Volume 27, Issue 7 (10-2020)                   RJMS 2020, 27(7): 88-96 | Back to browse issues page

Research code: رساله دکتری
Ethics code: مقاله پرسشنامه ای است
Clinical trials code: مقاله کارازمایی بالینین نیست

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Rouhizadeh M, Alam S, Hojabrnia Z. Promoting health by using effective environmental and structural model. RJMS 2020; 27 (7) :88-96
URL: http://rjms.iums.ac.ir/article-1-6346-en.html
Department of Physical Education, Islamic Azad University, yadegar Imam Khomeini Branch, Ray City , shahramalam@iausr.ac.ir
Abstract:   (1841 Views)
Background: Today, due to the epidemiological transition, i.e. the replacement of non-communicable diseases with infectious ones, it is necessary to change attitudes in care and health in order to maintain and promote it.Due to its type and severity, the disease can affect many aspects of people's lives and health, such as interpersonal communication, job performance, spiritual beliefs, and social interactions. On the other hand, a physical illness can cause feelings of sadness, fear, panic, worry, or anger due to insecurity, inability to control things, and feelings of loneliness. Among the diseases that endanger the health of many people in the community are type 2 diabetes, high blood pressure, cardiovascular disease and mental and emotional disorders. The role of inactivity as one of the main factors in the prevalence of disease and death is important. The availability of public sports and the ease of implementation for all members of society, at any age and from any stratum, has been highly regarded by scientists and scholars of various sciences, and the popularization of sports is one of the serious efforts of all governments to promote health, but the environment (culture and climate of the region) can be effective in the development of public sports in order to promote health. Therefore, the aim of the present study was to promote health using an effective environmental and structural model.
Methods: This descriptive-survey study has been studied and analyzed with the approach of exploratory and confirmatory factor analysis. The statistical population of this study consisted of 354 sports management experts in Khuzestan province. The sample size was considered as 354 people by census method (total number) equal to the number of the population. After distributing and collecting the questionnaires, 295 questionable questionnaires were returned, which was considered as the sample of the present study. Since there were no standard questionnaires or scales for measuring environmental factor, a structured researcher questionnaire was set up that included 15 questions on a five-point Likert scale. The face and content validity of the questionnaire was confirmed by professors and doctoral students in the field of physical education and sports sciences who had passed their comprehensive test.
In addition, the reliability of the questionnaire was computed by Cronbach's alpha method (0.675). After data collection, frequency, frequency percentage, mean and standard deviation were used as descriptive statistics to describe the research data. Tilt and elongation tests were used to check the normality of the data. Exploratory factor analysis and confirmatory factor analysis were used to promote health using an effective environmental and structural model as inferential statistics. One-sample t-test was used to determine the role of environmental factors related to public exercise to promote health. All analyzes were performed at 95% confidence level using SPSS 20 and AMOS 20 software.
Results: To evaluate the adequacy of sampling, Kaiser-Meyer-Alkin (KMO) test was used and to evaluate the appropriateness of the data of the researcher-made questionnaire, the obtained coefficient was almost satisfactory (0.690: KMO).
Bartlett sphericity test ( = 209.932 and sig 0.0001) was also calculated which was statistically significant. Then, using the principal component analysis method (varimax rotation) and eigenvalues higher than one, only one factor was obtained. Then, confirmatory factor analysis was used to confirm the exploratory factor analysis. First, to determine the confirmatory factor analysis and whether the data are suitable for this model or model, model fit indices were used. The value of χ2 with the value of 74.508 and the degree of freedom of 90 is non-significant and indicates that the data fit. Also, other indicators show that the data have a good fit with the model. The fitness index χ2 / df with a value of 0.828 is less than the value of 3. In addition, fit indices GFI = 0.966, AGFI = 0.955, CFI = 1,000 and NFI = 0.965 above 0.90 indicate that the data model is appropriate. Similarly, the root mean square error of the approximation (RMSEA) was 0.000, which emphasizes that the model is acceptable and less than the standard value of 0.08. In general, model fit indices indicate the fit of data with the model. The results showed that environmental and structural factors have a significant effect on the development of public sports to promote health (Sig <0.01). Other research results indicate the effectiveness of all environmental and structural factors in the development of public sports to promote health (Sig <0.01).
Conclusion: It can be said that physical activity improves mental health, motor regulation and diagnostic function. It has been found that the prevalence of mental illness is lower in people who are physically active. The benefits of physical activity can be enjoyed even if they start late. Common diseases of the elderly include cardiovascular disease, arthritis, osteoporosis, and high blood pressure. Although being active from an early age can prevent many diseases, regular exercise can prevent disability and pain from these diseases. However, it seems that despite the different climates of cities in Khuzestan province and the existence of numerous natural spaces such as forests, mountains and sea, this issue is less considered by those involved in public sports and is likely due to traditional values and beliefs of this platform to increase participation. People in public sports in Khuzestan should be less considered by policy makers and planners. Therefore, by considering Islamic and moral values and traditional beliefs, sports-entertainment programs such as indigenous and local games and adventure and emotional sports in accordance with natural resources in each city can be designed to be performed in open and public spaces to be able to It injected vitality and health into the people. In general, the results emphasize the importance of environmental and structural factors and the beneficial effects of exercise in the prevention of chronic diseases and the development of public sports to promote health and the role of officials in using these components to promote public health. According to the results of the research, it is suggested that due to the miracle of mass media, especially radio and television, special programs to motivate people according to the new way of life and the introduction of new non-communicable diseases, with emphasis on sports. , Put on their agenda.
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Type of Study: Research | Subject: Public Health

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