Volume 27 -                   RJMS 2020, 27 - : 1-14 | Back to browse issues page

Research code: IR.GUMS.REC.1398.121
Ethics code: IR.GUMS.REC.1398.121

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Bagheri Sheykhangafshe F, Abolghasemi A, Kafi Masouleh S M. Comparison of Body Image Concerns and Dark Triad Traits of Personality in Supplement and Steroidal Bodybuilders. RJMS 2020; 27 :1-14
URL: http://rjms.iums.ac.ir/article-1-5995-en.html
University of Guilan, Rasht, Iran , abolghasemi1344@guilan.ac.ir
Abstract:   (2511 Views)
Background & Aims: Steroid drug abuse has increased significantly in recent years, leading to a wide range of physical and psychological side effects for bodybuilders. For this reason, many researchers have studied not only the prevalence and dangers of arbitrary drug use for individuals, but also in recent years the psychological and personality characteristics of individuals that may affect They also examined whether it affects their consumption. In relation to professional sports, the abuse of illicit substances and drugs is considered as doping, which unfortunately a significant number of athletes are directed to these drugs due to lack of proper knowledge and advice. In this regard, bodybuilding is one of the sports in which the use of illicit drugs and doping has been reported to be high. Concerns about body image are more common in adolescence and adulthood and are one of the leading causes of eating disorders among men and women. In recent years, it has affected many people due to the development of media and fashion industry in societies and their emphasis on physical attractiveness. In this regard, young people go to cosmetic surgeries, slimming pills and drugs and many dietary supplements to look attractive and unique in the eyes of others. Although there are concerns about body image in both men and women, various studies have shown that in recent years, due to the growth and expansion of social media, men are more physically fit than ever before. They pay attention. In the field of sports, personality traits are very important and many studies have examined it. In fact, in order to predict many of the athletes' cognitive, emotional, and behavioral states, we need to examine and evaluate their personality traits. For example, athletes are more extroverted and aroused than ordinary people; male athletes are more violent and angry than women. Recent research, however, has shown that athletes also differ in their dark personality traits. dark triad traits personality that are of great importance at the clinical level and consist of Machiavellianism, narcissism, and psychopathy. These traits are in a conceptual cluster due to having common dimensions such as undesirable social nature, self-centeredness and deception, hypocrisy, lack of empathy and aggression. The purpose of this study was to compare the body image concerns and dark triad traits personality in supplement and steroid bodybuilders in Rasht city in 2019.
Methods: The method of this research is causal-comparative descriptive. The statistical population consisted of all supplement and steroid bodybuilders in Rasht in 2019 from 130 athletes (65 supplement bodybuilders and 65 steroidal bodybuilders). athletes' inclusion criteria included: personal satisfaction, masculinity, age range 18 to 35, and anabolic steroid use for at least 2 years. Exclusion criteria also include: lack of 5 years of bodybuilding experience, visible physical and mental disorders, part-time abandonment of questionnaires and a chance to answer questions. After receiving the code of ethics from the ethics committee of Guilan University of Medical Sciences (IR.GUMS.REC.1398.121), to collect data, clubs with high steroid use were first identified and initial arrangements were made. It was done with respected officials of bodybuilding clubs. Bodybuilders who used steroids and athletes who exercised with authorized supplements were then selected to collect information purposefully, and the purpose of the study was fully explained to them. After obtaining permission from the relevant instructor, they were asked to complete the research questionnaires carefully and not leave a question unanswered as much as possible. Each subject individually answered the questionnaires of Littleton, Axsom & Pury (2005) and dark triad traits personality of Jonasson and Webster (2010) for about 15 to 20 minutes individually. Data were also analyzed using SPSS-24 software and multivariate analysis of variance.
Results: The results indicated that there was a significant difference between the two groups in terms of body image concerns and dark triad traits personality (P<0.01). Steroid bodybuilders were more Body dissatisfaction (75/40), Performance defect (107/27), Machiavelli’s (138/85), Narcissism (14/90) and Psychopathy (38/66) than supplement bodybuilders. The age range of bodybuilders was 18 to 35 years and the average age was 24 years in this study. In terms of steroid bodybuilding education, 22 have a diploma, 28 have a bachelor's degree and 15 have a master's degree; supplement bodybuilders had 20 diplomas, 27 bachelors and 18 masters. Also, 58.6% of the steroid group were single and 67.1% of supplement bodybuilders were married. 55% of the bodybuilders in the steroid group mostly used steroids (injectable) and 45% orally (pills). On the other hand, Boldenone, Stanozolol, Deca, Trenbolone and Sustanon are the most widely used among bodybuilders on steroid and Protein Casein, Creatine, Multivitamins and Mass were among the supplement bodybuilders. 48.6% of bodybuilders reported good sleep, but 4.4% of steroid bodybuilders reported moderate sleep quality, and about 35% used sleeping pills. The average number of meals and water intake of bodybuilders was 5 meals and 4 liters per day.
Conclusion:  Many bodybuilders who exercise professionally attach great importance to their muscle mass and do their best to achieve an ideal, attractive and dry body that is admired by others. To be placed. In fact, steroid bodybuilders turn to these drugs because their muscles grow very quickly and they can build muscle with the exercises they do; This can include a variety of strict, carbohydrate-free diets and can lead to eating and sleeping problems over time. Steroid bodybuilders have higher testosterone levels than the other group, which in turn increases anger, ambition, and Machiavellian behaviors. With increasing doses of steroids, we should soon see abnormal changes in muscle mass, which in turn causes a false narcissism in the athlete and makes the athlete feel that he is in the spotlight of others and may Take higher doses to keep your body completely dry. The findings of this study showed that bodybuilders who take anabolic-androgenic steroids are unsatisfied with their muscular and physical appearance, enjoy high levels of narcissism, and seek power and status in any way they can. Also, as the abuse of these substances has many physical and psychological consequences for bodybuilders, it is recommended that sports coaches and psychologists reduce the risk of progressive injuries significantly by monitoring them.
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Type of Study: Research | Subject: Exercise Physiology

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