Volume 24, Issue 156 (6-2017)                   RJMS 2017, 24(156): 9-21 | Back to browse issues page

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The relationship between sodium intake and some bone health indices in retired female employees in Yazd. RJMS 2017; 24 (156) :9-21
URL: http://rjms.iums.ac.ir/article-1-3842-en.html
Abstract:   (6699 Views)

Background: Excessive consumption of fast foods that are high in salt is one of the most important aspects of changes in food habits. The results of Studies on the effects of sodium on bone metabolism have been inconsistent. Definitive answer to the question that Sodium restriction can be associated with a lower incidence of osteoporosis is lacking. What the necessity of designing this study reinforces is the lack of findings with the approach of examining the effects of sodium on bone in our country.
Methods: This study is a cross-sectional study on 185 women aged 45 to 70 years pensioner of Ministry of Education. Sodium intake was evaluated in the two forms including 24 hour recall and a 12-hour urine sample. To assess bone health, ORAI index was calculated for each individual. Urinary calcium, phosphorus, potassium and serum vitamin D and PTH were measured. The ANOVA test was used to investigate the association of sodium and laboratory variables.
Results: With the increase in urinary sodium, calcium and potassium urinary excretion rate increases. This change is statistically significant respectively (p=0.003), (p=0.001). Changes in urinary sodium levels in those groups ORAI (Sort by rating) is not significant (p=0.933).
Conclusion: In this study, although in parallel with high sodium intake, urinary calcium and potassium have been increased, there was no relationship between sodium and ORAI.

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Type of Study: Research | Subject: Nutrition Sciences

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