Volume 26, Issue 7 (10-2019)                   RJMS 2019, 26(7): 10-23 | Back to browse issues page

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Radfar H, Bavardi Moghadam E, Sanei M. Evaluation of knee joint proprioception changes forces following a period of a static and dynamic stretching of hamstrings, quadriceps and gastrocnemius muscles. RJMS 2019; 26 (7) :10-23
URL: http://rjms.iums.ac.ir/article-1-5516-en.html
MSc in Corrective Exercise and Sport Injury, Faculty of Physical Education and Sport Sciences, Kharazmi University, Tehran, Iran , bavardi.e@gmail.com
Abstract:   (4877 Views)
Background: One of the most important factors in the proper functioning of the military is the accurate assessment of feedback. Among these, the proper knee joint proprioception is one of the most important factors in this regard. This study was performed to evaluate knee joint proprioception changes in military forces following a period of a static and dynamic stretching of hamstrings, quadriceps and gastrocnemius muscles.
Methods: The study was semi-experimental. The population of the study included the men AJA air defense base of Khatam al-Anbia (PBUH), among which, 60 individuals were randomly divided into three groups of 20; Static (height: 173.27, Weight: 78.14), Dynamic (Height: 175.08, Weight: 76.92), and Control (Height: 176.12, Weight: 80.09). The subjects in both groups of static and dynamic stretching performed their group-specific stretching programs. The goniometric method of digital images was used to measure the knee joint proprioception using AutoCAD software. One-way variance analysis test and paired t-test were used for results. The significance level in the present paper was considered to be 95% (α≤0.05) (SPSS 22).
Results: The results of the knee joint proprioception variables showed a significant difference with the control group (slight increase), between the static groups (decrease, p=0.05) and the dynamics (decrease, p=0.004). There was also a significant difference in the measured variables in the in-group comparison in the static group (decrease, p=0323) and dynamics (decrease, p=0.002). (Reducing the absolute error values of the target angle reconstruction and, consequently, improving the knee joint propensity sensitivity).
Conclusion: Static and dynamic stretching exercises in the lower extremity can possibly affect muscle spikes, increase muscle temperature, trigger the activation phenomenon, repeat the movement in a specific pattern, and ultimately the phenomenon of post-traptional sensory drainage, increase the sensitivity of muscle receptors and ultimately improve the sense of knee joint condition. Since any proprioception sense of depression can lead to mechanical instability and ultimately cause the joint to be prone to mild blows and ultimately damage, stretching exercises may also change the muscle spindle properties and increase the knee proprioception. Also, dynamic stretching improves the ability to perform better in the knee joint proprioception variable relative to static stretchinglearning of nursing students as well as accepting responsibility professionals in medical sciences.
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Type of Study: Research | Subject: Sports Physiotherapy

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