The purpose of this investigation was to survey the epidemiological and other contributing factors on the establishment of fungal infections among patients visiting Hazrat Rasul-e Akram Hospital in Tehran. Five hundred patients suspected of having fungal skin infections were referred to the mycology lab and the specific fungal etiology was determined by both culture methods as well as slide culture observation.
We were able to isolate a total of 253 fungi which included 51.4% dermatophytes, 20.1% Erythrasma, 18.6% candidiasis, 8.3% pityriasis versicolor and 1.6% nail Aspergillus.
Dermatophytes consisted the most common etiologic agent ( Χ 2 =185, P<0.001), and the most common loci of infection in both sexes were groin(26.4% in male and 54.7% in females)(P<0.001, Χ 2 =29 and Χ 2 =178.2 respectively). Epidermophyton flucosum was the most common dermatophyte isolated ( Χ 2 =33.7, P<0.001) and its source was either from the pelvic region or the feet.
There was also a higher prevalence of fungal infections among those above 40 years of age (46.2%) ( Χ 2 =164, P<0.001).