Volume 21, Issue 124 (10-2014)                   RJMS 2014, 21(124): 1-8 | Back to browse issues page

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Moghiseh Z, Najafpoor A A, Hassanzadeh-Khayyat M, Dadban Shahamat Y. Survey of using of analysis methods in determination of diazinon pesticide concentration in drinking water resources. RJMS 2014; 21 (124) :1-8
URL: http://rjms.iums.ac.ir/article-1-3365-en.html
Mashhad University of Medical Sciences
Abstract:   (6552 Views)

Background: The most used method for environmental monitoring of organic compounds such as pesticides in small amounts particularly is chromatography.

Methods: The liquid-liquid extraction was performed using dichloromethane solvent for sixty water samples each with a volume of 250 cc, were gathered from 10 wells and springs in the villages of Shandiz and Torqabeh in winter season and the concentrations were measured using HPTLC and HPLC system. The data were analyzed by SPSS software (Version 16). p<0.05 was considered statistically significant.

Results: The results indicated that an average of Recovery was 92.80±12.12. Also, in winter season the average concentration of diazinon using HPTLC and HPLC were 0.01, 0.58 µg/l, respectively. Any concentration of diazinon in the studied areas springs was not detected while the wells of Shandiz (with an average concentration of 0.71µg/l) were contaminated more than the wells of Torqabeh (with an average concentration of 0.52µg/l) measured by HPLC. Diazinon was not observed in water sources of Torqabe. In Shandiz, wells (with an average concentration of 0.018µg/l) were more contaminated than springs, measured by HPTLC.

Conclusion: HPLC system analysis measure the diazinon more accurately and it was observed a significant difference between HTPLC and HPLC systems (p=0.001). Comparison of two regions showed that Shandiz was more contaminated than Torqabeh in winter season

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Type of Study: Research | Subject: Public Health

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