Volume 20, Issue 111 (9-2013)                   RJMS 2013, 20(111): 16-29 | Back to browse issues page

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Bijeh N, Abbasian S. Comparison of effects of ramadan fasting and regular aerobic exercise on lipocalin-2 (lcn2), lipid profile and insulin resistance in non-active obese men. RJMS 2013; 20 (111) :16-29
URL: http://rjms.iums.ac.ir/article-1-2715-en.html
University of Tehran
Abstract:   (7501 Views)

Background: The aim of this study was to compare the effects of fasting during Ramadan (as a dietary pattern) and regular aerobic exercise on LCN2, lipid profile and insulin resistance indexes in non-active obese men.


Methods: This study was a semi-experimental research with a repeated measures design. In this study 18 obese men with a range of 40 to 50 years old and BMI over 30 kg per square meter after a public call among of 70 subjects were selected randomly. Subjects were divided into fasting (N=9) and fasting and exercise (N=9) groups. The first group did only fasting and the second group did exercise for 27 sessionsin addition to fasting. In order to evaluate the changes in the month of Ramadan, blood samples were taken four different times. Repeated measures analysis of variance in the level of p <0/05 were used to analyse the data.


Results: Results showed that LCN2 levels in both groups decreased in Ramadan month however, this reduction was significant only in the fasting and exercise group (p<0/05). Also, both groups had decreased levels of insulin resistance that significant reduction was noticed in the fasting group (p<0/05). In addition, LCN2 levels in the fourth week of Ramadan was significantly associated with levels of insulin resistance in obese men (p<0/05).


Conclusions: Results of the research showed that reduced levels of LCN2 by both fasting and exercise may lead to decrease of insulin resistance in obese men.

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Type of Study: Research | Subject: Sports Medicine

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