaran and Gilan. 344 people were randomly selected as the sample. Library and field resources (questionnaire) were used to collect information. To measure moral intelligence from the standard questionnaire of Lenick and Kiel (2005), to measure organizational citizenship behavior from the standard questionnaire of Podsakoff et al. (2000), to measure authentic leadership from the standard questionnaire of Walomboa et al. (2008), to measure mental health from the standard questionnaire GHQ designed by Goldberg and Hiller (1979) and the standard questionnaire of Elonen et al. (2008) was used to measure organizational trust. The face validity and content of the questionnaire were approved by academic experts. CVR All indicators were evaluated and approved more than 0.8. Cronbach's alpha was used to confirm the reliability of the instrument, which was higher than the acceptable minimum (0.7). Data analysis was performed using the path analysis approach with the help of Smart-PLS software version 3.2.
Results: According to Table 2, the research variables are in good condition. Also, the value of the square root of all variables is greater than the value of the correlation between them, which indicates a good divergent validity and good fit of the measurement model.
The coefficient of determination shows that 78.9% of changes in organizational citizenship behavior are explained by moral intelligence, genuine leadership, mental health and organizational trust. The standardized path coefficients and the significance of the coefficients in Figure (2) show that there is a direct relationship between moral intelligence and genuine leadership (β = 0.789), mental health (β = 0.805) and organizational trust (β = 0.866). And there is meaning. Also, there is a direct and significant relationship between moral intelligence (β = 0.192), genuine leadership (β = 0.219), mental health (β = 0.244) and organizational trust (β = 0.295) with organizational citizenship behavior. has it.
The indirect coefficient of moral intelligence through the variables of genuine leadership was 0.173, mental health was 0.197 and organizational trust was 0.255, so that the sum of indirect effects is 0.625 and the total is 0.816, which is significantly less than the Sobel test. 5% can be said to mediate the variables of genuine leadership, mental health and organizational trust in the relationship between moral intelligence and organizational citizenship behavior.
Conclusion: According to the results of the present study and the relationship between organizational citizenship behavior and moral intelligence directly and through the mediating role of genuine leadership, mental health and organizational trust, we realize the importance of organizational citizenship behavior. On the other hand, it can be argued that genuine leadership can enhance organizational citizenship behaviors by increasing the positive context in employees and promoting ethical intelligence and interest in employees. It can also be argued that moral intelligence through mental health is based on abilities and characteristics that provide valuable outcomes and results and lead to the emergence and development of organizational citizenship behavior. Finally, organizational trust creates a sense of security for employees and improves their organizational commitment and performance, and motivates employees to act beyond their duties. In this way, employees are sensitive to the better performance of work and the improvement of the image of the organization, and voluntarily and unconsciously engage in organizational citizenship behaviors.
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Type of Study: Research | Subject: Clinical Psychiatry

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