Volume 27, Issue 12 (3-2021)                   RJMS 2021, 27(12): 90-99 | Back to browse issues page

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Amerian D, Nemti N A, Azarbayjani M A, BgherPoor T. Effect of aerobic training and octopamine on stress oxidative and PPARγ gene expression in brown adipose tissue of male rats fed with deep frying oil. RJMS 2021; 27 (12) :90-99
URL: http://rjms.iums.ac.ir/article-1-6337-en.html
Islamic Azad University, Damghan Branch, Semnan, Iran , Nnemati258@gmail.com
Abstract:   (2147 Views)
Background & Aims: In the past decade, brown adipose tissue has been recognized as a key player in controlling the metabolism of energy and active organ and endocrine. Brown adipose tissue contains lipid stores that provide a rapid supply of fatty acids to produce heat and maintain body temperature, thermogenesis. Brown adipose tissue contains a large number of mitochondria whose abnormal function leads to lipid accumulation, insulin resistance, and oxidative stress. Modern life has led to an increase in the consumption of fast food, followed by the increase in use of deep-heated oils. The hydroperoxides formed in deep-heated oil are unstable and decompose rapidly to become free radicals. Free radicals and oxidative stress in heated oils affect the body's energy sources such as mitochondria. Reactive oxygen species (ROS) has a dual role in brown adipose tissue, its high amount suppresses antioxidant defense, but its small amount participates as a second messenger in cellular signaling processes at the physiological level. ROS induces apoptosis and cell death, reduces oxygen consumption in adipocytes, blocks the oxidation of fatty acids, and leads to lipid accumulation. Increased ROS also prevents the differentiation of adipocytes by the Peroxisome proliferation-activated receptor gamma (PPARγ). PPARγ, as a major transcription factor in the general differentiation program of brown adipocytes, induces the expression of UCP-1 during adipogenesis, is involved in lipid homeostasis, glucose regulation, and inhibition of insulin resistance. One of the side effects of using heated oils is obesity, which can play a role in reducing PPARγ expression. Octopamine is an amine and antioxidant that has a structure similar to the neurotransmitter neuroadrenaline that causes lipolysis, and this condition is more affected by the p-octopamine subset. Therefore the purpose of present study was to determine the effect of aerobic training and octopamine on stress oxidative and PPARγ gene expression in brown adipose tissue of male rats fed with deep frying oil.
Methods: In an experimental study, 30 adult male Wistar rats weighing an average of 300 to 350 g and aged 8 weeks were purchased. All rats were kept in polycarbonate cages (5 mice per cage) at 22 2 2 ° C, 55% humidity and under the light and dark cycle for 12:12 hours without restriction on water and food. Rats were randomly divided into five groups: healthy control (n=6), DFO (n=6), aerobic training + DFO (n=6), octopamine + DFO (n=6) and aerobic training + octopamine + DFO (n=6). Intraperitoneal injection of 10 ml/kg of octopamine and Gavage of deep frying oil were done five times a week and every day, respectively.
In order to adapt the rats in the aerobic training group, before starting the main training program, the rats in this group ran at a speed of 9 m / min for 20 minutes for a week. The aerobic exercise protocol consisted of 4 weeks of aerobic exercise and 5 sessions per week. The training session included 5 minutes of warm-up at 7 m / min and 5 minutes of cooling at 5 m / min. The intensity of training started in the first week with 50% vo2max and a speed of 16 m / min, and in the last week it reached 65% vo2max and a speed of 26 m / min. To prepare deep frying oil, 8 liters of sunflower oil was heated for 190 consecutive days at a temperature of 190 to 200 ° C for 4 consecutive days.48 hours after the last training session and 8 hours of fasting, all rats were anesthetized with chloroform and then sacrificed. The brown adipose tissue was immediately removed from the body and stored in a nitrogen tank at -80 ° C. PPARγ gene expression was measured by Real time PCR and ROS concentration by ELISA. Independent t-test, two-way analysis of variance and Bonferoni post hoc tests were used to analyze the data. All the analyses were done by SPSS software version 21 and the charts were drawn using Microsoft Excel software version 16. The significance level was p<0.05.
Results: The results showed that consumption of deep frying oil induced significant decrease in gene expression of PPARγ (p<0.05) and significant increase in ROS (p<0.05) compared to healthy control group. The aerobic training caused significant decrease in ROS and significant increase in gene expression of PPARγ (p<0.05) compared to DFO group. Interaction effect of aerobic training and octopamine caused the significant increase in ROS (p<0.05) and non significant difference in PPARγ gene expression (p>0.05) in comparison with DFO group.
Conclusion: According to the results of the present study, consumption of deep frying oil has significantly increased ROS and significantly decreased PPARγ gene expression. During the process of heating the oil, ROS is produced, which leads to oxidative stress, and because these products are absorbed by food and enter the circulatory system after eating, they disrupt mitochondrial function. Mitochondrial dysfunction increases the amount of ROS. As the increase in ROS prevents the expression and differentiation of adipocytes by PPARγ, the amount of expression of the PPARγ gene is also reduced. On the other hand, the intensity and duration of aerobic training may have been such that by adapting to brown adipose tissue and activating antioxidant pathway factors, including increased expression of Nuclear factor erythroid 2 [NF-E2]-related factor 2  gene (Nrf2) and its binding to Antioxidant responsive element (ARE) increases antioxidants enzymes such as glutathione peroxidase (GPx) and catalase (CAT) and reduces oxidative stress caused by deep heated oil in the mitochondria and further increases the expression of PPARγ gene. Also, exercise training is considered as a sympathetic stimulus and by stimulating the sympathetic system has increased the release of noradrenaline and increased the expression of PPARγ gene in brown adipose tissue. It seems that the interaction of aerobic exercise and octopamine can improve oxidative stress in brown adipose tissue. The octopamine, due to its antioxidant properties, has reduced ROS due to the consumption of deep-heated oils and in terms of its noadrenaline- like properties, has led to increased expression of PPARγ gene.
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Type of Study: Research | Subject: Exercise Physiology

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