Volume 31, Issue 1 (3-2024)                   RJMS 2024, 31(1): 1-8 | Back to browse issues page

Research code: 01
Ethics code: IR.IAU.SARI.REC.1403.274
Clinical trials code: 01

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Hasankhani Kouhestani F, Rostami M, Hosseini S. Identifying Factors Affecting the Mental Image of Consumers of Medical-Health Equipment. RJMS 2024; 31 (1) :1-8
URL: http://rjms.iums.ac.ir/article-1-8888-en.html
Marketing Management, Department of Management, Shahrood Branch, Islamic Azad University, Shahrood, Iran , fahimehasankhani@gmail.com
Abstract:   (339 Views)

Background & Aims: A consumer's mental image refers to a set of perceptions, feelings, and beliefs that people form in their minds about a product, brand, or company. This image includes various aspects such as product quality, reliability, brand reputation, previous experiences, and advertising messages, all of which influence how the consumer perceives the value and desirability of the product. The consumer's mental image is created based on direct experiences, opinions of others, and information received through advertising and marketing, and acts as a key factor in purchasing decisions. In marketing, the mental image of the consumer plays a vital role because this image determines how the product or brand is perceived in the market and to what extent it can attract the trust and interest of consumers. A positive mental image can lead to increased customer loyalty, stronger emotional connections with the brand, and greater willingness to make repeat purchases. On the other hand, a negative mental image can lead to a decrease in trust and purchase motivation and weaken the brand's position in the market. Marketers use the mental image of the consumer as a strategic tool to be able to design their advertising messages more targeted and effective. This image helps them better understand the needs and expectations of consumers and provide products and services that are in line with the values ​​and preferences of customers. In addition, image-based marketing helps promote brand reputation and create competitive differentiation in the market, making consumers feel that the brand in question is the best choice to meet their needs. The medical and health equipment industry is of particular importance due to the rapid growth of demand and the increase in health needs in society. The Iranian market is facing unique challenges and characteristics that make it necessary to understand the factors affecting the purchase of this equipment. The challenge of this research lies in the fact that despite the growth and development of the medical and health equipment industry, there is still no complete understanding of the key factors influencing the purchase decision of Iranian consumers. One of the basic challenges in this field is the difference in the advertising approach of health-oriented products compared to ordinary goods. Factors such as price, quality, brand, technology, availability, product information, and even advertising and public awareness of product applications are possible factors. But to develop efficient and optimal marketing and sales strategies, it is necessary to identify and analyze these factors in the specific context of Iran's market and its social, economic, and cultural characteristics in a precise and systematic manner. Knowing the key factors affecting the purchase of medical and health equipment in Iran not only helps the manufacturers and distributors of these products to optimize their marketing strategies with a better understanding of the needs and expectations of customers, but it can also help consumers to make a more informed and optimal choice. The importance of research in the field of identifying the factors affecting the mental image of consumers of health-medical equipment in Iran is due to its wide impact on the fields of health and treatment, economic and social. In general, the results of this research help to improve the health system, improve medical services, and create more transparency in the medical equipment market, all of which lead to increasing the trust and satisfaction of consumers, and considering the importance of the exchange of medical equipment and health in the society, knowing the factors It is important to affect the mental image of the consumer, so this study aimed to identify the factors affecting the mental image of the consumer of medical-health equipment.
Methods: The current research was applied, exploratory and qualitative research, and the field study was conducted using database theory, which was approved by the Code of Ethics Commission of the Islamic Azad University of Sari branch with the code IR.IAU.SARI.REC.1403.274. Instead of testing its hypotheses, database theory explores the production of knowledge and the construction of a theory arising from the context of society and the perspective of subjects. The statistical population of the present study was specialists and managers of companies active in the medical equipment industry of Mazandaran province. Sampling was done by targeted sampling; in this way, the companies and people who were considered to be better options were investigated and the number of samples continued until theoretical saturation was reached. Theoretical saturation means that no new items are added to the research findings by repeating the interview. According to this issue, the sample size was finally 12 cases. Data were collected using in-depth semi-structured and unstructured interviews and were analyzed using the grounded theory method. In the process of database theory, it was emphasized by using the steps of data analysis including open, central, and selective coding and developing a logical model or a visual description of the generated theory.
Results: The effective factors were classified into four groups, which included structural, economic, organizational, and marketing components.
Conclusion: In general, the investigation of factors affecting the mental image of consumers of medical and health equipment shows that all four categories of manufacturing and production, economic, organizational, and marketing components mutually affect consumers' decision-making. On the one hand, quality and innovation in production along with safety standards can attract the trust and confidence of customers and encourage them to buy quality products. On the other hand, economic aspects such as appropriate pricing and access to financial resources make medical and health equipment accessible to a wider range of consumers. The role of organizational and legal policies in creating a strong legal and regulatory platform for purchasing equipment also helps to maintain quality and reduce related risks. Finally, efficient marketing strategies including targeted advertising and understanding customer needs can lead to customers' preference for more authentic and quality brands.
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Type of Study: Research | Subject: Clinical Psychiatry

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