Background: Today, cardiovascular disease is considered as one of the most common serious illnesses in developing countries. The purpose of this study is to determine the effectiveness of cognitive-behavioral stress management training on the reduction of the dysfunctional attitudes and stress in adolescent with coronary heart disease.
Methods: This study was single-subject experimental design. The population of study included adolescents with coronary heart disease that were admitted in Shaheed Madani Cardiology Hospital of Tabriz between February-April 2013. Sampling for this study was convenient-available. Data collection were Harry stress test, dysfunctional attitudes scale and researcher made Package. In accordance with the implementation plan, graphing and graphical analysis was used to evaluate the effectiveness of the interventions. Also to analyze the results, percent improvement formulation and effect size were used.
Results: To evaluate the effectiveness of interventions, percent improvement formulation and effect size was used. The results showed that the size effect of the dysfunctional attitudes in the first subject was 8.09, second subject 6.73 and in third subject was 5.32. Effect sizes are greater than 2.70 and indicate that the effect size is a major component of dysfunctional attitudes in all three subjects. Also the size effect on the stress in the first subject was 5.63, second subject 6.50 and in the third subject was 5.95. This suggests that effect size is a major component of stress in all three subjects.
Conclusion: Analysis of the data revealed that cognitive-behavioral stress management training had a significant impact on reduction of the dysfunctional attitudes and stress in adolescent with coronary heart disease.