Abstract: (10318 Views)
Malnutrition affected many of children in the world, and due to population growth, rend of that is increasing. For reaching to children health promotion must know about their nutrition and related risk factors. In this survey, frequency of malnutrition and related risk factors in under 5 year children of karaj is studied. In a cross-sectional study, 600 under-5 year children by multistage random sampling and by questionnaire, interview and house to house in karaj is studied. Demographic anthropometric, health and measles immunization variables are measured. Instruments of collecting data were scale, questionnaire and metric mesurment. data analysis performed by Epi 6 and SPSS ver 9. Anthropometric data was compared to national center for health statisite(NCHS). 13.9%, 20.3% and 4.9% of studied children were moderate to severe underweight, stunted and wasted respectively. 49.7% were girls and 50.3% were boys. Underweight girls were more than boys. Mother literacy under Diploma, birth weight under 2.5kg, under 3 years duration with previous birth, non breast feeding and housekeeper mother job were more in malnurished children than normal children. Important risk factor of malnutrition with significant statistical ralerionship were birth weight under 2.5kg, under 3 years with previous birth and under diploma of mother literacy.
Type of Study:
Research |
Community Medicine