Background: In recent years the use of Prostate Specific Antigen test (PSA) has
reduced the mortality rate of prostate cancer. Certain factors by affecting the
levels of PSA, decrease or increase prostate cancer detection. Some studies suggest the effect of body weight and Body Mass
Index (BMI) on PSA, while some others are contrary
to the opinion mentioned.. Hence, in this study we examined the
relationship between BMI and PSA.
Methods: In the
present study 140
patients with LUTS (Lower Urinary Tract Symptoms) that had referred to the Urology
clinic of Imam Reza Hospital
(affiliated to Mashhad University
of Medical Sciences), were studied. Patients with prostate cancer, prostatitis, recurrent UTI, taking finasteride and
history of prostate surgery
were excluded. The data of body weight, BMI,
prostate volume, PSA and Free PSA were collected. Patients were divided in two groups group A with
a BMI less than 27 and group B with BMI equal and greater than 27. The data were analyzed with
T-test, Correlation and SPSS
(version 15).
Results: Mean of age in patients was 63.6 ±9.98.Two groups in
regard to age, prostate volume,
and Free
PSA did not differ statistically. Mean PSA level
in group A was
3.9±4.3 and in group B is 2.7±1.3. There is a significant difference in
mean PSA level between two groups (p=0.04). We tested the correlation between PSA levels and
BMI which were inversely
correlated with increased BMI (p=0.04, R=-0.175).
Conclusions: This study showed that PSA
is reduced with increasing BMI. However BMI does not affect Free PSA, thus the ratio between
total PSA and free PSA rises, delaying prostate cancer diagnosis. The
result of the present study showed that in different BMI levels physicians need
different PSA cut
points to decide on performing prostate